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"Normal people think it's funny so just try to have fun." I said as I held my hand on Eunwoo's shoulder. I saw him breathe in and out and look at me. Gently he nodded.

"Who is the teacher?" I asked as I slumped down in my chair as I always do.  "I don't know his name." Eunwoo simply answered though. I admire his ability of not caring.

I looked at Eunwoo taking out his books which I obviously didn't bring with me. I didn't even know I was going to follow this class whatever the subject is. 

"Shit, this is English?" I say as I noticed that the books that were dropped on Eunwoo's desk were for English. "Yes?" The older answered in a questioning tone. Like he assumed that I knew.

"Oh my god!" I whine as I know this was going to be hell for me. "I'm so fucking bad at that bullshit."

Eunwoo shrugged and I noticed the teacher walking in with a cheerful 'good morning class.' The class turned silent slowly and the teacher started doing the attendance. Oh not him.

"Bro," I whispered towards Eunwoo but because he didn't respond to me anymore I gave him a slight poke in his side.  "What is it?" he looked at me annoyed.

 "I didn't sign up for English... Or Mr. Robinson. I'm out. Yeet" I said as I sat back up to pick up my backpack from the ground, ready to make my leave.

"Bitch no, you're staying," Eunwoo whispered to me. Holding his hand on my shoulder, he prevented me from standing up. He was for sure way stronger than he appeared.

"Lee Dongmin," the teacher said with a British accent.

 Eunwoo held up his hand, letting go of me. "Present" he answered the teacher. Because the force suddenly left my shoulder while I was trying to stand up, I shot up. The teacher's gaze shot straight at me.

"And you are?" The teacher asked and before I could even try to make an excuse, Eunwoo started to speak.

"That's Roh Jaeho sir," Eunwoo answered in a questioning tone. As if Mr. Robinson should know this student by now. The teacher scanned down the class list and eventually found the name. "Oh.. I'm sorry, I pictured someone else with that name."

"I guess he had plastic surgery then," Eunwoo said as I slowly sat back down. The teacher's eyes shot back up at Eunwoo, who just frowned at his teacher. I didn't have a slight clue of what he just said but I assumed that it was savage.

When the teacher continued the attendance and started the opening of the class, You know, What they were going to do and whatnot, I poked Eunwoo on his thigh. "Eunwoo... What was that?" I was truly amazed by his English ability, not many people are that good at English. And because I was more than horrible at it, it was even more amazing to me.

  "I just said you were someone that actually left this class after two days but is still on the class's list." Eunwoo simply answered, but that wasn't where I was aiming at. I shook my head, "No bro, I meant that fucking English, where did that come from?" I whispered softly not trying to get the teacher's attention again.

  "My fucking mouth?" Eunwoo said as he shrugged his shoulders. He's acting like it's natural to be on this level.

  "wow.. Okay then, well alright okay cool." I mumbled and lay back down on my arms. I am not going to pay attention is this bullshit class anyway.

As I was laying on my desk, every now and then I shot a look at Eunwoo who was paying attention like his grade was hanging on to it. He would get an A+ even if he didn't pay attention, let's be honest here.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It wasn't like I was in my own class and even if I were I would still check what the message was. So naturally, I took out my phone and saw that the message was from Seungkwan.


What are you doing here?


You're in this class too?

I thought you knew I was in the same class as Eunwoo


Oh.. I didn't realize

Well I am
My question...


I thought it was fun to spend a class with Eunwoo

With Eunwoo?



I told you yesterday right?
Eunwoo is really weird I swear to god


I don't see how he is weird

Well let me tell you
He always tells people to leave him alone and such. Even the girls
He always tells them to get a life or something. Like how rude.
Like you can say it nicely?
This is just one thing, I swear he's so rude. He doesn't care about anyone but himself.


I put my phone away as Seungkwan was just continuing to say bad stuff about Eunwoo. I don't need that negativity in my life.

As a distraction, I pulled Eunwoo's sleeve. "Eunwoo..?" The older finished writing his sentence and then looked at me. "Why did I think that this was a good idea?"

  "I don't know," Eunwoo simply said, "I told you not to do it.."

I stared at Eunwoo who was staring back at me. He wasn't just staring though, he looked like he was thinking. So, correction, He was thinking with his gaze in my direction.

 "yeah, but you also told me to stay," I mumbled to continue the conversation. Suddenly I came to realize something. Eunwoo didn't want me to leave when I said I would. I shot up from my desk and stared at the older happily.

"What is it?" Eunwoo asked in confusion. "You told me to stay" I repeated happily giving Eunwoo a few playful pokes in his ribs.

Eunwoo flinched and pushed me back to stop poking him. "Bitch, nevermind you can leave." He answered as he kept pushing my hands away before I could poke him some more.

"Lee Dongmin and Roh Jaeho!" The teacher suddenly called out from the front of the classroom. "I would stop if you don't want to leave."

I noticed that Eunwoo looked at the teacher as his 'other' name has been called out to the teacher. Nothing seemed to happen though, he just stared. That you don't pay attention doesn't mean you'll get a break from the poking though. So I give him a poke again. 

"aAHK Binnie!!" Eunwoo shouted as he held his hand on the spot where I just poked him.  

"That's it. You two get out." Mr. Robinson said and opened the door of his classroom. 

"Binnie?!" I said under my breath as I couldn't believe that Eunwoo just called me that. No one ever called me that. It sounded so sweet out of his mouth. "Whatever just come," Eunwoo answered as he looked at me. I still couldn't believe it.

"See you next week sir," Eunwoo said with a sarcastic smile on his face and left, followed by me.

((Pls ignore how binnies texts are like super weird... I tried everything to make it look normal))

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