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It was the next day and I was 'enjoying' my Saturday afternoon. I woke up past 1 in the afternoon because yesterday when I came home, I couldn't sleep at all. What happened yesterday at the pub still was hitting me in the wrong spot.

Yesterday when I saw Eunwoo together with that girl at the pub my blood just started to boil. Maybe it was because Seungkwan predicted something like this. He always says bad stuff about Eunwoo and honestly before yesterday, some I believed and some not. But now I don't know what is true anymore. Was Seungkwan right all this time? A part of me just wished it wasn't true regardless of if I would be friends with Eunwoo or not.

I just couldn't with them suddenly joining my table. Maybe I would've been able to ignore it if the girl wouldn't be so annoying. She was all over Eunwoo it was already awful to watch. I couldn't keep it in anymore, she was getting too much on my nerves. I needed to get out and so I did.

Who would've known that that guy would follow me though? He's mocking me, it's obvious. Or is he? My stomach turns when I think back to what Minhyuk told me. Did he cry because of what I said outside ?

When he followed me, I wanted to say something different than I actually said. I had such a double feeling...

I sigh as I don't know what to do with myself at this point. Why are my brain and my heart both telling me two different things? In my heart, I felt delighted by Eunwoo's explanation. He only went to the pub with Ahrin because he wanted to see if I would be there. But then there was my mind telling me that he does nothing else than lying. I saw him when I entered the pub. He was drinking from her drink.

Still, I did make him cry.

As the afternoon is already almost coming to an end I finally decide to take a shower that lasted longer than a half hour and maybe I would put on something else than my pajamas. As I plop down on the edge of my bed again, I check my phone to see a message of Seungkwan. He's asking me at what time I would be at his place. I groan upon the realization that I said yes to going out tonight with him. I completely forgot about that.

Instead of my sweatpants, I now decided to put on some black jeans with rips by the knees, tipped by a simple black shirt with some stupid quote on it like 'Monday sucks'. As for shoes, I got for the same worn out converse all stars I always wear. I stand in front of the mirror and make sure my hair looks good enough. This would have to do for tonight. I don't really care anyways.

I gather the belongings I needed for this night. Such things as my identity card, wallet and my keys. Making sure I have everything, I turn off all the lights in my home and leave to go to Seungkwan.
When the guy asked me yesterday to go to this club together, I was more than excited. Now, I'm not so sure anymore and that's not because of anything Seungkwan did. I'm still in my feelings with what happened yesterday at the pub.
Maybe a good night of drinking will get my mind straight again.

As I arrive at Seungkwan's, I knock on his door. I quickly check my phone to see that is was now 20:00. Shortly after that Seungkwan was there to open the door for me.

"Yo Binnie, come on in." Seungkwan said happily and opened the door further for me to come in. I entered his home again after so many years, it feels weird to be here again. Last time I visited him, I didn't even enter his home. We only stayed outside.

I take off my jacket and shoes and placed them where I always used to. While entering his living room, I notice it hasn't changed at all. "So where are we going again?" I ask as I sit down on the couch in the corner of Seungkwan's living room. I remember it always being so cosy but now it was maybe a little worn out and old looking.

"The House of Weekend, it's a new club in town. It opened like maybe a few weeks ago." Seungkwan said as he walked to his fridge and took out two beers. "Want one?"

I look at the beer Seungkwan was holding in his hand. A beer didn't sound to bad right now. I nod and stand up from the couch to take the beer from the other. Meanwhile, Seungkwan opened the door to his backyard. "Wanna stand outside for a second?"

I guess I can already assume why he wants to stand outside. Last weekend when we hung out he wanted to be outside too and I guess it's because of no other reason than smoking. I simply nod and follow him outside.

Seungkwan took the pack of cigarettes from his back pocket of his jeans, took one of the toxic things and placed them in between his lips. Also out of the cigarette box, he took his lighter to lit the damn thing. He first took a few drags and blew the smoke upward so it wouldn't come in either of our faces.

I look down at the cold beer in my hands as I want to take a sip. The cap was still on it though unfortunately. "Umm, do you have a bottle opener?" I ask as I hold up my closed bottle of beer. Seungkwan lazily looks up and take the cigarette from in between his lips. "Ah, I'll take care of that." He says and hold out his hand with his cigarette. "Can you hold this for me?"

Carefully, I take the burning stick from his hand and hold it for Seungkwan. Almost automatically I place the straw of death in between my pointer and middle finger. I can't deny, I feel kinda cool. As Seungkwan took my and his own bottle of beer he walked towards the old wooden table in his backyard. He placed the edge of the cap on the edge of the table and slams his hand on top of the beer. Now, what in the hell.

To my surprise, I can clearly hear a beer cap falling on the ground. He actually managed to open it like that? "Here you go." Seungkwan said as he handed me my now opened beer. I held out his cigarette for him to take it again and he also kindly did so.

I look at him as I see the cigarette become shorter every drag and smirk up my face when I smell the smoke coming from it. "I still think you shouldn't smoke those things." I say in a displeased manner.

"I shouldn't smoke?" Seungkwan starts as he holds down his cigarette and looks at me. "Moonbin, people are ruining their lives with other shit way worse than this. Things like drugs and gambling. They end up in a corner of a metro station with nothing more than a cardboard box to sleep on and yet, I shouldn't smoke right? Legally too, I must add."

I stood there with a frown plastered on my face and stare at the older for a second. With a sigh, I say "Okay, I guess..."

"There we go see? It isn't so hard to ignore the voice in the back of your head saying; it's bad for your health.  You have to stop being so uptight about everything, Bin." Seungkwan said and quickly took another inhale from the smoke in between his fingers. "Now, have a go."

I look at Seungkwan's hand as he is holding out his poison for me to take again. Instead of saying anything of any other action meaning to refuse the cigarette, Seungkwan took my wrist with one hand and forced me to take the cigarette with his other. The contact with his skin was cold. Unusually cold if you ask me and to my surprise, I didn't flinch away.

Seungkwan's guided my hand to go up to my mouth. Carefully he placed his hand on my jaw to open my mouth slightly, placing the cigarette between my lips. The contact with the cigarette felt so unnatural I wanted to take it away straight away but Seungkwan didn't let me. Eventually, I took in the smoke coming through the cigarette and felt it going through my mouth deep into my lungs.

The inhale was forced that was for sure, so now I started to cough as I wanted to do nothing more than breath out again. Seungkwan now quickly took the cigarette away from me and I started coughing up the smoke that I inhaled. How is he able to breathe that in so carelessly?

Seungkwan placed the damned thing in between his own lips again and looked at me while I struggled getting my life together. I slight glimpse of sadistic amusement lingered in those eyes of his. "How did you manage to struggle with that?" he said snickering.

I placed my hands on my knees and cough one last time and deeply breath in and out. "Fuck.."

(( wattpad unpublished my chapter? ))

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