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The threaded break came slow, but it definitely came.

Minhyuk walked by my side, holding his backpack loosely on one of his shoulders. In his hands, he held the books of his last class, which he was going to dump at his locker first, all cool like. For me, my hands were dug deep into the pockets of my sweatpants, my eyes glued to the floor tiles beneath my feet. With every step that I took, I was trailing along helplessly behind him.

What I was going to do when I would arrive in the cafeteria was all that shot back and forth in my mind. I mean what was there to do? There was a chance that I could possibly manage to sneak away last minute, but that probably that wouldn't work. Seeing that I am walking with Minhyuk right now and he probably wouldn't let me out of his sight and if I did, he would flip out.

There's a possibility that I could pretend to be sick? Apparently, there's the flu going around here and there or whatever, maybe I could pass off as having that? Yeah, that could work. I just need to cough and grab my stomach and then-

"Bin?" Minhyuk cut into my thoughts, which was probably for the best because I had started making pathetic excuses, "Bin are you okay?  You're looking a bit stressed out, man."

No, I think I have the flu. "Of course I'm fine," I spoke with a slightly forced smile to assure him of the lie I had told. Fucking hell, Bin; flu! You have the flu! "Don't worry about me, I was just a little too much lost in my thoughts.

Minhyuk smiled and nodded, gesturing me to follow with a single hand motion as we made our way to the schools' cafeteria. "Good. Now, come on then."

In the short seconds to a minute that it took to walk over to the group of people I wasn't quite sure if I could call friends or not, it felt as if the world was closing in on me. I looked calm on the outside, but on the inside, I panicked. What was I going to do if they all turned around and decided they didn't want to be friends? What was there to do from there? I'd have to look forward to another day of sitting around alone for six or so hours. Screw that.

"Guys, look who I recruited." Minhyuk said almost proudly once we were a meter from where Sanha and the two friends I recognized from Eunwoo, Jinwoo, and MJ, I thought, were sitting. They were all quick to turn their gaze, mouths full of lunch as he shoved me towards them. "I got him acting normal again."

'Normal?' Slowly, I raised one of my hands and painfully perked one half of my mouth up to try and hide my nervousness at least a tiny bit, "Hey,..."

Needless to say, each and every one of them had their different reactions to the sight of me.

Sanha was the first to do or say remotely anything. At first, he just stood there and looked at me as if he was judging me, but his mouth was quick to curve up into one of his infamous smiles not long after. Then, after saying something to do with him and I being the way we used to, he lifted his hand to high five me to show I was welcome in his book. For a second, he looked as if he would've liked to have hugged me but was a little too taken back to actually do so.

MJ was next to do anything. Even though I personally don't know the guy that well, he was surely up to date with who I am and everything that has been going on. He leaned forward as he was sitting on the other side of the table and placed his hands on my cheeks, squishing them together as she narrowed his eyes at me and turned my head side to side. For a short minute, he appeared to be studying me, like he was trying to see if I was going to act normal. If I was going to behave from now on. Then, finally, he ruffled up my already messy hair and as his facial expressions softened into a smile and he began to laugh and joke about how much of an 'asshole' I had been, but also about how much everyone had missed me.

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now