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I smiled and enjoyed seeing the old memories play in front of me until I heard a faint voice coming from behind. "Oh, You've got to be kidding me!" 

I diverted my gaze to the entrance door of the classroom and saw a familiar figure of someone leaving quickly. "What's up with him?" Seungkwan said as he also looked towards the direction of the door. "That guy of my class really is an anti-social..." He mumbled and looked at me. "Eunwoo huh?" I asked to make sure that it really was who it appeared to be. Seungkwan nodded in response and shrugged his shoulders, "I really don't know why he was so angry just now."

"Ah, he just hates me" I answer and laugh it off as it was the painful truth. "Anyways... I am going to my own classroom alright." I saw and give Seungkwan a fist bump as a goodbye. Before I really go to my classroom though, I wanted to stop by the toilet as something needed to be taking care of...

Upon my arrival in the school's bathroom, I am taken by surprise by the certain someone who seemed to be there as well. Almost like magic.

"You quickly walked out again after you saw me." I said from my position from the doorway. Eunwoo glanced at my direction as he didn't seem to know that it was I who was talking to him.

"For fucks sake!" He shouted as he dropped the plastic bottle in the sink, leaving it to spill all the water that he was just pouring in it down the drain. He turned himself towards me with anger in his eyes. "Can you like for once just fuck off?" Eunwoo was done and couldn't restrain himself anymore in front of me, but what was it that I did wrong. He really just can't keep his temper whenever I am here. I really didn't go here on purpose because he was here though.

I held up my hands to show that I didn't mean any harm. "I didn't follow you if that's what you think. I just had to go to the bathroom and you happened to be there." I said as I took 4 steps into the bathroom.

"Whatever," Eunwoo mumbled as he grabbed his now empty bottle out of the sink and threw it away. He apparently really can't stand it when he was proven to have misjudged a situation.

He didn't look at me once since he didn't want to admit that he just flipped out, out of nowhere without knowing the actual situation. That is understandable though. As he quickly washed his hands and exited the bathroom, walking past me and oh, of course, I didn't stop him. That would just be weirdly rude. 

After that 'incident' I went to the bathroom and started doing whatever I had to do. Won't put much detail into that. Not because I am very prudish, I just want to spare you the details. That's all.

After washing my hands I walked out of the school's bathroom and saw a certain boy struggling with a vending machine. I don't think I would even need to tell you who that certain boy was. Eunwoo.

"Fuck me.." I heard him mumble softly and he slammed with his hands on the glass making the whole machine quake. Wow... Aggressive much?

"Here," I say as soon as I noticed that he needed 20 more cents. I reached out my hands with a 20 cents coin from my pocket. Eunwoo turned around and looked at me with a disapproving face. Honestly, what am I doing wrong now? This guy...

"I don't want your money." The older mumbled as he kept on glaring at me. I am not going to be defeated by this though. No way. This only has the opposite effect on me. Now I am only wanting to get in contact with him more. "Okay, but I also don't have enough money for a bottle. I thought that we could maybe share it." I completely made up and kept my hand up with the 20 cents.

I had to say something, otherwise, it would just be awkward. And yes, I am not that stupid to think that he suddenly would be like 'Oh now it's fine! give me that 20 cents Binnie!'. Hell no. The reaction that he's about to give me, is what I already expect from Eunwoo.

Eunwoo squinted his eyes and looked at me. Why was he being so mean if I, myself, wasn't being anything but mean to him? There was something off here and I assumed that it wasn't probably me that was actually being off. No, I couldn't be the one that was acting stupid. Honestly, I am not the one that is being a dick here. Yes, I am pushing him a lot but it's his fault for being so moody.

"It's okay, you can keep the bottle and have most of it... I just want a sip." I added and I wanted to put the coin into the machine myself. Before I could do that though, Eunwoo quickly pressed the correction button so that the machine would give back the money he put in earlier. I see.

He grabbed the money and looked back up at me. "You're disgusting." He told me with a smug on his face and walked away. Leaving me at the machine.

No, before you ask, I am not that childish to follow him to wherever he's heading. I know but hate to admit that I pushed Eunwoo a little too much just now. I noticed in his eyes that he was far more than done. The guy already has a bad temper but today it was just overboard.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and scrolled through the Instagram feed of a couple of my friends. As the hallway was getting more empty from the students going to their classrooms I was all left alone in the hallway. Was I skipping the next class? Yes, Mr. Peterson gave it. I am not going back to that hellish class. Forget it.

Suddenly, Bin heard a door slammed shut and saw a certain raven-haired boy walking out of the classroom that was just all too familiar to him. It was Eunwoo. He got out so quickly that it was too sudden to register. What happened in the few minutes that he was inside?

Did he snap just now because of me?

(( HIya!

HAs it been a while? YES IT HAS!! Guys WOW I haven't updated this story in ages but nt because I wasn't feeling it anymore! But because I was SOSOSO busy with school it was that I decided to put it on hold ig?

But here I am !! I am back! I finished all my exams (finals?)  And now I have more free time then ever!!)))

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