That's Fantastic - Chapter 37

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Hey there demons, it's me, ya boi.
I have no regrets.
Anyways, it's finally here! Sorry about it being so long, stuff happened but I'm less stressed now! God I feel bad. Also there's an important AN at the end.


Dodie showed me the way to the leader's office - who I was told to call Raven - and to call her girlfriend (who would probably be there with her) Amber.

The walls, as I passed, seemed to echo a unique history, and I could have sworn the eyes saw every step I took, observing quietly and wondering why I was here. The portraits that hung so heavily on the wall's frames of pure gold seemed to glimmer with a childlike light from the strips above, what you'd use to display valuable paintings in a gallery. The dark hardwood floor was almost silent, as Dodie continued to describe 'Raven'.

"She's very guarded, and make sure you always show respect. Both to her and Amber. She's nice, but only to people she's close to - like me or Amber."

"Got it. Am I ready to go inside?" She nods and pushes open the large double doors, so tall they almost reach the height of the ceiling, the glossy red finish matching the colour of the walls, with only the black border differentiating it.

The room was a sight to behold and had so many key features it was difficult to know where to look. The desk, stood in the centre, looked to be made of some sort of black wood - perhaps darker than ebony, even to an unnatural degree. Behind it was a series of bulbs, all connected to what seemed to be metal poles that ran up to the ceiling. There were also two large chairs and a globe standing between them, opened to show a platter of readily poured alcohol.

To the left of me was a wall holding so many TV's of varying sizes, only leaving space for a desk with an obvious intent of listening or tracking, due to the boxes of tiny white circles with a camouflaged on/off switch. Opposite to the TV wall was a screen displaying a large digital map with several X'es and lines, Satellite dishes hanging not far away. Below it was a table with a physical map, walkie talkies, compasses and several things that looked to be part of a computer.

And, finally, there was an archway that seemed to lead into a storage room of some kind, possibly an armoury.

"- Are you sure?" A light voice asked, spoken with an air of uncertainty. "I really think they've warmed up to you-" The voice seemed to come from a short girl - probably only about 5'1 - wearing a plaid shirt that was a pastel green/blue, and some black leggings. Her hair was brown with blue tips at the end of the curled locks, seeming to match the aqua of her eyes. She stood beside the large desk, fiddling with her fingers. I figured it must be Amber.

"Baby, you know your parents don't like me very much." This time the girl speaking (Raven, I assume) had piercings. Her hair was inky, falling in perfect curls atop her head - like Dan's hair but black. Her leather jacket hung tightly off her frame, a polar opposite from Amber's attire. Amber seemed like she was about to respond, but just decided on letting out a disappointed sigh.

"Just... Think about it? I'm going to go talk with Josh, do you want anything before I do?"

"Just a coffee, baby. Love you."

"Love you too!" She cheered, "kisses?" She mumbled, blushing a little. The taller girl just smiled in adoration and pulled her down by the waist, giving her a small peck. The scene made a drop of regret pool in my stomach, maybe I should have been like this with Dan more often?

As Amber disappeared into the hallway behind me, smiling and excusing herself as she passed, Raven's eyes centred on me, and all the softness was hidden, her gaze almost icy.

"Ah, Connor, am I correct?" I nodded and affirmed it was me, "So, what was our agreement, if you care to remind me?"

"I have valuable information about the 'dead' son of the Lester's. Well, the second one. And in return you offered to do me a favour." She nodded, her eyes shrouding with recollection.

"Care to clarify?"

"I want you to help me kidnap Philip." She seemed taken aback for a moment, before coating it with her cold exterior. "Think about it. You could give him back to his family for ransom or for them to get off your back, you could convert him, or, hell, you could kill the kill for all I care. I just need him gone, and you need him." She seemed to hesitate, before speaking.

"Why do you want him gone so much? And how valuable is this information?"

"Ask any question and I'll probably have an answer. Any I don't and you could ask him later," I paused, "and he stole something from me, and I need him gone to get them back."

"Here's your coffee, bub, I made you some, too. Assuming you like coffee, do you like coffee?" Amber rambled, seemingly embarrassed to not have seen me sooner.

"I'm sure he does, baby, but can you please leave us alone for a little bit? We'll be done quickly." She seemed disheartened, but Raven quickly followed up with a whispered reply of, "After this I'm done for the day, so we can spend lots of time cuddling and looking for that puppy you wanted, ok?" Amber brightened and almost skipped away, and yet again regret stirred inside my stomach. I'll be better for him, I thought, when I get him back, I swear I'll treat him better.

"So, do you agree?" I asked, but before she could reply, and before Amber even left the room, I added, "but when you're kidnapping him, you must not, and I repeat not, lay a hand on Daniel James Howell."

"Noted. You've got yourself a deal, Connor. I'll send in a spy. In fact, I think one of my members already knows a Daniel. I'll text you when we're ready to put this plan in action."

I grinned, already loving the thought of having Dan back in my arms, not in that monster's. "That's fantastic."

And as we shook hands, I swear I saw a stunned Amber shiver.


Well that was intense. So yeah, I'm back (that's not the important part)
But I have a new book that might be coming!
The only chapter out is the prologue, and it's going to stay that way until this book is completed. That's because I can only have so much on my plate and I need to wait for votes to come in.
About the votes, if you wanna see the fic happen, you'll need to go vote on the info chapter (votes and reads from the prologue won't count) and when voting's over I'll see how many reads there are vs votes. If I feel like there's enough votes, I'll write it! If not... Welp I guess I wasted an evening drawing a cover, but oh well.
I'll put the description here if you're interested. It's called Dolls For The Devil and will probably be vvvvvv sin. And not just in a smut way, though smut may be in it (if you want more info go read the first part.)

After signing a contract with the devil, two strangers are thrown into the world of business, running a little doll shop in the outskirts of London. Everybody loves them, but nobody ever stops to think about where they get the dolls or what materials they make them from.
And the answer is horrifying.
Featuring Punk!Phil and Feminine-but-not-quite-pastel!Dan (So basically normal Dan anyways)

If you didn't get anything from that, it's basically where Danyul and fillip must kill strangers that come in their doll shop and change use their dead body parts for their dolls. And when someone buys them, (god that sounds weird) only then can their soul be collected and given to the devil, meaning they still feel hunger and thirst and need to blink but they can't.
Cus they're dolls.
So if you're interested go check it out!
Alright, bye!

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