Don't Cry In Front of Father - Chapter 12

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I am so, so sorry.
TW: Domestic abuse

Phil's POV—

I stared at the snow that fell outside onto my garden through the foggy living room window. Any other time I would have been ecstatic at the sight of the white crystals falling from the heavens, but I wasn't feeling that merry right now.

"Sweetheart?" I didn't bother turning from the glass as my mum's voice rang, gentle and caring, like her personality. "Is something wrong, darling?"

"It's nothing mum..."

"Phil, dear, I have raised you your entire life. I know something's bothering you. Is it Isabelle?"

"No, mum. It's just..." I took a deep breath, just confused with everything. "You remember me telling you about a new friend I had made?"

"Oh, yes! Dan, right?"

"Y-Yeah. Remember how I told you something you promised not to tell father?" She looked around the room before hastily whispering:

"That you like him?" I nodded solemnly. "Is he straight?"

"No, but he has a boyfriend..." She wrapped me in a warm embrace and I let myself sink into it.

"My poor baby..." I feel like such a baby right now, crying in my mother's arms because my crush doesn't like me back.

"Why are you hugging?" The intimidating voice of father growled.

"Nigel, he's upset! Please just leave us for 5 minutes?" He took slow steps towards us, fire in his blazing eyes. "You, let the the boy handle his own problems!"

My mum very clearly held fear in her eyes, clearly matching mine, because we both knew what was coming next.


She stumbled back from the hit and seized her cheek with tears in her eyes. Her bottom lip trembled and it was obvious she was trying to resist the urges to weep. We both knew better than to cry in front of father.

"And you..." He turned to me, eyes burning worse than the hottest fires of hell, "You are to be the leader of the Lion's Fang one day, you shall not cry in your mother's arms like a worthless infant! I raised a strong man, not a crybaby girl!" And then he hit me with a slap so hard I fell to the ground and almost fell to unconsciousness, vision completely eclipsing for a few long moments. "Pathetic! Can't even stand a single hit! What are you, a pansy?!"

"N-No father!"

"DON'T STUMBLE AND STOP CRYING YOU USELESS PIECE OF FILTH!" He kicked me in my side, you know, for good measure.

"No father! Sorry father!"

"Good now run up to your room like the crybaby fag you are." I didn't hesitate to sprint to my room, tripping up the stairs at least thrice.

"Do I have to beat sense into you woman?! You're raising him to be gay!" ((I'm actually shaking writing this.))

UGH changed their name to Phil
New message from Phil

Phil: Dan I know you hate me right now but I need help | Sent
Dan please | Sent

Happylad: Not until you tell me who you are | Sent

Phil: Dan please | Sent

Happylad: Fine whats wrong | Sent

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