New books (AN)

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I hate doing
I have 3 new books (well you already know about dolls For the devil but I thought I'd bring it up anygays).

Dolls For the devil - Basically Dan and Phil signed a contract for the devil and they have to kill people and use their corpses to make dolls and then sell the dolls. The devil then goes to whoever bought the doll's house and takes the soul so the person who bought it just has a flesh doll. Oops. Dan and Phil have to figure out why it's such a process instead of just... Y'know, killing them.

I'm writing a different description to make it shorter but it's clearly not working. Damnit.

Muted Passions - Dan is mute. At least, that's what everyone at school thinks. Little do they know he has a passion for music and singing. He wants to be a singer, but he can't write lyrics, nor can he gather the courage to sing them.
Enter Phil, a boy obsessed with literature and poetry. He writes lyrics to songs, but has recently hit a wall, inspiration-wise.
Could they make it work?

These are both up for voting, meaning whichever out of the two gets the most votes, I'm gonna write. So, fun. To vote just go to the actual books. Mk. The last book isn't up for voting because it's gonna be short so...

Moon Boy (which has the best cover of all of them, by the way. It's not biased if I drew all of them anyways, right?) - Your name is Amber, and your dad (Dan) disappeared years ago, leaving you and adoptive pops (Phil) alone. Phil starts drinking, which leads to him becoming sick... Fatally sick. His funeral was years ago, but you've only just come of age to claim all of your inheritance - including your old house. And, more importantly, his phone.
You pops left voicemails... Voicemails addressed to your dad after his disappearance.
What happened to your father? Turns out, the truth lies on the moon.

Heh, literally (justcase... I hate myself)

The chapters are short because they're... well... voicemails. But I like the book and I have a big epilogue planned (which won't be a voicemail)

So yeah. You can read that if you'd like.

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