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I was walking down the hallway during class hours. Not that this is a usual thing that I do but sometimes I ask the teacher if I could go to the restroom and then... You know...

I don't.

Sometimes the stuffiness of a full classroom can make me a little claustrophobic and then I just need a walk through the hallway. It's nothing serious but I just feel beter after I do.

I walk past the eighth classroom and notice Mr. White teaching inside. Wait, wasn't Mr. White Eunwoo's teacher?

I look over the blinded parts of the class to look inside the classroom. After a couple of jumps and standing on the tip of my toes, I noticed the man himself. Eunwoo.

While knocking not to hard, I hope to gain his attention and this mission turned out quite succesful, actually. I gained Eunwoo's attention and kindly waved at him but when I did, he looked away as quickly as he could.

Whenever he would look away, I would knock again and so on. Call me childish but he's playing along.

I noticed that Eunwoo stood up, he must be getting called out by the teacher... He's not getting into trouble because of me, is he?

I had to come up with something quickly to save his ass. If he were to get into trouble, he would hate me forever.

I walk to the door and poke my had through the crack. "Excuse me" I started as I looked at the teacher. "Could I maybe borrow Eunwoo for a second? It's kinda important."

Mr. White glanced at Eunwoo and sighed. "I thought you said you didn't know him." He spoke.

Did he really say that?

Eunwoo, who glared at me sat back down completely. "I did, I don't know him." He answered the teacher shortly. Damn, he must really hate me to the bone.

 "Well, since he said it's important you can go, Dongmin." The teacher said as he continued the presence of the students since the class was silent now anyways. 

Wait what the hell? Why did the teacher call him Dongmin? That's at least one topic to talk about.

I walked into the classroom and basically pulled Eunwoo back out with me. He wouldn't follow me outside otherwise.

This dude is stubborn and he will never go out of his shell if he keeps being a little cheeky child if you ask me. If someone won't go on their own, just fucking full force the bitch.

"What do you want?" Eunwoo started as he softly closed the door behind him.

I grinned softly, as if I'm going to answer that question. "So, Dongmin huh?" I started. Eunwoo sighed and turned away from me. "You heard that?" He mumbled. "Sure did" I answered. "Is that like your real name or something?"  

"I'm not gonna explain that shit to some twink like you" Clearly annoyed, Eunwoo slowly started to walk away from me.

I'm not stupid you know, I do notice when someone doesn't want to talk about a certain topic. I mean, the guy called me a twink for god's sake. I'm not so dense that I don't notice resistance but I do like to poke a little bit to trigger it. Especially in Eunwoo's case.

His reactions are just priceless.

Eunwoo was making his leave and I sure wasn't down with that. You can lie about it one way or another but I did save him from his hellhole class.

When I peeked through the window and noticed Eunwoo sitting there, everything about him screamed that he wanted to leave.

And thus, I saved him.

 Of course, I decided to take a short sprint to follow Eunwoo once I noticed that he was straight up walking away from me. The ungrateful ho.

"Hey, where are you going!" I said and grabbed the shoulder of the older to prevent him from going any further. "I thought I was clear enough with asking that shitty teacher if I could borrow you. I want to talk to you about something so don't walk away."  

Eunwoo freed himself from my grip and continued his way. "I think I'm clear enough that I don't want to talk to you because I'm walking away." He said coldly.

Seriously though, I don't know what I am doing wrong with him. What is it that he is hating so much about me? How hard is it to just have a simple chat with someone?

"Well, that's too bad for you because I'm not leaving you alone right now." I answered and took a few big steps to walk beside the now more annoyed other.

Whatever it is with this dude, I am certainly not giving up. The more he keeps pushing me away, the more I'm going to show up. It's like that weird little friend of his said, Eunwoo needs time or something. Let's motherfucking give it then.

"Ok, what is it then?" Eunwoo stopped walking and turned himself to me. A gentle smile appeared on my face as I got Eunwoo to listen.

Yes, score but the next thing was, what am I going to say now? I did get him to stop and listen but I had no freaking idea what I wanted to talk to him about. Ok, Binnie. Improvise.

"So what I was thinking is that we could maybe drink a coffee together someday after school? I kinda feel like you got the wrong impression of me.." I said as I scratched the nape of my neck in all awkwardness. To be honest, though, it was the truth.

I don't know where Eunwoo got his bad impression of me but it wasn't right.

Eunwoo raised his eyebrows in utter disbelief. "You serious?" What did I say wrong now? I frowned and nodded yes a little unsure of myself. Way to crush my self-esteem, bro.

"No, of course not." Eunwoo answered as he had to keep himself from almost laughing in my face. He was trying to keep it in, I noticed that much but why would you laugh in the first place? Bitch, I'm trying my hardest here. C o o p e r a t e.

He started to continue his way again. There was no stopping him now but I sure wasn't done talking to him. This war was on and Eunwoo must know it.

"Well," I continued after a minute or so. "I'm not gonna stop asking until you say yes at some point."

"I suggest you don't even start trying then because I am never gonna say yes." Eunwoo answered without even looking back at me.

"I suggest you say yes fast because otherwise you will be bothered by me for a long time!"

I waited for an answer from Eunwoo but he just kept walking. I noticed that he held his hand up and shortly was waving to me. This bitch.

Something about this boy irritated me to the maximum but I also loved it though. I feel like Eunwoo and I could be very good friends with each other if he would only give me a chance.

If he will ever give me a chance.

I that so much to ask?

Apparently, yes.

(( Henlo 🙋🏼
Sorry for my inactiveness on like every story that I'm writing.. I'm super busy and stressed right now because of school. Meanwhile I'm having the biggest mental breakdown and I'm hiding it through memes because I can't talk to anybody about it! ❤
I'm not having a writers block.. I would love to continue and write every day.. I just don't have the time right now.
I'm sorry.))

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