A Clown

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One year After the events at Midway...

The Joker sat in the club looking out at the crowd, most didn't notice him overseeing- and he was perfectly fine with that. A scowl on his face would have sent them running anyways. In all honesty, the Clown Prince Of Crime was not happy, nor was he mad. He was nervous. Harley Quinn was currently nine months pregnant and set to burst like a balloon at any minute. And considering her... condition, The Joker had confined her to their upstairs penthouse above the club. The other levels of the building being used as labs, armory's and weaponry's. He clutched his cane tightly in his hands. His heir would rule this one day. It still made him shake to know he would have an heir. An heir of his own flesh and blood to rule over his kingdom when he could no longer. He chuckled darkly, his son. His son would rule. He grinned thinking of all the things he could groom his kid to be. A killer. Ruthless, backstabbing- funny even. But also open for negotiation. The crime lord's reveries were cut short by the sound of rapid footsteps. He turned his head slightly to see Rocco Demarco rushing in. "Rocco?" The Joker questioned, his green eyes cold and emotionless. Rocco's Face was pale. "Ms. Quinn! She- she-" The Joker stood at once understanding what the man was trying to say and growled rushing towards the back of the club where a grand staircase held his office, a private meeting room for the unfortunate and the elevator to the penthouse. He stalked up the staircase and into the elevator, punching the penthouse level and then inserting his key to unlock it. The moment the key turned the elevator began its trip to the top, The Joker growling impatiently and checking his watch. He looked out the one way glass and watched the city go by. The Bat Signal was lit as usual. The Joker chuckled, too bad TwoFace had a scheme tonight. He would have loved for Bats to be here to witness the birth of his heir. He prepared himself as the elevator doors opened and entered the penthouse, his shoes clicking with each step on the marble floor. His graceful walk was cut short as he heard Harley screaming in pain from the bedroom. He sighed walking directly to the room and opening the door only to flinch at the sight and quickly dodge a flying wine glass. "This is all your fault!" Harley snarled at him as he poked his head around the door to check if it was safe to enter. His longtime girlfriend laid on the bed, sweating profusely and Dr. Graham attempting to help her. The Joker shook his head entering the room. "And How is this my fault?" He asked glaring down at her, he had to admit she looked rather attractive when she was mad. Harley snapped at him, "this is your fault! You made this!" She pointed towards her heaving stomach and he rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Relax, you'll be fine. I'll be on the balcony if you need me." He ignored Harley's yells for him to get his ass back in there only to be cut off by yells of pain. The Joker walked onto the balcony and laid down in the moonlight. It was eleven o'clock on a chilly October night. He pulled his sports jacket around him as he stared at the starlit sky, the moon was full tonight. A perfect night for his heir. He chuckled to himself, Harley would be pissed that she was going to miss Halloween. The holiday was a tradition of sorts to them. They would walk around like teenagers, only altering their appearances slightly and go trick or treating. And upon their return would sit outside on the balcony or in their room eating the candy. The Joker groaned hearing the balcony door open and Harley's screams get louder. "Uh Mr. Joker sir?" A nurse said poking her head out. The Joker turned only to realize the 'nurse' was actually a dancer dressed up as a nurse. He frowned at her "what?" They both flinched as Harley let out a loud wail of pain. "Umm, Dr. Graham says the baby will be born soon and was wondering if you could come in and help calm Ms. Quinn down?" The Joker growled and stood up stalking inside, leaning on his cane. He was not happy. This kid wasn't even born yet and just had to ruin his night. He walked over to his partner and grimaced at the wet sheets. Wonderful. He thought, now I've got to get new sheets. Harley screamed in pain and lashed out at him as he neared her. The Joker sighed and laid his cane against the closet door and stood next to Harley his eyes narrowed at her and the Doctor. Dr. Graham smiled apologetically but resumed his work. The Joker stood there for nearly an half an hour before things got ugly. "Push Ms. Quinn!" Dr. Graham urged as Harley attempted to get the baby out. The Joker nearly threw up and decided to take his leave at around 11:45. He was standing in the kitchen slowly nursing a bottle of whiskey when he heard it. The crying. He shot up and looked at the time. 12:02. He rushed into the room to see Harley with two small bundles, Dr. Graham looked just as exhausted as the new mother. "It's a twins." He said, exhaustion clear in his voice. The Joker frowned. "Twins?" He growled his hand beginning to hurt from how hard he was pressing on his cane. Graham nodded walking over with a clipboard and some papers with a pen, "Yes- a beautiful baby girl and boy, now you and Harley will need to fill these out together. These are the birth certificate, legal papers and all. Just so their U.S. citizens. You get the idea." The Joker scowled, nodding as Graham left the room and closing the door behind him. Joker glanced up at Harley who was over the moon about two things, having her babies, and having her body back. He sat down on the edge of the bed, wincing as wetness from when her water broke was felt under his Armani suit. "So what're we naming it?" He asked. Harley frowned looking up at him. "J? What's wrong?" She said, "I thought you wanted to have the baby." The Joker nodded, "Oh I wanted it. I wanted an heir. A boy." Harley frowned. "She may not be a boy but she's still your heir. Nothing changes there besides- she had a baby twin brother." The Joker glared at his daughter, she had black hair and her face was adorable. He shrugged, "might find work as a dancer." Harley narrowed her eyes. "You take that back Mr. J." She muttered darkly. J sneered, "Or What? You can't do anything to me! Especially when I'm that things father!" Harley glared. J sighed shaking his head, "look- let's just fill out the paperwork and be done with it." Harley nodded taking the clipboard from him and reading over the birth certificate. "I'm thinking Brianna Quinzel as an alias for her and Ethan Quinzel for him. What do you think Pud?" J shrugged. "Eh, whatever you want Harl. I don't want anything to do with h- It until it learns to walk." Harley sighed leaning back against the headrest. "J please, this is you're daughter. Your heir." He shrugged, "she'll earn her name." He turned his back on Harley, Who glared at him coldly. "I can't believe you!" She snapped. J narrowed his eyes, "it's a part of life Harl- when she does something worthy she'll earn her name and title. For now you name her and take care of her. I want nothing to do with her until she learns to walk!" He stormed out of the room, leaving Harley with his heir. Harley looked down at the newborn in her arms, the child slowly blinked and opened her eyes, causing her mother to let out a small gasp. Her eyes were the color of emeralds. She smiled at her daughter, she was a spitting image of her father. Harley pulled her daughter closer to her body. She was going to make sure she had a better life than her. And she didn't plan on breaking that vow anytime soon.

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