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I shifted Eunwoo back from leaning on to my chest to lean against the wall behind him. I look at Eunwoo as he slowly opened his eyes again. I lean over the older and he has no other way to go to like this. Placing my hands on beside each side of his head. Why does he have to be so damn pretty even when drunk?

"Why are you... why do you look so seriue- so serious?" Eunwoo giggled and placed a hand on my neck. I didn't answer though. He's making it worse for me. I am already feeling sorry for yesterday, worried for him that he's being so irresponsible with alcohol and now he's teasing me with his touch and nicknames... I'll give him what he's making me feel.. Utter confusion.

Slowly, I started to move closer to Eunwoo and gave him a few light kisses in the crook of the older's neck. Something that Eunwoo didn't mind at all apparently because he didn't flinch away from it. Maybe...

Slowly moving up, I gave the drunk Eunwoo a kiss on his lips. The regular kiss turned into a French one really quickly and I started to pin Eunwoo into the corner of the club. What am I doing? I am actually kissing him.

Not a second I was panicking that people might see us together. This was our moment. I did was at the moment what I wanted to do the dearest.

As our kiss ended I pressed my forehead against Eunwoo's. I didn't want it to end so quickly... What is it with this guy that I lose it every time? I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Eunwoo still had his eyes closed. He's either totally wasted or he doesn't want to look me in the eyes.

I kept my forehead pressed onto the older's and it was my intention to stay with him until I felt someone pull me away from Eunwoo by my wrist. Once I managed to turn around I saw that it was Seungkwan. Turning around, in theory, sounds easy but when someone is pulling you from the back and you actually are wasted yourself as well, it's a harder task then it would normally be. Even though I was not sober at all, I could see from Seungkwan's body language that he was not happy. Why?

"Bro, are you upset?" I ask him as we arrived in the men's bathroom. Frankly, there was no one here and the music was a little bit less loud so we could just talk together. Seungkwan sighed as he turned around to look at me. "You're seriously asking me that?" He asked irritated. Was I supposed to know? I shrug as I don't know what he is so pissed about.

Completely out of nowhere, Seungkwan steps forward and pushes me into my stomach. I stumble backward and hit the wall behind me with a loud thump. I wrap my arms around my stomach as it was aching really bad. For a second it was hard to catch my breath again because my back hit the wall so hard.

I lean forward and look at the ground. Seriously where did he do that for? I didn't do anything to him, right? I follow back the steps I took tonight with Seungkwan and can't come across something that might have triggered him to punch me in my stomach like this. I remain silent and waited for Seungkwan to start speaking again.

"Why the hell were you slipping your tongue into that asshole's mouth?" The other spoke up again. He walked up to me and for some reason, I felt scared for a second that he was going to hit me again. Luckily he didn't though. He just stood there, looking down at me. I don't really get why he is getting so mad about this though, in my opinion, I didn't do anything wrong. I do what I want anyway.

"What the fuck man," I say rather angry and slowly stand back up straight again once the pain left my stomach. I seriously thought I was going to throw up for a second. How does he dare to punch me like that so suddenly? I don't deserve this. "Didn't you hate him or something?" Seungkwan said as he crossed his arms and looked at me disgusted.  "Didn't I?... You.." I mumble softly. I wasn't really sure if Seungkwan could hear me but this didn't make any sense. He was the one who came up to me warning me about Eunwoo. He was the one who hated him. Eventually, I was the one who believed him. How is he putting this on my shoulders? Like it was me who took him along.

"I can't believe your ass is actually gay for him..." Seungkwan then said in a disapproving tone. He made me feel ashamed of what happened a few minutes ago. Like it was wrong in every way. "I'm not," I answered as convincing as I possibly could. Seungkwan dropped to conclusions of me being gay but I haven't even figured it out myself yet. I first need to get things straight for myself.

"Sure Bin... If you weren't then why did that just happen?" Seungkwan said waving his hands around in anger. Seriously where is he angry for? What I did, wasn't an attack on Seungkwan in any way you look at it. I know he wasn't going to accept it though if I say what I feel. I have to come up with something. "Because..." I start and think for a second. "He was... Because he was drunk."

"So?" Seungkwan took a step back from me and raises his eyebrows. Think Bin, what would Seungkwan want to hear now. "I did it because..." I say again, biting my lip. Since the alcohol took most of the ability to think normally, coming up with something was quite hard. "Isn't that what he deserves?" I answer, realizing that what I said wasn't really an explanation of my actions.

Seungkwan frowns and folds his arms, "A kiss?" He questioned. I kind of hoped that he would fill in my answer. Like I just would have to say that and he would come with the idea himself. Seungkwan didn't though. He was still not buying what I was telling him and honestly, I wouldn't blame him for it. "He'll be confused..." I mumble afterward.

"I think you are confused Bin..." Seungkwan now grinned. I have to be honest, that one hurt. Also, the fact that I might be confused is not the main problem here, so why point it out.  "No really, I-" I say but am cut off by Seungkwan. He walks towards the door and turns around just when he was about to leave. "Talk to me when you have your head straight again and realize how stupid you're being right now. Bye Moonbin." Seungkwan said and walked away. Leaving me alone at the club at 03:30 midnight.

((Sorry for the late update but I have quite of an writers block and was struggling on how to end this chapter. also, lately every decision I make feels like a bad one so I am a bit down in my mood. Please bear with me 🌸))

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