Time Flies

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Gotham City, Six Months Later

(A/N: Yes I am aware there's been many time skips- chapter or two after this will skip to when Brianna is fifteen or sixteen)

The Joker smiled proudly as Brianna stood in the shooting range, a small pistol in her hands, and ear muffs covering her ears. She had shot nearly each target with precision, every four out of five targets she had hit the bullseye or damn close to it. Harley stood nearby a smile on her face, she was rather relieved J had grown to accept his heir. She was worried up until six months ago when Brianna revealed exactly why she needed new dolls. As the child finished the target practice, she mevoded the earmuffs and looked at her father happily. "I did it!" She squealed rushing into his open arms. Harley felt tears come to her eyes as she watched J embrace their child. Their heir. She never really had pictures J as a father, she'd dreamt of it many of times- but she never thought it would become a reality. At least not until she saw Brianna for the first time. J laughed ruffling Brianna's hair. "Your acing these practices kiddo." He teased. Brianna giggled, "Does this mean I can start fighting Mr. Frost soon?!" J cackled at the thought of his four year old daughter pummeling his right hand man who had (but barely) survived the explosion. "Not yet princess, you've got Jason to fight. He's more your size." Jason was Johnny Frost's son, who the man had brought to work with him since his wife Cynthia died in a car crash last year. Brianna pouted, "Jason's no fun! I can take him down in five minutes!" J smirked, "in the real world you don't have five minutes to take down your opponent. You've got maybe two or three at most- most times it sixty seconds or less." Brianna's green eyes were wide. "I'll go get Jason!" She squeaked racing out of the training room, calling for her sparring partner. Harley walked over and wrapped her arms around J's neck and kissed his cheek with a smirk. "You've taken a liking to our little Card haven't you Pud?" He chuckled shrugging. "She gets better every day. I'll be happy once she's mastered everything. The day she can beat me in a full blown fight is the day she takes over our kingdom." Harley smirked, "what if she has a partner?" J choked. "I'm sorry what?" Harley snickered. "What if she's gotta partner in crime? It can't be one on two." J chuckled, "I wouldn't leave you out of a fight. They'd fight us both, and should we both lose Brianna takes all." Harley nodded, "and if one of us falls she takes half until she can beat us both?" J nodded. "Precisely." The clown couple exited and made their way into the club, only to find it in complete disarray. Frost was yelling at a man in a sweatshirt and jeans. "You don't belong here!" The right hand man roared. J frowned walking over. "Frost? What's going on?" The henchmen stopped and all eyes turned to Frost. Johnny Frost's eyes were cold a cruel, and filled with a raging fire. "A certain prison guard claims he wants to join your ranks, boss." J's eyes narrowed and he walked through the parting henchmen. Harley shrunk back as she saw who it was. She stood beside J, her eyes narrowed at the marble floor. J sneered at the man. "Why Griggsy! It's been what- four years? That's a long time my friend. What brings you to my humble abode?" Griggs stood tall, though if you looked into his eyes you could see how fearful he was. "I want to work for you." He said loudly. Harley's eyes snapped up as he said this. Her sapphire eyes pierced his soul, if looks could kill- Griggs would have been long dead. J laughed, "You? Want to work for me? That's- that's hysterical!" Griggs stood tall. "If you let me join I'll give you every last bit of information on Amanda Waller and Task Force X you want." This caused a small gasp from Harley and the Joker to cease his laughter. His eyes became cold. "You swear to sacrifice your life for mine or Harley's should it come to it?" Griggs nodded. "Yes. I do." J smirked, "Well then," He straightened up and threw his hands up in the air, causing Harley to stumble backwards into one of the henchmen to avoid her lover's cane. "Welcome aboard!" J cackled embracing Griggs (as soon as Frost checked him for weapons and wires). Harley scowled, she didn't like this one bit. Especially when Brianna was no more than four. There was a yell from the back of the club causing everyone to turn. Harley bit her lip in order to stop herself from breaking into tears. Brianna stood over one of the henchmen, one at least twice the size of Harley. Brianna grinned at her parents and the henchmen. "I did it! I took him down! In sixty seconds daddy!"

Floyd stood on the balcony of his high rise apartment in uptown Gotham, a wine glass in his hand. Zoe was in her room doing homework again, he sighed, teenagers- he would never understand them. His phone rang with an unknown number. Floyd frowned. He knew who it was before he answered the phone.
"I've got a job for you Lawton." Amanda Waller's voice rang from the phone. Floyd looked out over the city. "What's the job?" He asked. He could just hear Waller smiling on the other end at his submissive response. "Find Harley Quinn. Then report back to me when you find out where she is and the security measures." Floyd was quiet before he answered. "Of course, it will be done."

Tatsu Yamashiro was home in Gotham City. She had retired Soultaker which now sat upon a mantel in the living room. Her daughter's, who had just barely survived their father's assassination, were playing a game of cards in their bedroom quietly. Tatsu, Who was in the kitchen, wandered into the living room cleaning a dish, only to drop it when she saw who was seated in her living room, nursing a glass of whiskey and a pink unicorn plushie under his arm. The Australian man smiled at her kindly, "Aye love- miss me?"

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