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I waited by myself in the cafeteria for the break to start. Since I got dismissed by Mr. Peterson I went to the cafeteria and played some games on my phone.

I know you are supposed to go to a certain classroom when you are dismissed but I was not feeling like it, so I didn't. Simple.

I heard the school bell ring, indicating that it was time for the break to start. I stayed seated and start to eagle eye, looking for my friends. Once I spot them I stand up and wave.

"Yo Minhyuk, Sanha!" I shout at them. Once they noticed me, they both come my way and take their seat at the table.

"Moonbin" Minhyuk started as he was getting his lunch out of his backpack. "Yeah?"  I answer looking at him.

"Why did you call out to that guy? he didn't look nice anyway" Minhyuk said taking a sip of the bottle of Nesquik that I gave to him. "Bro, I don't know." I shrugged.

I take out my lunch of which I already ate half of. I had to wait for a whole hour on my own, don't tell me that I'm the only one that eats when bored.

I take a sip of my drink as well and groan, "Oh my god this is good!"

But seriously, Nesquik is hella good.

For some reason that triggered the young Sanha to choke on nothing and laugh. "Bin it tastes like regular chocolate milk." Minhyuk said while patting Sanha on the back.

"If you think it tastes the same, then why did I need to pay the 1 euro and 50 cents for your bottle when I also could've paid 80 cents for some shitty brand..." I answer Minhyuk as I am very insulted by his statement.

Minhyuk laughed and started a conversation with Sanha. Sanha was talking about how horrible his last class was and how he 'mastered' A new song on his guitar.

I tried to follow them but I am quickly dozed off. I started at all the people in the cafeteria but am drawn to a certain person. It was the same guy that handed Mr. Peterson the folders, I am 100% sure of it.

I stand up and put my stuff back into my backpack. "Guys I'm gonna head over there real quick." I tell my two friends and make my way to the rather interesting guy.

Once I am at the table that he shared with one of his friends I assume, I take my seat next to him. "Hey, I know you! You were the guy that fucking disrespected Mr. Peterson!" I say happily. I see that the guy slowly turns his head towards me but his gaze quickly diverted to something else behind me. I glance behind me and see that both Minhyuk and Sanha have followed me. Great.

The boy sighed and looked away again. Well fuck, this guy is already hating me.

From the other side of the table, I hear his friend softly laugh,  "Our Eunwoo disrespected a teach?" He asked before bursting out laughing. I nodded at the boy in agreement and laughed a little bit too to make it a little less awkward.

So his name is Eunwoo...

Eunwoo sighed once again and stood up. "I didn't disrespect him, he disrespected me so he made me angry."

Eunwoo is right though, he didn't really disrespect the teacher. Mr. Peterson is an utterly unreasonable man and he was right to treat him the way that he did.

Before I knew it Eunwoo left the table leaving me and his friend all alone. I look at him with a questioning face, not understanding what just happened. He gently smiles at me,

"Eunwoo has a little bit of a temper... But I'm sure that if you keep trying, you will become friends with him. I mean, he is a great guy and you will notice that for sure.."

I nod at his friend and stood up going the same way that Eunwoo went.

I notice him standing by his locker just before he opened it and I make my way towards it. "Hey!" I say kindly.

Honest to god, I just wanted to have a conversation with him. To me, Eunwoo seemed like a very interesting guy and something about him just drew my attention to him...

I guess he didn't appreciate my presence in anyway though..

"What?!" He said beyond annoyed as he slammed his locker shut.

He looked at me with an irritated face. Normally, I'm quite easy with making a conversation whether I like a person or not. Right now this was not the case.

Eunwoo got me so startled that I, for the first time, didn't know what to say and also forgot what I wanted to say in the first place. I took a step back as if his aura was so big and I was intruding his personal space.

This space was his, don't come any closer. You'll die.

"Why are you following me?" Eunwoo questioned me and to be honest, I didn't know the answer. I had to say something though.

I shrugged trying to stay casual and not showing how shook I actually was about his outburst. "I don't know, you seem cool so I guess that's why."

Nailed it.

"Well don't" Eunwoo started. "I know what type of person you are, Moonbin, and I dislike people like you. No that's an understatement, let me rephrase, I hate people like you so don't bother me anymore."

Okay, not nailed it.

Eunwoo stood in front of his locker with his books in his hand held down to his side, his expression kept being truly annoyed by my existence for some reason. Honestly, I had no idea why he decided to hate me so much.

Try to take something positive from what he just said... He knows my name.

Wait... How does he even know it?

"You know my name?" I asked him shocked. Honest to god, I am truly curious about how he found out my name. I don't know when or how he caught up on that so I reckoned that my question wasn't that weird.

"Yeah, when I was in the classroom for five minutes I heard the teacher say it like ten times." Eunwoo said with annoyance.

Okay, so that's how. Way to go, Binnie.

I would be lying if I said that whatever Eunwoo said didn't hurt me. He was so harsh to me it was hard not to just apologize and walk away. I didn't do anything wrong though, I had an honest curiosity to why he was being so mean to me.

Before I could respond with anything my two friends, Minhyuk and Sanha called out my name from the end of the hallway. "YO MOONBIN!" I looked up past Eunwoo. "YEAH?" I shouted back, causing Eunwoo to flinch because of the loudness of my voice.

Shit, you're making it easier for him to hate you like this.

"COME HERE!" my friends shouted back at me again. I guess if I stay here and try to find a way to connect with him, I'll just dig my own hole. It's better to go.

I set my first step to making my way to my friends but before I could set any other Eunwoo grabbed the back of my shirt... Help.

"Yo Moonbin, next time you decide to have a conversation with your friends don't do it all over the hallway because I think I have hearing damage now due to that loud ass voice of yours." Eunwoo said and let go of me.

Okay great so now he hates my voice too?

I stand still, utterly shocked in the middle of the hallway. What did I exactly do to make Eunwoo hate me this much? He doesn't even know me for 2 hours and he already hates my guts.

I turn around to see Eunwoo making his leave. This is not the end.

"Moonbin?" I hear Sanha say softly and Minhyuk wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Who is that?" Sanha asked looking into the same direction where Eunwoo turned around the corner, back to the cafeteria.

I shrugged, "Nobody..."

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now