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It was almost class time and I walked together with Eunwoo to our designated classes.

Well, Eunwoo didn't really seem on earth with his mind at the moment. He always walked one pace faster than me and because of that it always looked like I was just simply following him around.

It also made me feel that way. Such a feeling is always something I disliked. But who doesn't?

"What's your next class?" I ask as I take one step quicker after another to catch up with the older. Eunwoo didn't respond though. He was completely lost in his thoughts.


It was for about the third time that he almost bumped into someone while looking straight forward.

About what could he be thinking to get his mind so caught up he couldn't even see the things in front of him?..

"Lee Dongmin!" I say more strongly eventually and grab him by the wrist to get his full attention. I always knew Eunwoo's real name wasn't Cha Eunwoo but Lee Dongmin. The reason why he isn't called that name had always been unclear to me. Nobody else seemed to know either.

Doing the math though, it added up to think that someone would respond quicker to their actual name.

Seeing Eunwoo cringe as I called him by his real name, he finally woke up from his daydream. He slowly turned around and looked down at his wrist where I was holding him. As I wanted to ask him my first question again, he looked at me fiercely

"What did you say?" The older snapped at me and pulled his arm out of my grip.

I didn't know that he would get mad if I called him that. Why is he suddenly acting so mean again?  His response scared me a little bit.

Deciding not to let his immediacy get me down in my mood I quickly put up a smile again even though I rather wouldn't. In my opinion, it's best if there was always someone who stayed cheerful in every situation.

"That's your actual name right? I called out 'Eunwoo' ten times but you didn't respond. Then I said Lee Dongmin and you did respond, so it worked" I tried to say happily. Maybe if he realized that I didn't mean in a bad way he would understand and not get mad.

"Don't call me that." Eunwoo only shortly answered me. I guess that approach didn't work.

Curiosity took the better of me and I couldn't help but ask what this whole name thing was about. He was being direct and straight up rude to me so I could be like that too.

"Why though? Why don't you want people to call you your real name?" I asked. Eunwoo decided to continue his way to his designated classroom and I couldn't do anything else than actually follow him this time. I wanted answers.

"It's none of your business." Eunwoo answered, glaring at me. Where was he in such a bad mood for?  "Is it because you don't like it or do you maybe have bad memories from it? It's okay to tell me." I was not going to be defeated by his bad temper. I wanted answers or at least a nice word of 'I don't want to talk about it.' That isn't much to ask.

Well, apparently it was because suddenly Eunwoo turned back around toward me and pointed his finger at me. "Moonbin shut the hell up! What don't get from 'it's none of your business' ?" Eunwoo hissed. 

"I..I am sorry." I said as I held my hands beside my head. I didn't mean to make him snap like this but how could I have known that this was a sensitive topic for him. No need to get this angry though.. I didn't do anything wrong.

"Whatever, don't follow me anymore," Eunwoo said as he turned around and left me standing alone in the hallway full of other students.

I stood there not really realizing what just happened. I can understand that he must have a reason that he wants to be called Eunwoo but getting so angry about it, I didn't understand. 

And if I'm being completely honest with what I'm feeling here, Eunwoo just hurt me. He didn't have to get so mad about my question. I just wanted to get better friends but his response was clear enough.

"What's wrong bro?" I hear a voice behind me say and a hand rested on my shoulder. I guess it is pretty odd that I'm standing still in the middle of a busy hallway.

"Oh, Eunwoo he- ..." I sighed and turned around to talk to the person behind me but saw that it was Seungkwan. I know his opinion on the guy and I didn't need his negativity on the topic.  "Nevermind." I mumbled.

"No it's alright you can tell me, I am your friend, remember?" Seungkwan said kindly as he squeezed my shoulder a bit and stood beside me. I guess he is still my friend...

"Oh, he just snapped at me for calling him Dongmin." I tried to say casually but thinking back on it I feel my stomach turn. I actually feel really bad about it. No one ever got me feeling this bad for talking mean to me. Normally I am able to shrug these things off.

"Isn't that like his real name?"  Seungkwan asked. This time he didn't have the certain mean undertone he always has when talking about Eunwoo. I nodded yes to his question.

"Yeah, he almost picked a fight once with a classmate for calling him his birth name." He added. I always keep forgetting that Seunkwan and Eunwoo are in the same class.

Imagining Eunwoo picking a fight with a classmate after experiencing him being so mean to me on the topic, I was able believe what Seungkwan was saying. Still I didn't want to admit it.

"I guess it's a sensitive topic."

"Little too sensitive if you ask me.." Seungkwan answered and I guess he has a point. If you're not going to tell people the reason you want to be called a different name than your actual one, you don't have the right to get so angry at people asking and being curious about it. 

"You guys are lowkey friends and he even shouts at you about it." Seungkwan continued to talk. He's right again. I dared to consider me and Eunwoo friends and he even got this toxic at me. I'm sorry I am curious.

"I guess he doesn't like to talk about it." I mumble. I can't even believe I still am trying to defend the guy on this. He straight up hurt my feelings after what he said.

"You guess? I'm sure he's keeping secrets."

I'm sure he is.

"I guess..."

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