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I was woken up by my terrible annoying alarm clock. The heavens blessed me today and luckily I only started the second class. It's Thursday, just two more school days and then it's finally weekend again. Thank the lord.

I got up from my bed and started prepping myself for school. For as much as you can call it prepping though, today I really wasn't feeling like going to school. Not like I was ever feeling like it. Honestly, I hated school as of late.

What Seungkwan said yesterday still was on my mind. Well, not what he said but more how he was acting towards me.

He had a certain attitude towards me that just wasn't how I knew him before when we were younger. It felt like he was judging me on whatever it was that I said.

Still, it was hard to ignore a childhood friend.

Thinking about this I went to school. Hopefully, Seungkwan just wasn't in a good mood yesterday.

Minhyuk, started earlier than me today so it was my faith sadly to travel alone. As I was worrying a little bit about the situation the bus ride was feeling longer than ever.

As I arrived at school I went straight to the cantine to see if Minhyuk and Sanha were sitting there as their class ended when I came in.

At the entrance of the cantine, I couldn't see past a certain guy standing in front of me. I guess he was looking for someone as well and thus I waited.

To my surprise though, instead of walking towards one of the tables the guy turned around and walked against me. Obviously, he didn't notice that I was standing behind him.

"Wow shit, I didn't think you were gonna turn around man." I apologize and take a step back. It was only now that I recognized the guy that bumped into me. It was Eunwoo and he seemed just as shocked as I was.

"Moonbin..." He softly mumbled. As he looked at me, I noticed a sudden change in his expression. First, he looked shocked, then annoyed as he always was but after that his expression sort of cleared. If you know what I mean. 

"'s okay, don't worry about it." Eunwoo added. Since I was just awake and couldn't judge this sudden behavior properly I just decided to ignore it. Just act like you always do Bin.

"Since you decided to suddenly turn around and start a conversation like that, Eunwoo, when will we go for that coffee?" I said with a smirk on my face. I knew for a fact that he was going to say no. I just had to say it, I'm awful.

"Ehm... Sorry, but I don't know about that." Eunwoo responded kindly. He acted off, why was he being so unsure? Well, at least that is what it seemed like.

I squinted my eyes, trying to look through what he was trying to do or what was going on with him. "You're acting different, what's up with that?" I ask him directly.

"Oh nothing," He was quick to answer. You can't fool me though. There was something, I just had to know what. Maybe he was down about something, maybe I had been too mean to him yesterday.

"No, no, no, I don't think so. Normally you're rude as fuck but now you're acting like you're soft or something." I said and shook my head. Even though I'm honestly curious about why Eunwoo is acting like this, I can't seem to ask a question normally. What's wrong with me?

"I don't get what you mean, I'm sorry" Eunwoo clearly lied as he kept looking anywhere but straight in my face. Where was he uncomfortable for? "Seriously, what are you trying to do Eunwoo?" I said as I started grinning.

"Just be nicer in general," Eunwoo finally sighed. He now looked straight at me. Did he think he was being mean then? Oh well... ya I guess he has a point. "By being fake?" I asked harshly in response.

"What you mean, fake?" The older asked me as he squinted his eyes. Honestly, I thought was funnier when he was comfortable with how he was acting. "Well, if you want to be nice you shouldn't fake it." I simply said. What I said was the truth, but easier said than done, we all know that.

"Well, what do you suggest then?" Eunwoo clearly got irritated the more as I was being a little bit of a know it all at the moment. I couldn't help acting like this when it came down to the guy.

"You should have more fun. You're always being a dick because you never have fun in my opinion." I 'suggested' as a brilliant jerk. "I do have fun, you ass."

The irritation was noticed in his eyebrows as they were going down every sentence I said. Why didn't he go away yet then? "Yes, at home in your room probably." I shot at him.

"Tch..." Eunwoo let out and looked away. I would act the same by now if I were him though. I also don't how I would respond to that dick comment.

"If you're gonna ask again if we could drink some coffee, it's still a no Bin." Eunwoo said after a moment. Why would he bring that up again? Did he think I was going to ask again? "No of course not... Just when does your next class start?"

"In about five minutes. Why?" Eunwoo asked with a questioning face after he checked the time on his phone.

"No, Nothing," I said and walked away from the older.

I had a plan that would make my day less boring too. 


As a 'surprise' I hurried over to the classroom where Eunwoo is supposed to have his class. As I knew where his spot in class was because I was jumping in front of the window the other day, I took the seat beside it.

Now it was just a matter of waiting for him to arrive as well, which shouldn't be long.

"What the hell are you doing here, Moonbin?" He suddenly heard the certain guy say under his breath. I was sitting slumped down in my chair and looked at him. "I don't know really, thought it would be fun to have a class with you."

"What do you mean? You're not even in this class." Eunwoo said as he clenched his fists as he was getting annoyed by me. Sorry not sorry I guess?  "So what? The teacher wouldn't notice anyway. You can't stop me." I said as a stubborn toddler. I was certain of my case though, eunwoo was going to have fun this class.

"Tch" Eunwoo let out again and looked away. He was more than done with me but he didn't tell me to leave. I mean yesterday he almost exploded because of me. 

"Normal think this is funny so just try to have fun."

I added as I held my hand on his shoulder.

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