YAY! (Also character answers again)

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I don't wanna just make an entire chapter on this but the next chapter needs to be typed up and I can't be bothered to so I guess it's another character qna.

Also, I'm gonna start deleting questions I've already answered because I don't wanna answer the same one twice.

All of the questions are from one of my good friends phanshion so no need to tag anyone thankfully. Ok let's go.


Ya know even though you're cute and gay with Dan, you need to tell him the truth. When will you?

I honestly have no idea... I want to tell him but at the same time I just can't... I regret what I've done, and I've hurt him in more ways than one. I know I need to tell him, but he's going through a lot, and right now I need to be there for him.
He needs me, and I need him.


Would you ever leave Phil? (Maybe or maybe not hinting at something)

No! At least, not by choice. There's not really anything he's ever done to make me leave him.
Me: *Deep breaths* Honey, you've got a big storm coming *snap*
Firstly, that meme's dead, secondly, care to explain?


Can you f##k off?

Can you stop being so protective of your stupid little internet ship? You twelve year old girls are so dumb sometimes.

A rat

How is your writing so good?



Blah blah blah still open for questions blah blah blah actual chapter coming soon ok bye

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