Connor Fisher and Phil Lester - Chapter 29

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A short but important chapter.

Phil's PoV

Immediately as I awoke I began to regret my decisions from last night. Why didn't I ask to sleep somewhere else? What was I thinking? Dan's in a perfect relationship, he shouldn't have to deal with this.

As discreetly as possible, I untangled my arms and began to separate myself from the adorable sleeping boy. Surprisingly, he only stirred a little, if at all. Must be a deep sleeper.

I tried not to stare, really, but it was just so difficult to tear my eyes away from his peaceful face, which was such a dramatic contrast to his normal self.

Did I do this to him?

I definitely did this to him.

Eventually I managed to separate myself from my thoughts and the duvets and I eventually made it out into the hallway, closing the door quietly behind me. I'd decided that, since I was awake now, to go get a glass a water and just... Think.

In fact, I was so lost in thought I didn't notice I'd filled up the glass until I felt the cold water wash against my fingers which held the overflowing cup. I was about to head into the living room, but I was stopped in my tracks as green eyes paralysed me.

The glass was long forgotten, reflective shards shattering on the floor, splitting into fragments as the clear liquid spilled onto the floor and drenched our feet. I swear I forgot how to breathe - though the surrounding air was so thick ((Hehe THICCCC... Sorry I'm ruining it.)) I don't think I could anyway.

For a few minutes we were submerged in silence, just staring into eachother's eyes. That was, until I broke it, "Connor Joel Fisher, we meet at last."

"How the hell do you know my last name, Lester?" As I was about to tell him about how I researched (and by researched I mean I hacked into the bank's database and searched for a Connor, just to see if he was being truthful), I was interrupted by a small voice, confused and scared;

"What's happening? Connor, why did you call Phil 'Lester'?"

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