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After that night at The House of Weekend, I spent my Sunday in bed with a moderate hangover. It wasn't that bad but I also wasn't happy to jump out of my bed and go run a mile. So I stayed in bed about the whole day.

Alone for a long time in silence is a recipe for overthinking. Seungkwan hasn't sent me a message whatsoever questioning if I even arrived home safely. He just left me at that club and I still couldn't believe it. Something could've happened to me but apparently, he doesn't care about that. Still, right now, I have no idea if he's mad at me or not.

I've been laying here, thinking about what he said too. What I didn't understand when I was drunk yesterday, I understand now. I guess he doesn't really mind that I kissed with a guy. On the contrary. He just couldn't understand how I could've kissed Eunwoo.

Because together... We kind of hated him. But now I'm left wondering if I only thought of Eunwoo like that for Seungkwan. Was I desperate for Seungkwan to think of me as a friend again? I might've ruined my friendship with Eunwoo for something shitty with Seungkwan. He punched me for god's sake. Minhyuk knew for sure, he even told me and I didn't even care to listen to him.

I sigh and turn around in my bed, Eunwoo probably hated me now and Seungkwan probably does too. I was too deep in this hell and I don't know how I should act to either of them now. This sucks.


It was the next Monday and I woke up to prep myself for school. I was not looking forward to this. I was sure that I would have to see either Seungkwan or Eunwoo. I don't want to talk to them. I wished everything didn't happen. Or we could at least not talk about it and pretend we don't know. I wish I could just go back to before I even noticed Eunwoo. Back to just being friends with only Minhyuk and Sanha.

My phone buzzes and upon taking my phone out of my pocket, I see that it is the devil I try to ignore. Eunwoo.

Today 09:15



I see his message and decide not to respond. I don't want to cooperate with anything he wants. Still, there was a bit of me who was just done with the guy. I sigh and start thinking about how much of everything that Seungkwan told me about him is true. Well, Seungkwan didn't really have a reason to lie about anything he said, did he? Only I did. My phone buzzed again and woke me up from my daydream.


Do you want to meet up today?
I want to talk...

Leave me alone, Eunwoo.

Read 09:25


I arrived at school and was still sleepy. I guess you could say, despite me laying in my bed yesterday, I was still tired after two nights of bad sleep. I tried to watch out for both Seungkwan and Eunwoo but at the same time, I couldn't find either Minhyuk or Sanha. The two friends that would always remain by my side.

I walk to my locker and start putting the books in I took with me for some reason. Why am I even here? I don't want to be at school. Don't get me wrong, I never want to be at school. Who does even? Today though, the feeling of not wanting to be here is even stronger than ever and I am seriously contemplating if I should just go back home.

I wasn't even sure if Minhyuk and Sanha were mad at me after I left them at the pub last Friday. Minhyuk did send me a few messages and apart from the fact that he's a very direct person he did give a few angry vibes in his message's. But that could also be me overthinking things.

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