Get Out (Part 1) - Chapter 30

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Assuming I don't change the title, that could be a fall out boy song (In case I do it used to be I Should Feel Regret (But I Don't). Oh wait I changed it nvm

TW: Arguments and a breakup

Phil's POV

Our heads turned to the source of the noise so fast we could have gotten whiplash. "Dan, just go back to sleep." I whispered gently, my anger dissolving when I saw him yawn.

"Actually, I need to have a chat with you, Daniel." Connor growled, and all my rage returned. "Why the hell is he here at 5 in the morning?" Dan opened his mouth to answer, but before he could mutter a syllable, Connor cut him off. "Do you know who this is?!"

"Of course I do-"

"No you don't, Daniel! In the living room, now! And you..." He took a moment to glare at me, and I glared right back, "Stay away from us."

"Whatever, I'm going out." I snarled, grabbing my jumper and a hoodie.

"But Phil, it's- Connor!" Dan began, but was halted when Connor grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the living room, fire in his eyes.

"See you, Dan." I grumbled, taking the spare keys and slamming the front door.

Dan's POV

"Explain." Connor commanded, pushing me onto the sofa. So I did - I explained everything from how we met online and in real life and how he helped me when Georgia died. "Baby, that's sweet and all, but you don't even know his last name."

I paused thinking how to combat that. "He doesn't tell me his name because it reminds him of his parents too much..."

"Oh, sweetheart... I need to tell you who - or what - Phil really is."

"What-" I started, but he hushed me gently, not really angry anymore. Still, his face was unreadable.

"Phil is a crime lord."

My eyes widened and my throat dried. No, my mind screamed, which my mouth repeated. "No! You're lying!" His gaze on me hardened and his voice had an irritated tone to it.

"Why would I lie about this, Dan? He's dangerous!"

"He's not!"

"He is, Dan! How many times-"

"Get out!" Silence.

"What did you just say?" He growled, fury radiating. It scared me a bit, but I stood my ground, assuring I looked as mad as he did, though I was terrified.

"Get out of my house, Connor! And don't come back until you stop lying to me because of your stupid jealousy issues!"

"Daniel James-"

"No, Connor Fisher! Stop acting like you have power over me! I may be shy, anxious, and a bottom, but I'm not just going to be a pushover! We are equals and the sooner you see that, the sooner you'll be forgiven! If you can't accept I'm not your toy, then it's over!" I cried.


"Connor for god's sake get out!" I choked out, tears pricking my eyes as his were pleading,  beginning a response before I cut him off, weakly whimpering "Out..." once again.

As I sniffled, gaze on the floor, the only thing to alert me of his departure was the violent slam of the door.

I sank back into the sofa as the reality sunk in. I just broke up with my boyfriend.

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