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After the lashing out between rocky and me, I spent most of the school day contemplating on whether I should just go home or not. I had no one to hang out with anyway. I surely wasn't in the mood for Seungkwan.

Thinking back on how he left me alone in the club made me angry. Thinking back, he never was that good of a friend anyway. And with never I mean also before we stopped hanging out after the first year. He was rude and not nice towards anyone actually. Why was I still trying with him?

Sitting in classes with no one to talk to other than my own thoughts I have come to realize that he is probably the one who got me into this mess. Of course, I did it myself too. He was just messing with my mind. Because of him, I started to believe weird things and doubt my own truth. Did Eunwoo ever do something that Seungkwan said he did?

The day went on like this, I was alone because I basically assaulted Eunwoo and picked a fight with Sanha and Minhyuk. All that was left to do for me is just think. Thinking made me angry with myself too though. The stupid decisions I made lately...

I slumped down the hallway to my final class. Today was awful and I couldn't wait for it to be over. "Moonbin." I hear someone say as I walk down the hallway, looking for something interesting. I stop upon recognizing the voice, I cringe. Not him.

"What?" I say as I turn around and see Seungkwan behind me walking towards me. He has almost a disgusting false smile on his face. Did he always have that? I shouldn't have been loyal to him in the first place. This guy did nothing more for me other than creating problems.

"Where are your shadows?" He asks while laughing softly. Is he making fun of me or does he actually have no idea what happened earlier today with Sanha and Minhyuk? I cross my arms and look at him while squeezing my eyes. "Haha, shut up." I say harshly in a sarcastic tone. I'm not in the mood for jokes or him. I'm not in the mood for Seungkwan at all.

After hearing my response, Seungkwan's eyes widened. Maybe I took him by surprise there. "Oh, you're angry?" He says with a nasty grin. God, I despise him like this. It was only now that I realized he likes to make fun of people so much... I hate people like that.

"Wow, you think so?" I respond, acting as if he said something odd. As if he guessed something that couldn't have possibly be the answer. "Quit the sarcasm dude, for what?" Seungkwan now asks seriously. All the unnecessary laughing now left him. "Oh, I don't know, maybe for leaving me alone at the club after punching me?" I was quick to respond. This wasn't only one reason though.

"You're seriously angry about that? Come on man..." Seungkwan now said trying visibly trying to stay nice. He gave me a playful punch on my shoulder. He obviously didn't want me to turn against him, I knew that but it was too late. I was done with Seungkwan but it took the loss of all my friends to realize that. "Just leave me alone would you?" I sigh.

Seungkwan squeezed his eyes together upon my statement. He was so hypocritical it was ridiculous and I hated the fact that it took me this long to finally see it. "Or what?" he suddenly said.

This particular comment made my blood boil. Did he see this as some kind of challenge or something? Why is he being like this too? I ask him to leave me alone, a normal person would've done so already. One would've asked why at most. "This isn't a 'or what' situation Seungkwan! Seriously, I'm just asking you to leave me alone!" I can't keep my frustration at him in anymore. I'm done.

My sudden rise in the volume in my voice attracted some people their attention. They either stopped talking and looked in the direction of Seungkwan and me or stopped walking to watch the show playing in the hallway. This was certainly something Seungkwan noticed as well.

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