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I woke up this morning feeling shitty. Not only was it a Monday, but it was also the first Monday after the mid-term break. With the struggle I got out of my bed, I knew it was going to be a slow day.

Yawning I walked up to my closet, choosing a blue hoodie and black jeans as my outfit. I hate Monday's so I must make sure that I look like I do.

I pushed up my glasses and started packing my schoolbag. What do I need today?... I don't know and surely don't care. If it was going to be the case that I showed up at school without any of the correct books, so be it. It wasn't the first time anyway.

When I wanted to take one of the Nesquik bottles I keep in my fridge, my Monday got worse than a Monday could ever be. There was no Nesquik to be found.

No. Nesquik.

"Agh this day is the worst!"


I met up with Minhyuk at our regular meeting spot. We always meet up at this certain spot and travel to school together, life is less boring that way.

As I walked up to him I knew I had to break the worst news to him. When I saw the younger boy waving at me I gave him a fist bump. "So bro," I started.

"What is it today time Moonbin?" Minhyuk sighed as he checked his phone shortly. "Wow rude ass, this is an important matter bro. This morning when I was packing my bag it turned out that I'm out of my Nesquikies. So-"

"So we're getting some right now?" Minhyuk finished before I could say it myself. "Yes, we are, well, at least I am... Will you come with me Rocko?"

"Fine, but as long as you buy me one too... AND never called me Rocko again." Minhyuk told me strictly.

"Deal, Rocko."


"I swear to god it's all your fault that we're late!" Minhyuk shouted as he followed me running through the school's hallways.

I stopped running when I came past a certain boy that was looking out the window and he caught my eye. He looked hella fine. I turned around to Minhyuk as if I was going to argue with him but the truth is, I wanted to look at him again.

"God, you're such a pussy! We're not even that late, I bet that old man won't even be mad!" I answered him as I looked at my watch.

We are that late. For over 40 minutes, in fact. I knew damn well that Mr. Peterson was going to be mad. For some reason, that man hated my guts. Everything I did in his class was wrong in his opinion. Whenever I would come in late I would get a 10-minute speech about why I was such a bad student and when I would come on time he would make a comment like "So you decided to come on time today, Moonbin?"

We continued to walk to our classroom since we're close anyway. When we arrived at class A306 I took one deep breath and a nervous glance at Minhyuk.

"Bitch what the fuck, you said yourself that that man wouldn't be mad." he said frowning at me.

"Yeah I did but bitch I lied." I answered and opened the door to the classroom and stepped inside.

"Ah look who decided to show up, Moonbin." Mr. Peterson glanced at Minhyuk that he had to close the door. Once he did we both walked up to his desk and started the humiliation of the week.

"Seriously Moobin, what is your excuse today? I'm honestly curious!"

I sighed as Mr. Peterson irritated me so much. This man needs to understand what mutual respect means. "Sir can you please not do this, we know that we're late." I carefully said.

"Okay then, let me tell you this." Mr. Peterson started as his expression became very strict.

Just before he could start his scolding someone knocked on the other side of the door. A boy opened and poked his head through the crack of the door. It was the same boy from the hallway. "Mr. Peterson?" He started.

"No, wait one minute." He told the boy that now seemed to be annoyed by his answer. Cute.

Mr. Peterson shifted his attention back to me and Minhyuk.

Here we go.

"You will be on time in my class!" He started. It wasn't the first time that he said this and I know that it's school and you're supposed to be on time but it wasn't my fault that the bus drove away before our asses. Well, okay it was. If I didn't put my priorities at Nesquik we wouldn't have missed that bus and we would've gotten on time. I wasn't going to admit that though.

"But sir!" I started, pretending like I had a great argument against what Mr. Peterson was going to say.

I hadn't, but I knew I wouldn't come further than the 'sir'.

"No, I don't want to hear it Moonbin. You come on time or you don't come at all. You're 44 minutes late, you're lucky I still let you two attend the class. Now, go two your seats and I don't want to hear one of you once, otherwise, you will be dismissed."

I looked at Minhyuk and shrugged. We got away from this quite easily in my opinion.

As I took my seat I tried to focus on what the boy was saying to the teacher. Everyone around me was being quite loud and that made it hard for me to focus but I managed to pick up on what they were saying.

"Mr. White told me I had to hand these to you."  I heard him say. So he's in a class with Mr. White. "Okay, then you also could've just stepped in and put them on my desk, couldn't you?" Mr. Peterson answered.

Honestly, why was this man only good for making rude comments. Why did he become a teacher if all that he was going to be towards the students is a dick?

I looked at the boy and saw the irritation in his eyes. Mr. Peterson chooses the wrong student to fuck with...

The teacher held up his hand for the student to hand him the folders but instead of that, the boy rudely threw them on the table.

"I also don't do this because I like it." The guy answered. I pressed my lips together to keep in my laughter. This guy is a savage and I love it.

The boy turned around to make his leave and I noticed that he was beyond pissed off. Did Mr. Peterson do that or was he already pissed to begin with?

I stood up getting the boy his attention. "Don't bother about him, he's always like that!"

I saw him roll his eyes and walked out the door. To be honest, when he looked at me so angrily I panicked. His eyes were very scary as he looked so piercing at me.

I didn't know what to say so that bullshit came out.

Before I could even take my seat again, Mr. Peterson stood up making his chair bump again the wall behind him. In my half squatted position I looked at my teacher that looked like he was ready to kill me.

"And now you get out Moonbin!!"

Somebody save me.

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