A Bittersweet Ransom

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The squad had been restless searching for its missing member. The more time that passed, the more worried Jack and Ginger grew for Brianna's safety. They knew she could and would defend herself if she needed to, but they weren't completely sure how much of her combat training was remembered. Despite muscle memory, she could easily hurt herself if she faltered even once. Jack had taken, Grayson Flagg, Dark Bullet, and Captainette Boomerang; whilst Ginger took; Duela, Snowflake Frost, and Cheshire. Whilst they scoured the city for Brianna- Rick Flagg sent the rest of the soldiers outside the borders to search- just in case Brianna had somehow deactivated the bomb. Flagg was seated at a government issued laptop, scrolling through four selective profiles. Jack Carson, Ginger Isley, Duela Dent, and Brianna Quinzel. Flagg had since merged both Brianna and Ace's profiles into one, fixing the description to explain the situation. His eyes burned through the words, reading it over and over again for even the slightest clue to where Brianna had gone. Flagg was growing rather annoyed when a buzzing sound alerted him. Turning around in the swivel chair, Flagg saw a light flashing on the small tablet that held the icons that were the faces of the squad. Raising an eyebrow in confusion, Flagg stood and slowly walked over to see what was happening. A grin split across his face as he saw who the blinking icon belonged to, Ace Quinn.

Brianna smirked watching as her captors set up the camera and Chupa was overseeing his minions. Brianna couldn't be more thrilled. Once this video was filmed and well on its way to her father, she would be a free girl. She just had to make sure to hint about the bomb in her neck. Brianna grinned wickedly as Chupa approached her, slixking his greasy hair back. "Alright princess, this is how it's going to go- we're gonna film the video and get our money- once we get the cash, then you can go home to your empire." Brianna snickered,"Very well. I'll humor you. Just know- your going to regret this." Chupa scoffed, "I'll believe it when I see it, corazón." Brianna chuckled under her breath, "Oh you will..." she slyly began untying the bonds on her wrist whilst keeping a watchful eye on her captor. Chupa grinned at the camera and spoke, "Greetings Senor Joker. I have a little something of yours that I'm sure you'll want back." Chupa stepped aside to reveal Brianna who glared daggers at him. Chupa hissed, "Go on corazón- speak." Brianna scoffed. "This is pathetic. Are there incompetent idiots everywhere?" That remark earned her a slap from Chupa. "Shut it!" Chupa snapped. Brianna snickered, "But you just told me to speak." Chupa growled then turned back to the camera, "I'm giving you forty eight hours to come and deliver one million dollars to the address attached to this package in exchange for your heiress's safe return." Brianna grinned in the background, slipping her hands free of their hold but remaining in the same "tied up" position. "Your making a fool of yourself," Brianna said as the video was ended. Chupa hissed, "Shut your trap, prisoner." Brianna chuckled, "You know I'm right. You'll be dead by dawn tomorrow." Chupa turned, an ugly snarl on his face. "Wanna bet?" Brianna grinned, "Of course. I bet my life you'll be dead by dawn."

"...Forty eight hours to come and deliver one million dollars to the address attached to this package in exchange for your heiress's safe return." Ethan Quinzel stared at the screen before him. The girl tied to the chair looked strikingly familiar to his twin. But it couldn't be- could it? Ethan looked up at his father, "We have to go," He said."Its possible it could be her- right?" His father scoffed at the video, "No. Brianna is dead. This is a mere imposter." Ethan frowned, he wasn't so sure. "But, we never found a body." His father scoffed again,"Her body is in the same place its always been. The bottom of the acid vat." Ethan hissed, "You mean to tell me you left her there? You left my sister- your daughter to rot in a vat of acid?!" Joker shrugged, "We had to escape. We didn't have a chance to go back. Besides- the cops probably were on the scene within hours and cremated the body- if there was one." Ethan was silent for a moment and realization of something flickered in his eyes. His turned, gaze flicking between both his mother and father before he spoke, "Wait... you saved mom before from the acid. What stopped you from going after Brianna? What stopped you from saving my twin? The acid can't hurt you. Either of you." Harley stiffened, "He's right." She murmured turning her sapphire gaze to her lover, "What stopped you from saving our daughter?" Joker snarled angrily, "Enough! I won't hear another word about my deceased heiress! Get it through your thick skulls! Brianna is dead! D-E-A-D." Ethan and Harley watched him storm out of the room and down the hall. Ethan glanced back at the video, eyes trained on the girl held hostage. He had to go. He had to know. He turned to his mother. "I'm going to go." He announced, "I'm going to meet these guys. I'm going to get to the bottom of this." Harley frowned, "One problem- how are ya gonna get past yer father?" Her Brooklyn accent slipped through. Ethan grinned,
"I'm going to see an old friend."

"So- are you in?" Ethan Quinzel sat in his heist uniform, across from his longtime lover, Cinder Gordon. Cinder bit her lip, glancing up at the armored henchmen before them. "Is this really a good idea?" She asked slowly, "Your completely sure that there's even a chance that your sister is still alive?" Ethan shrugged. "Well, we never found a body." Cinder sighed, "There is no talking you out of this, is there?" Ethan shook his head, "Not a chance." Cinder shook her head. "Alright. I'll help."

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