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Walking down the hallways, I waited until the class that was given now would be over. I am very aware that skipping classes are not allowed. If you have a dickhead teacher like Mr. Peterson though, it should be.

In the back of my mind, the scene of Eunwoo still played over and over again. He stormed out of that classroom so very quickly. Have I gone too far this time?

That is what teachers sometimes tell me anyway. 'Moonbin, you don't know when you should stop!' is what they would say. Maybe the fact that I do know when to stop but don't do it is even worse.

I walked down the stairs to the almost empty canteen and sat down on a chair at one of the tables. Sadly, I couldn't get a sandwich now at the shop thingy.

Out of boredom, I started fiddling around on my phone. Looking around every app, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and so on. Suddenly a familiar face plopped down on the chair in front of him. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked as Seungkwan suddenly appeared in front of him. Wasn't he supposed to be in class?

"Got kicked out of class because of some bullshit reason" Seungkwan spoke with a pissed off manner. Since I never really kept contact with Seungkwan after we were parted at their freshman year, it was hard to predict how Seungkwan personality had changed. I just hoped that it wasn't this.

"Oh yeah? What did you do then" I tried to ask since I didn't want to be awkward. I didn't really care why people were kicked out of class. Same story with Seungkwan. People that were kicked out were always complaining about a reason that was deserved, including me. 

"Well, I threw a paper airplane, making one classmate freak out and storming off the teacher came in little after kicking me out. Mr. White is such a softy what the hell." Seungkwan complained and sat backward in his chair. It's awful to admit but it sounds like me.

"Maybe you shouldn't throw them haha" I answered jokingly. It was the truth though. I looked at Seungkwan but it appeared he wasn't all too happy with my 'joking' reaction.

"Seriously, you're being like that?" Seungkwan judgingly answered. I didn't like his tone or any of how he was now acting. Maybe he just didn't have his day today. Don't judge him Bin...

"Well sorry, I guess" I mumbled softly. Honestly, I had no idea how to keep up a conversation with him. Fortunately though, he took out the phone from his pocket as well and started doing whatever. I took this moment as a blessing and didn't say anything more.

I looked back down on my own phone and continued my scrolling down a meme page on Instagram. Arriving at the tenth meme or so that didn't put even a grin on my face, I got a notification that someone started following me.

By natural curiosity, I tapped the notification and saw that the user Chaeunwoo started following me. Well well well well. He doesn't hate me that much after all does he? Naturally, I followed him back, or well, I requested to follow him since his page is private. Not very much later though he accepted the request and I was able to see the five photo's he had posted.

Scrolling through the photo's I made sure not to like them of course. That would be creepy. His photos were pretty, calming and aesthetically pleasing. I smiled upon the idea that Eunwoo might be opening up to me.

"Bro, what are you laughing at?" Seungkwan said as he looked at me with strict eyes. Seriously he was making me so nervous. "Nothing, just... Nah, it's not important." I said and hoped that he would drop the topic. He didn't though. 

"Let me see," He spoke and quickly snatched my phone out of my hands. This guy... He was acting differently then he used to and it was making me uncomfortable to say what I was thinking. If it were Sanha or Rocky I just would've explained straight away that Eunwoo followed me. They wouldn't judge me but something tells me that Seungkwan will. I didn't feel comfortable at all.

"Eunwoo?!" Seungkwan gasped. He shook his head disapprovingly that I was on his Instagram page and gave my phone back. "That guy is weird dude I swear to god"

"Whatever" I mumble softly. That may be his opinion but not mine. Seungkwan shook his head again though. "He stormed out of class after a plane flew near his head. This guy is antisocial I swear to god, don't be friends with guys like him."

So I didn't make him freak out earlier? Thank the lord.

Seungkwan was now not getting on my good side though. He may not like Eunwoo for whatever reason but honestly, I think he is an okay guy so he shouldn't talk shit about him to me. "Seungkwan, I think Eunwoo is nice so just drop it would ya?" I said directly and seriously. I wasn't going to be walked over by him.

"Are you gay or something Bin.," Seungkwan answered jokingly. Something about the look on his face though showed me the opposite. His tone was joking but his face was serious. As far as I know, I am not gay for Eunwoo.

"... No of course not where did you get that from?" I said nervously. It was hard to admit I didn't like Seungkwan as he was being now. He didn't remember him like this but again, he might not have a good day.

"Nevermind..." I heard him say. I didn't want to look at him again, I felt ashamed for some reason. I mean he just asked a question but it was weird to receive such a question. "What are you doing this weekend?" He continued.

"I don't know yet," I mumbled and didn't budge my gaze. Normally when somebody asks about what you're doing on a day then most of the time the next question will be 'Do you wanna hang out?' or something.  "Maybe if you have time, we could go to the bar or something?"

Do you see?

"I need to think about it." I still say very softly. Slowly, I look up at Seungkwan. I don't want to hang out with him as weird as it seems. He is a childhood friend. Childhood friends change though.

"Sure, I'll send you a message then," Seungkwan said as he stood up. He grabbed his bag from the table and swung it around his shoulder.

"Bin, don't take it so seriously... it was a joke."

Everything I love about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now