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"Hey, Bin," Seungkwan said as he opened the front door of his house. As I promised, I would come to his place after I was done with Eunwoo. Even though I don't really feel like it, I still came. Seungkwan is one of my best friends since childhood.  "Yo," I mumbled.

Seungkwan stared at me for about a minute, "Did you cry or are you high?" he suddenly laughed a bit. I guess my eyes are still red from earlier with Eunwoo. I know I shouldn't have cried back then because it was nothing to be sad about anyway. I barely even know Eunwoo. Staring at Seungkwan, I put up the hood of my jacket to cover my face a bit. "High." I shortly answer.

"I'm sure you are." Seungkwan grinned again. To my surprise, he took a step out of his doorway and closed the door behind him.  "Let's go out for a sec," No wonder he had his jacket on.

I closely followed behind Seungkwan as I had no idea where he was headed. Soon enough though he told me to walk next to him and tell him all about what happened with Eunwoo earlier. Of course, I did so because he was the one who always listened whenever something happened between me and Eunwoo.

While talking we eventually sat down at an old kids playground. We both sat on one of the two swings placed next to each other and just sat there. This really reminds me of the good old times with Seungkwan. I miss those times.

"So what you're saying is you don't want contact with him again?" Seungkwan said as he looked at me. He held his hands in his pockets while slightly moving back and forward on the swing. These days it has been really cold, especially in the evening and nights but now the fresh air was nice.

"No, I think hanging out with him only brings problems along  with it," I said as I looked at my worn out converse. The shoes were beyond dirty and the fabric was even ripped a little bit at some spots but let's all be honest here, worn out shoes walk the best. That, and I was too lazy to buy new ones.  "Too bothersome."

"You're making the right choice," Seungkwan said as he suddenly took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Don't tell me... Followed by the pack of cigarettes, he also whipped out a silver flip lighter. Taking one of the things out of the packet, he placed it in between his lips.  He easily lit up the cigarette and blew the first drag of smoke away.  "You're way better off without him. You have me right? Way better" Seungkwan grinned at his own 'funny' joke at the end. I couldn't even concentrate anymore on what he was saying. I was beyond shocked that he started smoking so carelessly.

"You smoke?" I stated with wide open eyes. Seungkwan stared in front of him and held the smoke loosely between his pointer and middle finger. He slowly brought the thing back to his mouth and took another dose of the poison in his lungs. Seungkwan slightly shrugged as he blew out the smoke again. "Ya, wanna try?" He said and held it in my direction.

Screwing up my nose in a displeased manner, I didn't take the stick of death from Seungkwan his hand. "That shit bad for you, you know that?" I say as I sincerely don't want any of my friends to take care of themselves badly. Suddenly Seungkwan starts to fake coughing and holds his hand on his heart. "Ah shit, really?" He says sarcastically. "I didn't know that! how stupid of me!" He exaggerates as he holds the burning cigarette in between his pointer finger and thumb. He then shrugged and shoved it right back into his mouth.

A small and careful smile crept its way on to my face. Ever since I got to know Seungkwan he was always spot on with his sarcastic jokes and he still was. Maybe he didn't change that much after all. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Since Seungkwan staring in oblivion by now again, I decided to just check it.


Hey, did you get home?

Yeahyeah I'm home 😊
In bed even 👍🏻

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now