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I walk around the first corner and put my hands back in my pockets as they were there before I started my search in my bag. I look down at the ground at my feet walking and noticed, behind me, there were also a pair of feet walking oddly close to me. I look up again and turn my head slightly to see who it was that was walking so close to me and catch the person in the act.

Actually, who it was that was following me, surprised me more than the fact that there was somebody following me.

I tensed up, he tensed up, and both of us stopped in our tracks in perfect sync. Judging by the look on his face, he was just as perplexed on what to do as I was as if he couldn't understand why I was standing here just a meter from him but also, neither could I.

"Eunwoo..." I mumble softly in disbelief.

Quickly, Eunwoo snapped out of his silence and spoke, "Moonbin, uhm..." He turned silent for a while and I couldn't help but notice him cursing to himself. "Uh, I just wanted to say thank you," Eunwoo said in a tone that was anything but confident. My hand now rubbing at my arm awkwardly as I looked slightly to the side. "For helping me when Seungkwan punched me, I mean. For bringing me to the nurses' office and getting help."

My expression softened for a second before it twisted into a questioning frown, "So you decided to follow me home to tell me that?"

I watched the heat rise up to Eunwoo's cheeks and he shook his head quickly, "No- Oh my god, no. That's not what I was doing at all, I was just... I was going to-.. But then I.."

As Eunwoo stammered with his words, my frown changed into a kind of amused look and I flicked my head as if to say 'walk with me'. As I began walking again, stating calmly, "Eunwoo, it's fine, you don't have to thank me."

For a second Eunwoo was silent and I heard he quickened his pace to catch up with me, "No, I do have to thank you, Moonbin. And I have to apologize for not being there for you when you needed help the past few weeks."

"No." I held up my hand to tell him to stop. I didn't dare to look at him as I felt so ashamed that Eunwoo was now apologizing to me. In my opinion, it should be the other way around. "You really do not have to thank me, Eunwoo, and you most definitely don't have to apologize. Stop talking like that, or I'll have to ask you to leave me alone."

With that thread, Eunwoo zipped his lips and started to walk beside me in silence. The only sound we shared was the pattering of our footsteps on the pavement as we walked along, and not even a glance was shared between the two of us. -Well, not on Eunwoo's behalf anyway. I, myself, was constantly looking over at Eunwoo when he'd turn his head over to watch something as we walked past it. It was the only moment he wasn't looking ahead that I felt as if he wouldn't catch me looking, and he didn't. He was completely clueless to my peeks and glances in his direction, and I guess I was glad of that because at least that way he wasn't able to return my glances with a frown or a look of disapproval.

We walked in our silence for about five solid minutes.

I don't know if you've ever been in a forced silence with the one person you want to talk with the most, but when you're in a situation like that, five minutes feels like forever. Thankfully, once we had reached a more secluded path that wasn't as exposed to the numerous cars that passed us due to the busy afternoon rush, I stopped walking and turned to look at Eunwoo. I didn't say anything at first, simply because I didn't know what. Instead, I offered a look that caused the same action from him, he stopped walking and locked his eyes on me.

"Look, Eunwoo, I know what you want," I began, my tone neutral and my eyes were never breaking from his, "You didn't follow me to say thank you for today... You want to talk about what happened between us, don't you?"

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