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"Ya Binnie, what are two doing here?" My head shot around to see Sanha walking up to our table together with Minhyuk. Right, of course they would be here.

I saw a grin on both of their faces as if they busted me on something. Just that familiar evil grin your friends sometimes show you. I guess they're right too for laughing at me like that. I canceled them today and yet, here I am. A blush crept onto my cheeks. This was not what it looked like. In fact, it was the complete opposite.

"The three of us used to go here every Friday but I see why he called off today" Minhyuk shifted his gaze to Eunwoo as if he was talking to him. "Oh my god, Minhyuk shut up please," I said as I feel my cheeks turning red.

They're all misjudging the situation here.

Minhyuk just stood there and laughed. I didn't expect him to do anything else though. Same for Sanha. I mean, what would I do? I quickly looked from Eunwoo and back to my friends again. He wasn't looking bothered. Luckily.

"It's just for one time okay guys, don't be all hurt that I'm not with you for one day." I quickly said. I felt their 'judging' stares burn into my soul. I waved with my hands to suggest that they needed to leave. Don't make this worse than it already is.

"Just for one time Binnie?" Sanha suddenly repeated what I said. Were they thinking that this was a date? Did it actually look like that to them? Sanha shook his head with his childish smile, "we've seen you stare, we know you, this won't be once"

Well, what the-? 

I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. Was I not being clear here? They're straight up teasing me in front of Eunwoo. "guys!" I shouted but soft enough to not get the whole pubs' attention on me. Sanha shrieked by my sudden outburst jumped behind Minhyuk while remaining his smile on his face. That's what you get.

"We're sorry Bin, we're leaving already... See ya at school" Minhyuk spoke taking steps back with every word until they both left Eunwoo and me alone again.


Today 18:21

He came...

Gotta admit, I didn't expect that...

Me neither...
Y did u leave me by myself thn?

Well Bin what if that dude actually came?
He would've thrown with tables if he saw that you lied and were not alone..


Anyways, bet you have a Very fun time with mister Cha atm...

Not really...
It's hella awkward...
He apologized for this morning tho :)

Bet he was real sincere
If he were sorry, he wouldn't have done it
Or he would've looked for you during the day to say sorry
He didn't wanna come in the first place but now he says sorry?
Sorry but doesn't sound very confincing.

Still better than nothing.

Did he also tell u y he almost cut you?

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