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In all panic, I picked the fainted Eunwoo up from the ground. I didn't know what to do and I had to find someone who did, fast. It worried me, to say the least, to see my best friend, the one who I cared about the most of all people laying on the ground. He was beaten unconscious by Seungkwan and I was never going to forgive him for that.

I walk back towards the school with the limb body of Eunwoo in my arms. Passing through the school's gate, I gained some looks by some of the lingering students making their way out. Some of them look questioning, not really understanding why I was carrying a person around and others seemed to catch up and notice there was something wrong.

I wanted to scream for help and get others to me to wake Eunwoo up again but I also didn't want someone random who I don't know to take charge over him. I want someone who I know I can trust Eunwoo with. As if God was answering my prayers, I saw that one friend of Eunwoo's walking out of the school's exit.

What was his name again though? I tried to think back to when Eunwoo was talking about him in one of our conversations... Something with a J... Wasn't it Jin? Jin, something... Jin... Jin. Eunwoo called him Jinjin. Shaking my head, there wasn't time for think about what someone's exact name is when you have someone who's unconscious in your arms. Jinjin would have to do.

"Jinjin!" I shout and make my way towards the guy who somehow still hasn't seem to notice me. I shout his name again and again and he finally looked up from his phone in my direction. "Please help," I say and he noticed that I was carrying also his friend in my arms.

"What did you do?" The guy asked as he took out the headphones he was wearing and took a good look at Eunwoo. "It wasn't me but Seungkwan," I said quickly. There could be something really wrong with Eunwoo and then we would've wasted our time here talking. Who knows how Seungkwan hit him. It could've been a wrong spot.

I feel tears stinging in my eyes, this was all my fault. If I wouldn't have blindly gone along with Seungkwan's game, Eunwoo wouldn't have been in this situation.

"I'm sorry please calm down... We'll take him to the nurses' office." Eunwoo's friend said as he took the lead in walking to the room. It wasn't until now that I realized that everyone on the school's ground was staring at me. It was an awful sight. People should mind their own business instead of staring at me like I'm the bad guy.

I try to keep my focus forward and before I noticed we already arrived at the designated room for Eunwoo. Jinjin opened the door and directed me to put Eunwoo down on the crappy bed the hospital owned. I breathe heavily as tears continued to sting in my eyes. They were on the brim of falling down but I look up at the ceiling to prevent them from rolling down my cheeks. This wasn't the time to have an emotional breakdown. "Moonbin, I'm sure it's nothing serious. Just calm down and I'll get the nurse." Jinjin said as he walked out of the office again.

How come he's not panicking? He's Eunwoo's best friend but he's calm as hell. I take a plastic cup and fill it with tap water to drink. Seungkwan should've punched me instead of Eunwoo. I am the one who deserves this. Eunwoo deserved someone so much better than me to gain his trust. Before me, Eunwoo never made any other friends than Jinjin. I probably completely damaged his trust. I just wished Eunwoo would've kept pushing me away... 

From the other side of the room, I look at Eunwoo who was lying still on the bed. The only thing that was moving was his chest. Slowly up and down because of his breathing. His face wasn't as pale anymore as it was when he just got knocked out, maybe he was slowly coming back to earth. It was a soothing thing to assume anyway.

I lean against the wall, waiting for Jinjin to come back and notice a bottle of lemonade standing on a counter. Weren't people that recently passed out supposed to drink something sweet to help them wake back up? Without a doubt, I took another plastic cup and poured a little bit of the lemonade syrup in the cup and filled the rest with water. Eunwoo could drink this when he would wake back up. I place the cup on the counter and just when I did Jinjin came back together with the school's nurse. Which was just the biology teacher.

I waited, leaning against the windowsill until the teacher was done look into the cut on Eunwoo's head. She told Jinjin everything but most importantly that everything was going to be fine and that it could be minutes until Eunwoo would wake up. Once the nurse a.k.a teacher left again I also started to grab my things.

"You're leaving?" Jinwoo asked as he looked up at me while he was just about to sit down on one of the chairs. "Yeah, when Eunwoo wakes up, I doubt that seeing my face is on top of his list," I say when I grab the cup of lemonade and give it to Jinjin. "You've got a point," Eunwoo's friend says and takes the cup questioning. "For Eunwoo when he wakes up," I say and take a glance at Eunwoo. "Anyways, thank you for helping, Jinjin." 

"Well... I helped because it was Eunwoo." Jinjin says and gives me a handshake. "It's Jinwoo by the way." he finishes and sits back down on the chair, placing the cup on the table beside it. "of course, Jinwoo..." I say and take a few steps back.

"I guess I'll see you around" I mumble and walk out of the classroom. I guess I have nothing to do here anymore when Eunwoo will be fine and he has Jinwoo to take care of him. The only thing I have to do is take care of Seungkwan.

((Hiya it's me again! I'm sorry if this chapter is lacking.. but I tried my best :) ))

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