Messing With My Head - Chapter 32

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You're welcome, I figured it's been long enough. ;)
Also this writing is AWFUL. I don't know how to write scenes like this.
Phil's PoV

I turned the key in the door, thoughts ablaze. Within such a small time space so much had happened that the line between fiction and reality - what was just a figment of my imagination and what events had just occurred - was so blurred it may as well have not existed. It all circulated around my head, filtering through again and again as my exhausted mind struggled to comprehend it all. It was an internal tornado so distracting I didn't even notice I'd unlocked the door until I heard the click.

I don't know what I'd expected when I'd opened the door, but it wasn't the sounds of laboured breath so harsh it was the dominant ((Oh god I need to stop reading smut. Or just need to delete my Wattpad.)) sound echoing throughout the apartment, only bested by the choked sobs occasionally stealing the spotlight.

I hurried to the supposed source (the living-room) and frantically searched for him, "Dan? Oh ba-bub, what's wrong?"

"Phil? Phil! Oh thank god you're safe!" He cried, his relief muffling his worry but not killing it. Without hesitation I sat next to him and opened my arms, offering for him to lay his head on my shoulder - which he gladly accepted. "Ph-Phil I-I thought you were-were..."

"Shh, it's ok bub. I'm here, I'm safe." Though I wasn't too sure.

Dan spent a while just sniffling into my chest, trying to steady his breathing. Once he did, though still shaking, he began to speak with a mixture of emotion I didn't have time to decipher, "Phil... I broke up with Connor."

I was speechless as I processed it, mind whirling with questions and devoid of answers. "Why? I thought you were happy together?" As I realised what this meant, I had to hide my happiness under a blanket of confusion. For now, at least.

"He was... But I don't think I was. I thought I liked the jealousy at first, but it was more of a obstacle than I thought it would be... He was respectful most of the time but sometimes he treated me like a kid. I... God, I don't know. I don't know Phil." He rambled, and I rubbed his back while taking in every word with interest. I was going to say something but he beat me to it, "I just want a relationship Phil, I want someone to cuddle me! But nobody wants me because I'm a fat, useless, ugly mess and - Phil why does nobody love me?" He began to break down again as I lifted his chin to look into my eyes.

"Oh, stop that. Daniel James Howell, you are the most incredible, caring and the most amazing person I have ever met in my life. Damnit Dan, how can you not see that? Honestly, your beauty is messing with my head. You're just... God, Dan, I can't put it into words.

You could have anyone, and we both know it. Your problem is that no man deserves to have you as his wonderful boyfriend." I rambled, staring straight into his eyes and admiring the brown sparkle as he began to tear up yet again.

"Dan, the things I would do to have a guy like you... I like you, Dan. I hate it because you don't like me back, but-" And then I was silenced by the last thing I'd expect.

I kissed back and rested my hands on his face while his rested knotted around my neck. It wasn't long, really, but it was enough to fill my bones with elation and I swear I'd never felt a kiss like this - the raw emotion spilled through his lips onto mine and I held him closer, one hand stroking his soft cheek and the other moving to his small waist, holding him gently.

He pulled away first, only to gasp for air, look into my eyes and smile with a fond smile, beautiful dimples appearing. "I like you too, Phil." He began laughing and I couldn't help but to join in, pulling him in for another long kiss. Really, it was still a glorified peck, but it still felt incredible.

"I just... Thank you. Thank you, Phil."

"I should be asking you that. God, what are you doing to me?"

"Well, as you said, I'm messing with your head."

"Damn right you are." And I pulled him in for another.

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