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After declaring that I might never inhale the smoke of a cigarette again, Seungkwan and I continued to drink for the night. We started off with some beers but soon continued to take shots of whatever liquor the rest might have been. It was strong for sure. That's what I was sure of when I took the shot. My whole insides burned for the coming ten minutes. When the burning finally ended though, it was time for the next one.

I never really took it that far with drinking but the idea and feeling of being tipsy were quite interesting to me. Even though I thought that what I was drinking was beyond disgusting, I tried not to show it. Seungkwan would think of me as a pansy for sure. So I just continued to take the drinks.

When it was around midnight, Seungkwan and I decided to make our way to the club. It was about walking distance from Seungkwan's house so we decided to go there walking. Probably the safest too. I'm not saying that I was too drunk for walking in a straight line, no. Also, the world wasn't turning around me at all. None of that. I was just way more happy and giggly than I usually am. Everything was good and well. At least, to my drunk mind, everything was good and well. If I were to be sober right now I'd probably still be wide awake, worrying in my bed.

But nothing to worry about right now. I was going to have fun tonight. Once we arrived at the club I came to realize that 'The House of Weekend' was a giant building with multiple floors that each played a different music genre. Once we dropped off our jackets at the cloakroom we jumped into one of the elevators. Inside the elevator, there was an employee to bring us to the correct floor. Seungkwan took the lead in this case though. He told the employee which exact floor he wanted to go to and I just trusted him with his choice.

Once we arrived at the floor, the doors opened to a medium-large room filled with students my age dancing. And with dancing, I mean dancing. Most of the girls found a guy, or the other way around, and were dancing together in a rather intimate way. Some, I assume, couples were somewhere a bit more away from the big crowd and were kissing. Which looked like they were sucking each other soul out if you ask me. Other people didn't care though. Those people were kissing right on the dance floor. You do you I guess.

Seungkwan suggested I would get us both a drink first and then later on in the evening he would. Agreeing upon that idea, I went towards the bar and ordered two beers. The bartender took my order and started tapping my beer. Once he came to give them to me, he also gave me one shot. He told me that I didn't seem like I drank enough yet and insisted. Even though I knew by now that shots were no good if you didn't want your whole insides to burn, I drank the shot. Hell, I didn't even know what it was and it was beyond worse than what I had at Seungkwan's home.

I thanked the bartender and took the beers to go back to Seungkwan. Once I had finally found him, he seemed to have found someone else too. A girl in fact. I handed my friend his drink and chugged it faster than one could blink. Seungkwan appeared to be too busy with this girl than to even pay attention to his own friend being awkward as hell. I decided to let those two be though.

I walked away from Seungkwan since he seemed too busy with the girl he made contact with a few seconds ago. Even though I would walk alone around the club then, I refuse to be a third wheel. Being alone was way better than that.  As I was walking around the club, drinking my drink, I notice someone I know clearly far gone from his usual behavior. Shortly said, he's drunk as hell.

I notice Eunwoo looking around the crowd of people dancing. Clearly, he's searching for someone. Seeing him makes my heart drop again and I know it's not the alcohol getting the better of me. I guess I feel kinda sorry for him that I yelled so rudely at him the other day.

I see him slowly making his way through the crowd of people, losing his balance every now and then and eventually he just stopped and stood there. Exactly how much did this guy drink?

I sigh and decide to go to him. Well, my drunk ass decided that it might be a good idea. Would I have done this when I would've been sober? Probably no. Once I reach Eunwoo and grab him by the wrist to take him to a spot that was less crowded. He didn't respond to me taking him with me which was weird and I notice him stumbling over his own two feet while he was following me. I can't imagine that he drank so much willingly... Did I maybe upset him that much that he wanted to drink it away?

"What are you doing here?" I eventually asked Eunwoo when I took him somewhere a little bit more private. And with private I am meaning a corner of the room in the club that was still free. "Hmm?" Eunwoo just answered and continued to sip his drink. Why is he even still drinking? He leaned onto the wall, if he didn't, he would've lost his balance for sure. "Eunwoo..." I mumbled and kept looking at the older, searching for eye contact.

Honestly, now that I see him again, I am sorrier for what I told him yesterday. Maybe it was jealousy too that I saw him with that girl. I can't forget everything that Seungkwan told me though...

My mind is killing me and the alcohol is also taking the sense from my brain at this point. Damn, I should go out more often.

"Here, taste this~" Eunwoo offered his drink pointing the straw in the direction of me. I refused though, who knows what this guy's drinking. Maybe if I drink it, it will be like that shot from before. No thank you. "Are you alone?" I asked Eunwoo and pushed the glass he offered me back to his direction.

"Ah no~ I have friends so... So I don't come... So I don't come alone." Eunwoo stuttered as he couldn't talk normally anymore. It was kinda cute how he was struggling to talk and not being able to keep standing still. If I would've asked him this question when he was sober he would've answered me shortly. With something like 'Of course not, idiot'. This was something different for a change.

"Where are your friends then?" I asked him now. Seeing him alone, this drunk and his friends nowhere to be seen, I also got a bit worried for him.. What if he goes bad or something? What if he decides to go home alone like this? "I don't know, I was about to find them but you... You pulled me here... here to this corner and now I lost them again." In between his sentences, Eunwoo took another sip of his drink, causing him to almost fall but his 'quick' reflexes made him hold onto my shoulders. "They are really small you know. It's hard to find... It's hard to find small people." He continued as he clung onto me.

His touch made my heart speed up. He is so close to me right now... Has he ever been this close before? My heartbeat rises up but I'm trying to keep my cool. "You're drunk.." I said as I tried to keep my mind away from the situation that we're in. I held onto Eunwoo too as he otherwise would fall for sure. Eunwoo grinned onto my statement. "Aren't we all?" He said as he breathed on to my neck giving me goosebumps all over.

"Here taste this Binnieee~," He said again as he realized he still had his drink. I now took his drink from his hands and drank it until there was none left. Probably for the best. Take all the alcohol away from this man. I drank the drink as fast as I could, making me actually feel nauseous. This was strong as hell. Who gave him this drink?

Eunwoo kept his head resting in the crook of my neck and leaned onto me as he would fall otherwise. I can't decide on whether he is too drunk to care or not that mad at me after what happened yesterday. I mean, he called me Binnie just now. The moments that that nickname leaves his mouth it always sets my heart racing. Only if it comes from him though... What is he doing to me? I can't take this tension between us anymore. My gaze starts spinning.

I shifted Eunwoo back to lean against the wall behind him again. I look at Eunwoo as he slowly opened his eyes again. I lean over the older and he has no other way to go to like this. Placing my hands on each side of his head. Why does he have to be so damn pretty even when drunk?

"Why are you... why do you look so seriue- so serious?" Eunwoo giggled and placed a hand on my neck.  I didn't answer though. He's making it worse for me. I am already feeling sorry for yesterday, worried for him that he's being so irresponsible with alcohol and now he's teasing me with his touch and nicknames... I'll give him what he's making me feel.. Utter confusion.

Slowly, I started to move closer to Eunwoo and gave him a few light kisses in the crook of the older's neck. Something that Eunwoo didn't mind at all apparently because he didn't flinch away from it. Maybe...

Slowly moving up, I gave the drunk Eunwoo a kiss on his lips. The regular kiss turned into a French one really quickly and I started to pin Eunwoo into the corner of the club. What am I doing? I am actually kissing him.

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now