End note

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Hey hey hey y'all!

So, this is gonna be a short note, just to kinda round things off. 

Firstly, thank you all SO much for reading my story! I genuinely never expected this many people to get behind the idea and it BLOWS my mind that you all enjoyed it so much that it reached nearly 150,000 reads, hit #1 on Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Septiplier multiple times. 

Saying thank you a lot might sound obnoxious to you, but I really don't know how else to express my gratitude for all the support and love!

Of course there were times I doubted my abilities to keep the story good but your comments and encouragement really helped me get through it so I thank you so much!

I haven't had a lot of spare time lately because my final term exams are coming up in less than three weeks and it's a stressful process, though I hope to get back into writing my other stories whenever I can (whenever I'm not studying or watching anime rip).

But I thought it'd be a treat for you if I wrote one more chapter. 

Just one more because I really don't know if I'm going to make a second story and everyone seemed keen to find out what happened on their 'coffee date' I guess XD. 

If I do end up making a second story, it'll be in the far future when I have a lot of ideas to make a runner up that can actually live up to the first story. I don't want to make a shitty second just for reads or something. 

It's like Sword Art Online, the second season never lived up to the first. Not even close.

So here is a small chapter of what went down at their coffee date. 

Thanks for joining me on this journey and I hope to see you in other stories!




The only real sounds were the ones around them. The scrapping of chairs, the hum of the lowfi music that the cafe played, the clinking of spoons and porcelain and the comfortable chatter of couples amongst one another.

It was all so brilliantly unsettling.

They knew what they wanted to say. It was on the tips of their tongues and they had a feeling neither of them would want to part ways until they had exchanged words. The only issue was how they could go about addressing it. 

All these happy heterosexual couples being all lovey dovey as they once were. Smiling and making these cringey faces at one another. It made them both feel so out of place.

Not that they'd say it out loud, but they wanted to do the same thing. Right here, right now.

God, they couldn't even look each other in the eye. Either they were staring just past the other or looking at the homey environment around them. It was too warm.

Neither wanted to speak first. In their minds, both of them had small voices screaming for the other to please speak first. The awkward tension was almost suffocating and it seemed even the waitress delivering their warm drinks to the table could sense it as she uncomfortably looked between the two men who were actively trying to avoid the others stares.

Sean found himself eyeing Mark's cup of herbal tea. Did Mark always like herbal tea? He wasn't sure if this was a fact he had forgotten or if it was new news. 

"Herbal?" Sean blurted out and Mark's eyes finally met the others stare.

"Yes, it's very good for relaxation..."

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