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As we entered the little coffee place I told Eunwoo to take a seat and I would take care of the ordering and everything concerned to that matter.

I was very confident when I offered it though. Now that I'm standing here in line ready to order I kind of have no clue what to get the man.

What does he like? Is he a person who likes bitter taste or more the sweet kind?

After a minute of internal panicking, I came to the conclusion that you can't go wrong with a cappuccino so the choice was officially made.

"I actually hate you for the fact that I'm sitting here." Eunwoo said as I walked up to the seat that the older chose.

Slowly I took my seat, "I know, I love you too honey." I answered jokingly and put down the coffee. One for Eunwoo and one for me. Both the same one anyway.

I wasn't sure what Eunwoo was suggesting with him saying that he hated that he was sitting here. Did he mean the actual booth he was sitting at, the coffee bar, me?

Honestly, I didn't know how to respond other than making jokes in this situation. Eunwoo makes me nervous.

"Fuck you." Eunwoo grinned softly and stirred in the coffee I gave him. He didn't put any sugar in, so he liked bitter stuff other than me.

Even though he smiled and grinned, the fuck you made my heart drop to my toes. Does he mean it?

"Oh Babe yes, do you want to go to my place or yours?" I said as I grabbed the hand of Eunwoo who was still stirring the milk into his coffee.

Eunwoo first looked straight at me for a second but started to laugh eventually. Carefully I followed him laughing... I guess he doesn't hate me.

"But seriously, Eunwoo, why are you disliking the fact that you're being here?.." I ask carefully taking a sip of my coffee. That shit was still too hot though. Damn, I just burned my whole mouth and insides. I tried to stay casual even though I was in severe pain.

Hearing a sigh from the older I already wanted to take back that I asked. For the love of god, why is Eunwoo only able to make me so uncertain and self-conscious as hell. Also, last week I wasn't having this problem with him.

What is going on here?

"hmm... I can't really explain it actually.." Eunwoo mumbled softly and kept his eyes away from me, he just kept stirring his coffee. Pretty damn sure that coffee is well stirred by now. Is he uncomfortable because of me?

The older kept silent for a good minute and I couldn't do anything else other than panicking. Panicking because I was more than sure that it was me that was the problem here.

I'm always the reason people are yelling anyway.

"Is it because you're with me?" I asked. I just had to. I may be uncertain about this but I am myself so I am straight forward.

I looked at Eunwoo, who's eyes widened and shot up at me. I couldn't help but look away though, he looked like I was right. "What the hell Binnie? Of course not!" Eunwoo said softly while yelling, and slammed his hand on the table.

So it was not that? But what could it be then? Why is Eunwoo hating the fact that he is here? He said yes to my offer for god's sake.

I looked straight at Eunwoo waiting for an answer. He confuses me sometimes. Well, most of the times. 

"Listen Moonbin... I'm just too stubborn to admit that you're an okay guy actually." Eunwoo started.

"And because I said stuff like 'don't even bother because I'm never gonna say yes.' it's hard for me to accept the fact that I did say yes to drinking a coffee with you after all."

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now