Seventeen Right Here

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"Yo Binnie!" I heard Minhyuk say from where he and Sanha were sitting. This caused Eunwoo now look around and finally find me standing here. Eunwoo quickly moved back from the sip he was taking since he noticed I was looking at him too. I saw him debating whether he should do something or not. I squeeze my eyes as I was feeling like I needed to punch at least something.

The girl made Eunwoo look away from my direction since she was talking to him. The girl was pretty though. Just like Seungkwan said, he can get anyone with that face. Including me, apparently. Eunwoo is seriously not for the weakhearted. Since Eunwoo and I didn't have eye contact anymore, I took this opportunity to take my seat together with Sanha and Minhyuk.

The two greeted me happy but my mind just wasn't with them. Shortly after they said hi, they started complaining about what the hell took me so long. As I put down my stuff and completely took off my coat, I glanced back just once in Eunwoo's direction. Just like he was doing. Much time wasn't to stare at each other since the girl asked for Eunwoo's attention and Sanha and Minhyuk asked me to come back into reality.

"Bin, why do you look so bothered lately?" Minhyuk started as he looked worried but also serious at me. I guess my expression isn't the best right now either but you can blame it on the presence of a certain someone. That, and this question Minhyuk is asking me now.  "Nothing alright," I say annoyed. The last time they wouldn't drop it either. They want me to be here right? Seriously stop with the interrogation.

"Does it have anything to do with that guy over there?" Minhyuk continued and casually referred to Eunwoo. He certainly wasn't giving up on this. I sigh and look at Sanha. The youngest clearly doesn't know how to look at me. As Minhyuk is clearly annoyed by me at the moment, he doesn't know if he should follow him or keep his own cheerful act up. "No! just leave it will you?" I say as I now lay down on my arms on the table. I never realized how much those two could meddle in my business.

They now stopped asking though. They should've listened when I said it the first time though. I heard some mumbling between Minhyuk and Sanha but didn't care to listen to what they actually were saying. I will wait until this tension is gone.

"Sit over here Eunwoo." What was that? Once I heard that I sat up as quickly as possible. Sit over where? I looked and saw that now, sitting right across of me was the girl who Eunwoo was with and Eunwoo himself taking his seat in front of me. Since when are they sitting with us and who decided this? I glanced at Minhyuk but he just lowkey glared back. Are they doing this on purpose?

I slowly diverted my gaze to Eunwoo. Unfortunately, Eunwoo was doing the exact same thing. We both looked at each other in the eyes for a short second but I looked away again. How does this guy dare to sit right here?

Slowly, Minhyuk but mostly Sanha started a conversation again. As the girl desperately tried to join in, Eunwoo and I both stayed silent. I know damn well why Eunwoo isn't saying anything. He is being hella busted on his fake ass act. I, in fact, don't feel like saying anything because I say something now, I know for sure that shit it isn't going to be nice.

Eunwoo lifted his arm to take his drink from the table, I assume, but I noticed the girl clasp on to the boy's arm. Disgusting. "We should go again next week Woonie. Together with them, it's so much fun~" The girl said so happily and as if she was soft. I wasn't falling for something so fake as that and I couldn't imagine Eunwoo would.

"Ah, I don't know eh... Jeong Ahrin. I don't know if the others want to too." Eunwoo said as he carefully tried to unclasp Ahrin from himself. This girl really seemed to know when the worst time was to say something. "Ah, Eunwoo~ I'm pretty sure that they're all available!" She whined and leaned her head on the shoulder of Eunwoo. This girl really should learn to sense when someone doesn't want something.
Get. off. him.

"Minhyuk!" Ahrin started as she was implying to ask if the boys were all available next week. Minhyuk carefully nodded yes as he was taken by surprise. "Sanha!" In response, Sanha also nodded yes and it seemed like he had nothing against it. "Binnie" Ahrin moved on to me and I now seemed to snap out of my evil stare and I looked at the girl and shrugged. Since when does she know my name?

Ahrin, who was being too touchy again, almost jumped all over Eunwoo and asked him the same question. "Eunwoo, you'll be there too right?~"

What is wrong with this guy? All the times I asked him if we could drink coffee he was faster with declining than I could finish my question. But now with this girl, he couldn't even get himself to say at least something. Seungkwan was right, he is weird. I can't watch this any longer.

"I.. I don't kno-" Before Eunwoo could finish his sentence, I decided to finally speak up. "Yo Ahrin, I wouldn't get your hopes up with this guy, Dongmin probably will say no and be here next week with some other girl. Now, don't throw yourself all over him and have some self-respect." I sighed leaving everyone at the boot openmouthed. I felt anger boil up in me and knew for a fact that if I would stay here that hell would break loose so I decided to grab my belongings and just leave. This wasn't fun, to begin with anyway.

I am pretty sure I left them all wondering what the hell was wrong but I knew Eunwoo knew what I was talking about. That was the most important part. As I now walked on the streets I decided to make my way home. In my pocket, I felt my phone buzzing with all messages of Minhyuk and Sanha asking me how I could've said something like that.

The messages were all kinds of questions like if I have become mad that I said something like that to Eunwoo. Now, something new, a voice message from Minhyuk.

"Moonbin, I don't know what the hell happened but Eunwoo is now on his way finding you so please, makeup with him. I don't know you like this."

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now