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Class time ended and I slowly made my way to the schools' cafeteria. Walking to the place I was still feeling what happened before class with Eunwoo in my stomach.

I hoped I wouldn't run into him now. That would be the worst case scenario.

As I entered the cafeteria I looked for my two best friends, Sanha and Minhyuk. While scanning the area, my eyes couldn't help but fall on the one threaded person. Which was actually Eunwoo.

I saw him slumped down his chair which is unlike him. He looked at his phone with his face looking like a thunderstorm. Even his two friends MJ and Jinwoo looked at him worriedly.

Not that I am worrying for him though, the guy went overboard and that's not my problem. He would have to apologize first.

Deciding to ignore Eunwoo, I walked past him. I bet he didn't even notice me. By this time I found Sanha and Minhyuk waving at me and thus, I joined them.

As I sat down Sanha greeted with a happy 'Hey Binnie' and Minhyuk gave me one of those cool greetings guys only do. I picked my lunch out of my backpack and slowly started eating it while listening to my two friends. I wasn't really in the mood for talking myself.

"This is unlikely... Binnie is not eating his sandwich in three bites..." Sanha stated catching my attention. As I looked up at him I saw him poking Minhyuk and he only agreed. "You're right."

They both now looked at me if they were expecting an answer from me. "I am just enjoying it." I tried to say as convincing as possible. I could've known beforehand that they weren't going to buy it though.

"No, no, Bin, you told us to truly enjoy a sandwich you need to eat it in three bites." Minhyuk laughed as he gave me a playful push against my shoulder. I couldn't even crack a smile as I slowly moved back and forward by his push.

Currently, everything was just a little too much for me to stay cheerful. Everybody has those days sometimes right?

"Is something wrong?" Sanha carefully asked as he now looked as serious as his face could get. He was always quick to catch up if someone was feeling down. He just didn't always know how to soothe someone.

"No, why would there?" I tried to laugh off. I was in no mood to talk about my feelings right now. All I needed was just a long night of sleep. Everything will be better tomorrow. For sure. 

"Because you're being so silent." Sanha now mumbled. I didn't know anything other to do than shrug. Everyone is silent sometimes right? I felt awkward to make eye contact at this certain moment so I kept fidgeting with my hands. Somebody save me from this conversation.

Don't get me wrong, I fully understand Sanha and Minhyuk are meaning the best for me and are caring about me. But please, not this talk today.

"We didn't see you either yesterday or this morning..." Minhyuk said after a forced cough to get my attention on him.  "Yeah, I was busy." I quickly answered and it frankly wasn't a lie.

"You know it's okay to tell us right?" Minhyuk told me. Why are they assuming there's something wrong with me? I just told them there was nothing. I am well aware that it probably wasn't really credible but just take it for now alright?

"I know, I know and I would if there was. I just..." I start but notice Seungkwan standing on the other side of the cafeteria. He is exuberantly portraying me to come over to him. It was like a gift sent from heaven to get out of this talk "I just gotta go real quick?" I finish kind of questioning as I immediately stood up.

I wanted to leave. Now.

"See you tonight at the pub?" Sanha asked. I remembered it is Friday today. We always go to the pub together. Minhyuk, Sanha and I, I mean. Normally I always would go of course but today... I wasn't feeling it. I just want to sleep.

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