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"You know, I'm kinda impressed by you..." I start as I looked at Eunwoo.

The two were sitting on a bench together just outside of the school's terrain. Since they were both kicked out of the class by mister Robinson, they decided to sit right here and talk together.

Or well, actually, Eunwoo walked straight away and I just followed him. There has been no conversation about us sitting on a bench and talk together. I just plainly followed him. He didn't seem to mind though... So...

"What do you mean by that?" Eunwoo responded. He didn't look at me once. He just looked straight up at the sky, but I can't see why that is so interesting. There are barely clouds anyway.

"I mean that I am impressed because I expected you to go panic and cry because we got kicked out of class, but here you are, not even caring." I say. Can't he just glance at me?

To me, there are much prettier things in this area than just the sky...

"And that impresses you?" Eunwoo said as he finally took his gaze away from what was above him and looked at me. He raised his eyebrows though... There's going to be an opinion of his coming up.

"Just because I get good grades and teachers seem to like me for whatever reason, doesn't make school fun for me. In fact, I hate it. For example, whenever I seem to 'go home sick' I am also just skipping classes, just like you would."  He told me.

I laughed softly. I loved how Eunwoo suddenly gets really talkative if he has a strong opinion. To me, that is one of the things I really love about him. It is really cute.

Also, it seems he also has an opinion about 'people like me'. Or more like stereotypes, just like other people have about him. He assumes we are opposites or something.

"Why are you laughing?" Eunwoo asked with his arms crossed.

"Well, just because I got late once and made a comment at you once doesn't make me one of that kind of student that never pays attention and is only an irritation to the rest of the class of the teacher. Also, just because my grades are not that good, doesn't mean I am not caring or not trying."

I made my point and saw Eunwoo squinting his eyes at me. Is he going to disagree? "Touché"

Oh... He admitted it, what's new?

"See I got you there." I say in a teasing tone, smiling at him. Even better, I earned a grin back from the guy. I, Moon fucking Bin, made him grin. Thank you. Maybe he doesn't hate me that much anymore?

"We got the wrong assumptions of each other but now that we know..." I hesitantly say. I look down at my hands as I was fidgetting with a piece of old paper that washed along with my pair of jeans in the washing machine. It was only now that I discovered its presence.

Not saying that the paper distracted me but it kind off did a little bit. That, and I was scared to continue my sentence. He always says no anyway. What if I ask this and he would get mad again? Also, why is he not saying anything?

"What time is it?" Eunwoo asked as he already picked his phone out off his pocket. Before I could even get my phone in my hands and answer, Eunwoo already looked it up himself.

"UUhm Moonbin... The next class already started." Eunwoo said as he visibly tried to keep his laugh in. So cute.

I sit up shocked as I couldn't believe that we have been sitting here for such a long time.  "Oh my god, really?"

I held my hands in front of my mouth in disbelief and started laughing. How did this happen? Not that I cared that I missed my last class, I was more amazed than sad or anything.

At this point, Eunwoo broke out laughing too. What exactly was funny about it, is something that they didn't really know. Someone like, for example, a teacher would just shake his head in disappointment if they knew that they missed two classes and were laughing about it.

"I guess I can go home then," Eunwoo said as he finally stopped laughing. He wiped a tear away from the corner of his eyes and swung his bag around his shoulder.

Wait, no, don't go. My laugh abruptly stopped hearing Eunwoo say that he'll leave now that he missed his class anyway. I need to come up with something quickly

"was this your last class too?" I ask to which Eunwoo only nodded yes.  "well... since we both have free time now..." I started.

I needed to ask what I didn't dare before. If I don't ask it's the same result if he says no. If I ask, there's a possibility that he says yes.

"How about that coffee? I finally asked after I gathered all my confidence.

"Okay, let's go for a coffee."

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now