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This certain day I decided to let Eunwoo be. For the time being of course.

I knew for sure that if I started to stalk him that he will go and hate me. If he didn't already.

I don't know what it was about Eunwoo that drew me towards him, he just appeared so interesting to me. And to be honest, his looks weren't half that bad. I'm surprised I never spotted him through the hallways...

Don't you have that? A certain person at your school that you just don't know at all, but you still seem to spot them in the school hallways just because they stand out.

Eunwoo was that kind of person, well, he could be that kind of person.

"You disgust me." Minhyuk said in a low voice. He watched me eating my sandwich at the school break. I shrugged my shoulders, "Well, no one told you to look anyway."

I was having lunch with my two friends again, Minhyuk and of course Sanha. It was just like any other day. We were talking about random stuff like new dances that Minhyuk practiced, great new songs that came out or who is the tallest, Me or Sanha?

It always appeared to be Sanha though... Somehow that noodle grows like a sunflower.

We were laughing together and suddenly I notice someone watching me with a foul look painted over his face.

It was Eunwoo looking at me from the other side of the cafeteria. Well, you shouldn't call it looking, it was more like glaring.

Even though I wanted to leave Eunwoo alone for today, he was asking for it in this case. I put up my most gentle smile and waved at the other.

Eunwoo's reaction didn't surprise me in any way. I could see him rolling his eyes and shifting his attention back to something else. Got him.

I grinned softly at the little communication that I just had with the other.

"What are you laughing about?" My gaze shifted back to the people that were sitting in front of me, not really sure who of the two just asked me that. I look at Sanha that is looking at me and then turns around to the spot where I was looking before, together with Minhyuk.

"Who's there?" Sanha added, continuing with looking somewhere around the direction where Eunwoo is sitting.

"Oh, it's nothing..." I answer, taking my phone out of my pocket. "Nothing?!" Sanha answered and shook his head.

"No, no, no, you don't look into some random ass direction, smile, wave, grin about it and then tell me that it is nothing." Sanha said as he shook his pointer finger from side to side. "But really there is no-"

"Aha!" Minhyuk shouted and turned around from looking in the direction where I was gazing before. "It's that dude!" He added.

"What dude?" Sanha asked as he looked back behind him. Minhyuk pointed at Eunwoo, all the way on the other side of the cafeteria. "Aha!" Sanha then also shouted when he spotted the guy and pointed at me as if I were busted.

I look past Sanha and Minhyuk and pretend to look for to which person they were pointing at. "I don't know guys I can't see him."

"Oh.. Shoot who is it then Rocky?" Sanha said as he turned around and started to look again for whoever there may sit.

"Don't fuck with us." Minhyuk said and pulled Sanha back to the table. "He was fucking with us.." He whispered to the younger.

Minhyuk 'playfully' kicked my shin from underneath the table. 'playful' in Minhyuk's book isn't playful though. It's a ticket to a bruise the next day.

I wince in pain and give up instantly. "Yeah it was Eunwoo..." I commit as I rubbed my shin.

"AHA!" Sanha shouted and pointed his finger to me again. "You tried to fool us but we don't fall for your stupid tricks, Trashcan!"

After that comment, a silence was followed. Did Sanha really call me Trashcan just now? I look at Minhyuk who also looks at me. The younger was trying his best to keep in his laughter though.

"Boi," I say after a while as I hold up my hand as an Italian. After that being said Sanha and Minhyuk ended up chuckling and sniggering.

It's not like I hated the fact that the youngest just gave me Trashcan as a nickname, it's more that it was completely random. Call me trashcan all you want, to be honest, I think it's funny too. Sanha just really got me dazzled.

Sanha's comment was good though, I was not in any mood to go and explain how much Eunwoo seemed to despise me, and this moment seemed to distract them. It felt awkward for me to talk about it to my friends because even though I was actually trying to become friends with him he just hated me.

I will tell all about him with all enthusiasm included once he decides that being friends with me is actually super 'lit'. As it is now though, he hasn't realized it yet.

As Minhyuk and Sanha are still recovering from their laughter I stand up and swing my backpack around my shoulder. "Guys, I'm going already because I promised a classmate I would show them something before class started." I deadass lied.

I couldn't just stand up and say 'Heya, I'm going already because once you're both done laughing you'll realize that I am avoiding the topic.' It seems obvious to me why I shouldn't say that.

Both Sanha and Minhyuk nodded and waved goodbye carelessly as they still were having some aftershocks from their giggles.

Mission completed.

I walk to my locker and grab the books that I am needing for the next classes and start my way towards my classroom. I would be early but those would have to be the consequences of my lie.

Halfway through my journey, I get called out by some other student. I turn around and I see that it is Seungkwan. A friend of mine which I see everynow and then.

"You have to see this, Bin" he said as he stood in the doorway of his classroom. Since I had plenty of time before my next class started I decided to follow him into the classroom and see whatever he had to show me.

"I found this, digging through photos on my old laptop."

Seungkwan showed me a video of the two of us that was older than 3 years. We were both still freshman, at that time we were still together in the same class. After the second year we had to split up because the teachers thought that we would 'trouble other student's learning progress by our loud behavior'. Which was utter bullshit in our opinion.

Because of that decision we weren't as close friends anymore, sadly.

The video was nothing special though, it just showed me and Seungkwan having some big fun after school in the shopping mall. It was fun to see how much older the both of us had become.

I smiled and enjoyed seeing the old memories play in front of me until I heard a faint voice coming from behind.

"Oh, You've got to be kidding me!"

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now