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"What has gotten into you Binnie?" Eunwoo asked and opened the door behind him. Quickly he got out of the small classroom as if it was the last thing he was doing. I couldn't even answer his question. He wanted to get away from me that was surely clear and I wouldn't follow him. I think I tormented him enough by now.

As I was now alone in this classroom, I let out a deep sigh. I am a moron, that was surely something I did know. What I just did was even worse than talking bad behind his back. Even that I did too didn't I? Everything in my mind was beyond a mess. Nothing made sense anymore. How could Eunwoo react like that to me kissing him when Seungkwan told me he did things like did more often? Did Seungkwan maybe lie about that? Or maybe Eunwoo just couldn't handle what he did himself. I had no idea of who and what I should trust.

Either way, what I did was a huge mistake. How could I have been so stupid? Like, kissing someone when going out, go ahead, almost everybody does that. But what I just did, right here, in this weird ass little dusty classroom, that was not okay.  It's not like this would change things between me and Eunwoo though, he already hated me and wanted me to be gone. Well, this is a great opportunity. He doesn't want to be near me anymore I'm pretty sure.

I start biting my nails as I hear Eunwoo's question play in my head again. 'What has gotten into you Binnie?' It's true, something has gotten into me. I just don't know what. I wouldn't have done something like this a few weeks ago. Also, a few weeks ago Eunwoo wouldn't have pulled me into this classroom. A few weeks ago, he would sigh upon my existence and not talk to anyone else at school other than his one friend. Everything is so double-sided, I don't know what is the truth anymore.

"Goddamnit!" I shout out of frustration and kick one of the boxes placed on the ground. Unfortunately though, that ended up in my foot only getting hurt. The box was apparently filled to the brim with paper and not something light weighted. I curse upon my toes now hurting like hell. That was stupid and frankly not the only stupid choice I made lately.

When the pain cooled down again in my foot, I decide to leave the small classroom. Upon opening the door, I lock eyes with Minhyuk and Sanha. Apparently, Sanha's locker is right across the classroom's door and those two were hanging out there. Gently, Sanha gestures at me to come over. So I did. Those two were really the ones I could fully trust lately.

"Bin... We just saw Eunwoo leaving from here..." To my surprise, it wasn't Sanha who started speaking though, It was Minhyuk. Somehow I expected Sanha to say something first because he was the one that asked me to come over. Sadly though, it was Minhyuk. Immediately I think back to the last conversation we had on WhatsApp and felt that I was still a little bit angry with him. Not much, but still. He was just minding my business too much. Also, with what he said just now, it seemed like he was going to go at it again.

"Oh did you?" I answer, trying to keep a cool tone. I scratch my neck by my hairline. Exactly how much did they see? I quickly glance at Sanha who just stared awkwardly at me, not knowing how to act in front of me. I guess he was feeling it too. "Don't pretend." Minhyuk now harshly told me, making the anger that was keeping it low boil up again. "What happened?"

"Nothing that you concerns..." I say as I squeeze my eyes and cross my arms. With what does he think he's interfering with? This is none of his business. Upon my answer, Minhyuk sighed and brought his hands up to his head in frustration. He quickly glanced at Sanha, who just stared as neutral to him as he did to me, then back to me.

"Moonbin, really, what has gotten into you lately?" Minhyuk said in a condescending tone. Is everyone asking me this question now? At this point, I'm not able to keep it lowkey anymore. This guy is asking me stuff as if he's my father and not a friend. He doesn't even think once about that Eunwoo could have possibly done something to me and that he might be wrong too. He thinks I'm the only bad guy in this story and just wants me to sit on his lap or something. Minhyuk is wrong in any case.

"Do you ever bear in your mind that there might be things going on where you don't know about?" I now said in a frustrated tone, rising the loudness in my voice. Minhyuk's face was now set like a thunderstorm. Clearly, he was about to explode too. Why does he care so much anyway? Seriously dude, mind your own business. "That's exactly the point I'm making here!" He snapped back quickly, raising his voice too.

"Guys, please..." Sanha now said, trying to ease us both down with a concerned look in his eye. He always tries to keep everything peaceful in the group, even with minor conflicts. I looked around me and noticed that some students lingering in the hallway were looking at us. They were quick to divert their gaze though when they noticed that I was looking back. I take a deep breath and sigh, looking back at Minhyuk. "Don't act all hurt when I'm just having more fun with someone different than you, Rocky." 

"That's not what I'm saying." Minhyuk now answered, little taken back by what I just said. What kind of friend is he anyway if he's acting like this? Acting like he is the wisest of us all? He doesn't know shit. "But it's what you're implying. If you're only my 'friend' to criticize me, then leave me alone." I say and look angrily. Minhyuk clicked his tongue and took a step back. He swung his bag around his shoulder and put one hand inside the pocket of his jeans. He looked at me directly in my eyes. Darkly. "Don't worry, we will." He said and started to walk away.

I softly hear Sanha gasp and the younger grabbed me by my lower arm, to prevent me from walking away too. Not like I was planning to do so anyway. He also tried to reach out for Minhyuk but he was little too much out of his reach. "No, wait, guys... I'm sure we can talk this out." He said worriedly. He was well aware of what was happening, I mean, I am too. Minhyuk was done with me and I was with him. Simple as that.

Minhyuk stopped walking and slightly glanced back at me and Sanha. "We just did, didn't we?" He said and looked at me angrily. "Sanha." He said, demanding the boy to go with him. Sanha hesitantly let go again of my arm and looked apologetic at me. He wasn't staying with me, we both knew that. I could never get angry with Sanha though. He wasn't the bad guy in this situation. His eyes were saying sorry but he still walked away from me, together with Minhyuk.

Leaving me all alone.

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