
392 17 11

It was the next Thursday morning after the whole drama and me, surprisingly, overslept by a whole lot. I woke up with my eyes feeling heavier than they ever did and a major headache. I was supposed to be at school at 9 but now it already appeared to be 10:30. I can't say that I worried that much about me being late at school. Today I was just a little later then I would normally be. It was just the first time I overslept this much. I didn't realize I was this tired...

Last evening I've spent the time entirely thinking about how I would take back Seungkwan for what he did to Eunwoo. Lord knows at what time I fell asleep last night. I threw on some pair of joggers and an old concert hoodie I got two years ago. I didn't bother to put my contacts in and just wore my glasses. Throwing the hood up of my hoodie I covered up the fact that I didn't do my hair whatsoever.

On the way to school, I was biting my nails being sunken deep into my thoughts. Seungkwan had to be at school today, if he wasn't I was going to be looking for him myself. I know for a fact where he lives. I am going to make sure the guy never dares to take a step towards Eunwoo again. How I was going to do that, I wasn't sure yet. Not to worry though, it was nothing that was going to get me in jail.

Thinking about Seungkwan made anger boil up in me. I swear to got if he was going pretend I'm his friend again and play his little fucked up game I'm going to snap. If I weren't already in the first place.

During my walk, I decided to take advantage of me being late. I couldn't possibly make it any worse than it was already so I decided to stop by one of those little on the go grocery shops and grab some breakfast and a Nesquick for at school. I snoop around the store for a little bit but eventually decided to step in line. There were a few people in front of me so I had to wait for a little bit. Since my hands were full I couldn't pick my phone out of my pocket and the only occupation I had were my eyes. Sadly, because of my headache, looking around wasn't that much of a pleasant thing to do.

I looked around me and came across a few things. A banana was placed in the freezer, a package of candy was opened and left in the store and also the person standing behind me in line was no one else other than Eunwoo...

Ever since I noticed him my eyes were locked. I never expected him to be here too because the last time I saw him he was knocked out. Why does he keep popping up though? I wanted to finish this chapter, what is the universe doing? It hurted me to see him, it hurted me to think of the pain he's going through because of me and most of all it hurted me to think of how awful I had been to him the other day. I regret nothing more.

I now notice that Eunwoo had noticed that I am full-on staring at him and is looking back at me as well. I am frozen in place and now see that he looks awful. Eunwoo looks tired and pale. Probably because of yesterday. What is he doing here anyway if he is obviously not doing well?

"It's umm... Your turn," Eunwoo suddenly spoke up and pointed at the cashier waiting for me. Slowly I turned myself back around and walked towards the employee. I hated the way Eunwoo looked at me just now. Like he was expecting something from me. What was he expecting though? For me to apologize?

Believe me, I wanted nothing more than to apologize and started over with him but I'm bad energy in his life and I, myself, knew very well that I needed to stay away from him from now on. It would be the best for him. I tried to finish the paying as fast as I could and got out of the store.

And there I was thinking that going to the story possibly couldn't make things worse...

Once I arrived at school it was already time the last class before the break was almost about to end. I quickly threw my backpack in my locker and went to the classroom where Eunwoo has his classes. Eunwoo was in the same class as Seungkwan thus he had to be there too. I wasn't going to school to just follow my classes. I had an objective.

I took a quick power walk to the designated classroom. Once I had arrived my adrenaline was as high as it possibly could be. I knocked twice on the door and opened it quickly. The teacher stopped whatever it was that he was teaching and looked at me. From his expression I could see I took him by surprise when I opened the door so suddenly.

"Is Seungkwan here? I need to discuss something with him.." I say shortly and in a serious tone. I looked around the class myself already to see if I saw him myself but couldn't find him that quickly. "Ahm he's not here right now, I suggest you go to the director's office, he's probably there." The teacher answered, drawing my attention back to him. "Ah okay, thanks," I say and close the door behind me again. I as fast as I got in to the classroom, I was out again. There was no time to be wasted.

He's at the director? For what? Did someone see what he did to Eunwoo and did he get in trouble for it? In my heart, I hoped that was the case. Seungkwan would then finally get the punishment he deserved.

I continue my power walk towards the office of the headmaster and came there faster than within two minutes. As soon as I came close to the door, it opened and just the person I needed came out. Seungkwan. As he opened the door he immediately locked eyes with me.

He looked seriously angered, more then he would be on the daily. Seungkwan his eyes looked like a thunderstorm and his body language made me think he was about to start the biggest scene. Boy, was I right.

Seungkwan didn't even finish closing the door and started walking towards me. He walked so fast that you could almost call it running. "It was you wasn't it?!" He shouted. As soon as he was close enough, Seungkwan grabbed the collar of my hoodie and held me tight.

"What are you talking about?" I ask as I had no clue about what the other was suggesting to. "Don't act stupid! You were the one who snitched my ass!" Seungkwan shouted as he tightened his grip. Did somebody tell the headmaster about what he did to Eunwoo yesterday? Who did?

"I didn't do anything!" I say back. I wanted to say more but Seungkwan was quick again to talk some more. "Liar, You were the only other person there! Your little pussy ass snitching mouth got me expelled. Are you happy now?!"

Seungkwan is expelled? Is that why he came out of the director's office? Suddenly it felt like a lot of weight came off my shoulders and a lot of pieces of a puzzle fell into place. With Seungkwan gone I wouldn't have to worry about him telling me the wrong things anymore.

A smile crept on to my face and I laughed softly. "Actually, Yes. I am happy now." I say and got the other to let go of me. "Now you can finally leave Eunwoo and me the fuck alone!"

"Boo Seungkwan." A voice suddenly said. The headmistress stood in the doorway that Seungkwan left open oh-so conveniently. "Would you please leave my student alone and leave this building?" She said with a calming voice, giving me a gentle smile.

From the headmistress, Seungkwan shot his eyes back at me and took one step closer. "Fuck you Moonbin, I can't believe I wasted my time with you." He mumbled within his breath and turned around towards the exit where the director was pointing. I looked at him until he was gone.


(( idk y but sometimes wattpad unpublishes the chapters i already published? Whyyyy?!))

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