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The weekend passed and I almost seemed to forget about Eunwoo. I mean, for the rest of the night that I stayed with Seungkwan at the playground he or I, myself, never came up with the topic again. He was a waste of my time and I never should've put my effort into him.

Don't get me wrong though, Eunwoo seemed nice at first. Or what you call nice... He seemed interesting to me but he always scoffed at me for no reason. He didn't even know me so why be rude? Eventually, he did seem to cool down towards me and that was truly the moment I enjoyed my time with him. He then changed his mind again. Then it's clear though, isn't it? He hates me, so I won't bother anymore. I have better things to do anyway.

Seungkwan warned me about this, I have to admit. He told me from the second he noticed Eunwoo and I were having the contact that I shouldn't do it. He was right too. I didn't want to either listen or admit it at first but when it came down to it he was the one that was right. I shouldn't have doubted Seungkwan in the first place.

As the school day went on it was almost like before I even met the guy. I hung out with Sanha and Minhyuk and had spent the break together with them. Like nothing happened at all. Which now didn't seem to amuse me anymore. I don't mean to put any shade on either Minhyuk or Sanha but now everything was back to normal, it was just straight up boring.

So as the week went on, I might've just spent my time with Seungkwan sometimes. As odd as it seems, Seungkwan as he was now, brought adventure along with him. He didn't care about what he was doing or what others thought about him as he was doing it so hanging out with him rested my bored heart.

Don't you dare say I ditched Sanha and Minhyuk though, I hung out with them too. Like going to school together and sometimes spending the break together. I bet it doesn't even bother them that I'm not always there. They are almost inseparable. So I could third wheel them or actually have some fun myself too.

On Friday though, Minhyuk and Sanha made clear that they expected me at the pub. Like we always would. I didn't understand why they suddenly forced me to come but when I asked they told me they almost never see me anymore and I guess they have a point. I thought it didn't bother them that I wouldn't always be there but I guess it did a little more then I reckoned. Apart from that, now I also don't have a Eunwoo or Seungkwan to spent my time with.

Since it is a tradition the three of us go there every Friday I, of course, said yes. A little taken aback by them pointing out that I was never there anymore though. Did they really see it that way? I mean, I was just hanging out with Seungkwan. It's not like I wrote a contract with them that I always should be with them when at school.

As the final bell rang on Friday I walked to my locker to take care of my stuff. I was almost ready to leave when Seungkwan came up to me, asking me if I wanted to join him to this new club tomorrow night. Now, I never went out before and that was mostly because I have two friends who are younger than me. Meaning Sanha and Minhyuk again. I would love to go out but I couldn't with them since they both are too young to enter most of the clubs that are lit. But now, since I was spending time with Seungkwan again, someone who is the same age as me, I didn't see why not. Of course, I said yes.

I felt my phone keeping on buzzing in my pocket and once I took it out, I saw that Minhyuk was spamming me with where I was at and that they were waiting for me. So as quickly as possible I said goodbye to Seungkwan and hurried to the pub. Speed walking out of the school's building and crossing the street I finally arrived.

I entered the pub and started taking off my coat when I saw a certain someone who just swore last week that he doesn't go to places like this. I guess you can guess already. Eunwoo. He even was there with a girl. Why did he suddenly start to do things that were so unlike him a few weeks ago? Is he just rubbing it in my face now or what?

The girl he was with, held out her drink. Probably for Eunwoo to take a sip, I guessed. Slowly Eunwoo moved forward and started to drink from the bright red drink the girl was holding. Seeing this from this point of view, one would assume the two were on a date.

I feel anger boil in my chest as I still stood in the entrance of the pub. I held my backpack in my right hand sloppily by one of the straps and was already halfway with taking my coat off until I noticed him. What the hell is he thinking? He knows that I always come here on Friday.  Is he doing this because he wants to show me he doesn't care who he's hanging out with? What an asshole.

"Yo Binnie!" I heard Minhyuk say from where he and Sanha were sitting. This caused Eunwoo now look around and finally find me standing here. Eunwoo quickly moved back from the sip he was taking since he noticed I was looking at him too. I saw him debating whether he should do something or not. I squeeze my eyes as I was feeling like I needed to punch at least something.

The girl made Eunwoo look away from my direction since she was talking to him. The girl was pretty though. Just like Seungkwan said, he can get anyone with that face. Including me, apparently. Eunwoo is seriously not for the weakhearted. Since Eunwoo and I didn't have eye contact anymore, I took this opportunity to take my seat together with Sanha and Minhyuk.

The two greeted me happy but my mind just wasn't with them. Shortly after they said hi, they started complaining about what the hell took me so long. As I put down my stuff and completely took off my coat, I glanced back just once in Eunwoo's direction. Just like he was doing.

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