I Don't Need Rescuing... Do I?

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Ace locked the bedroom door behind her and raced into the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror. "No. I'm not her. I'm not!" She cried. Ah, how can you be so sure? Ace stopped. That voice. It was so familiar. "Who are you?" Ace demanded. I guess you could call me your conscience. Ace scoffed, "that doesn't give me much of anything now does it?" The voice laughed, Oh my dear, it give you so much information. Ace glared at her reflection. "If you have so much information, then how about you answer me this- who am I?" Hmm with pleasure, Princess. Ace gasped as her eyes burned and she saw her vision changed. In the mirror, her reflection was replaced with a masked figure walking down a hall, followed by a boy around the same age. "Brianna- are you sure about this?" The boy asked. "I mean the costumes are great, but we were given orders to stay here!" Ace waited with baited breath as she watched the masked figure take off her mask. Ace saw herself, but more normal. "Trust me, Ethan. Everything will be fine. Now let's go help our parents." Ace let out a pained and shocked gasp, staggering backwards into the wall. This was her past. Jack had been right all along. She was an heiress. She was Brianna Quinzel. And now, just knowing was breaking her stone cold heart.

Jack found himself on the outdoor patio of the hotel. He had a full bottle of whiskey in his hand, and he slowly dipped from it, he knew it. Ace was Brianna. She had been he entire time. He clenched the bottle, sending spider web like cracks up the bottle. Duela- he suspected, had also known. But long before anyone else. How long, he didn't know. But that was the least of his worries. Now, he was faced with the hardest task of all, restoring Brianna's memories. He knew it had to be done, he couldn't just let her live a lie created for her by the government. Jack growled and slicked his dark hair back, whilst using his other hand to gulp down the whiskey, leaving the once full bottle half empty. "Jack?" He stopped, blood running cold. He turned around to see none other than Ace- or Brianna. He grinned at his lost partner, "Ah- come to your senses have you?" He teased. Ace laughed nervously, "Not exactly... I just... I saw my past." Jack looked confused, "I'm sorry- you what?" Ace nodded, "One of the voices let me see into the past. I don't know how- but I saw it." Jack sauntered over, "What did you see?" He asked. Ace thought for a moment, "Something about me and someone named Ethan going to help my parents- or were they our parents?" She muttered the last part under her breath. Jack sighed, "Well it's something. Ethan's your brother. Twin brother. He took over after you... died..." he said slowly. Ace nodded, "So what now? I still don't remember anything remotely important- like how I died." Jack held his breath, remembering the night he found out about his partner's demise. "She fell, Jack. My sister is dead." He remembered Ethan's words clear as day. And they had broken him. Ace looked at him, "You know." She said, "You know what happened, don't you?" Jacks heaved a sigh, "Yes. I know what happened. I wasn't there. But I wish I had been. It was a family thing- so obviously I wasn't included. But it went something like this according to Ethan......"

Gotham City, ACE Chemicals nine months ago...

The fighting in the room ceased, looking onto the scene in horror. Brianna was falling. She locked eye contact with Ethan for a split second. And in that split second, Ethan swore he saw his sister's eyes glowing. He never had time to double check as she was gone in moments. The deafening splash echoed throughout the chemical plant, while Ethan stood in silence, his sanity crumbling, Jason Frost let out a loud yell racing towards the chemical vat and shoving his hand in only to pull it out a moment later, screaming in pain as the chemicals burned his flesh. Ethan fell to the floor, screaming. He couldn't here his own screams as his mother ran out of the car and to his side, joining her son in loud wailing sobs. The Joker stood, looking emotionless, but he didn't fail to shed a tear for the loss of his heiress. That vat of chemicals should have become Brianna's final resting place. But deep under the glowing green chemicals, Brianna's eyes flashed open. Her last memory being that of seeing JSF branded on her attacker's uniform.

Ethan watched the chemicals, his eyes wide with horror. He choked sobs. No. Not Brianna- not his sister! Anyone but his sister! His twin! That night, was the night he vowed vengeance upon anyone who dared to infiltrate his Father's Empire. He looked into the empty nursery, his new baby sister would never fall victim to the fate Brianna has fallen to. Ethan Quinzel made himself a promise, a promise that his baby sister would never leave his sight. He would protect her with all he had. Even if it killed him.

Flashback End

Ace stared in disbelief. But thoughts and memories raced around in her head, JSF. She remembered that. She didn't fall out of clumsiness- she was pushed. Ace's eyes shot up, widening in horror at the realization.
"Oh my god."
Jack looked at her a look of worry and confusion plastered across his face. "What?" Ace breathes heavily, "I didn't fall... I was pushed."

A/N: Short chapter I know. But things are going to be getting very interesting.

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