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Four Months Later...

The girl woke in the birdcage cell with no memory of how she got there. Her greasy raven black hair told her she'd been there a while as she hadn't showered. She slowly stood and walked over to the bars, giving a small pained shriek as a shock elicited from the metal. "It's electrified. You touch it, you get zapped." The girl turned to see a dark skinned woman glaring down at her. The girl looked up at her with wide fearful eyes, "Who are you? Where am I? Who am I?" The panicked upon realizing she had no recollection of her past. The woman looked surprised. "What do you remember?" The girl shook her head, "Nothing. I remember waking up here and... it's foggy but I remember being pushed by someone or something. But I don't know..." the woman donned a wicked grin. "Excellent." The frightened girl watched as the woman left the room. Leaving her alone in darkness.

Gravity Harkness crawled through the swamps of Louisiana, the Black Site in her sight. She grinned creeping forward. She was going to see her father again.

Ginger walked through Gotham in a short green dress, when out of no where a black van sped out of an alley, stopping in front of her. She reached into her purse searching quickly for the immobilizing toxin she kept on her, she shrieked as several men in suits and masks grabbed her, shoving a sack over her head and throwing her into the van.

Jack Carson sat in shackles in the room glaring at the man before him, the man sighed, "Look- only way your getting out of this prison is if you come with me." Jack scoffed, "Why should I?" The man sighed, "You ever wanna see your family again?" Jack was silent. Family was always a soft spot. "What do I have to do?"

Duela Dent chuckled at the cell wall. Belle Reve. She didn't think they'd put her here. A man stood before her, "I can get you out of here. Just sign a few contracts and agree to work for me and my colleagues. Duela grinned, "Of course."

Josh Lawton knew where he was. His father had described his cell in Belle Reve. Not to mention there were stray letters strewn about the room, addressed to his father from his older half sister. Josh sighed and flopped down on the uncomfortable mattress. He had a feeling he was going to be here a while.

Winter Lincoln was t thrilled, Belle Reve was rather dull. But then everything was dull. She played with the ice magic nonchalantly. The door opened diverting her attention from the magic and causing it to disappear in an instant. A blonde man stood before her. "What do you want?" Winter scoffed. The man took a seat across from her. "I have a way to get you out of here." Winter sat up, intrigued by his offer. "How?" He sighed, "I need you to agree to work with me and my associates." Winter nodded, "Deal."

Sasha Minerva paced her room, shifting into her Lynx form and reverting back uncontrollably. She paid no mind to this, as it often happened when she was stressed. Sasha's small lynx tail batted back and forth impatiently. Where was she? What was happening? She hissed angrily when the door opened and man entered, "Take it easy!" He said holding up his hands in surrender. Sasha's eyes fell on the clipboard in his hands. "What's that for?" He sighed sitting down, pulling out a pen. "I can get you out of here- I just need you to agree to a few things." Sasha nodded, "Whatever it is I'll do it. Anything to get out of here. I can't take being caged in." His eyes widened in surprise and he nodded. "Alright." He walked out of the cell to regroup with his boss. The dark skinned woman sat at a desk glaring at him with cold eyes, a young woman who he presumed to be her daughter at her side. The door opened and his son, Grayson Flagg entered taking a seat beside his father. The blonde man cleared his throat handing his clipboard over to his boss, "Grayson and I visited most of them. You visited her right?" The woman- Amanda nodded. "Yes. Kara and I visited her. She had no memory of what happened. Nor any memory before her arrival." The blonde man, Rick- looked concerned. "Can you restore her memory?" Kara scoffed, "Restore her memory? Are you daft?! Why would we do that! We can use her memory loss to our advantage!" Both Flagg's shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Amanda Waller chuckled, "Smart girl, Kara. That's exactly what we will do. She can never know who she is." Flagg frowned, "Well what're you gonna call her? She needs a name." Waller thought for moment. Kara stepped forward, "Simple. Make it a hint to who she was. Her past so close, yet so far. I suggest giving her the alias, Ace Quinn."

Jack Carson's eyes shot open as the Chevy Suburban hit a bump in the road. Black. Black was all he could see. But then again the bag over his head didn't help his eyesight. "It's alright Mr. DeSanta, just a bump." A female voice said, judging by her tone Jack decided on military. "Carson. DeSanta is my stepfather's name. I prefer Carson to DeSanta any day." He angled his head and could see sunlight through the fabric of the hood. She huffed nodding, "Of course. I'll correct it in your file." Jack leaned back and squinted through the fabric to try and see the outside. He grunted shifting in his seat, dull. Absolutely dull. Eventually the Suburban entered the compound and came to a halt. Jack felt the Hood be lifted from his head as the military personnel helped him out. His eyes fell on a girl with fiery red hair. He gasped and walked over, "Ginger? Ginger Isley?" The girl turned around and gasped, "Jack! Your here too?! Do you know what's happening?" He shook his head, "No- I just got here. How about you?" Ginger shook her head a frown on her face, "No. I was... taken... then I was in a cell and lead out here." A look of sorrow fell over Ginger's face. "I'm sorry about Brianna. When I heard what happened..." she shuddered. "She must have been so afraid." She whispered. Jack looked at the ground solemnly, his heart breaking as he remembered the few words he had oh so wanted to tell Brianna. "I know. I can't... begin to imagine what she looked like when she fell..." he murmured. Ginger embraced him sympathetically, "I'm sorry I mentioned it. It clearly still hurts." Jack nodded pulling away, "Wounds are still fresh. I'll admit that." He said slowly, "But either way- I need to move on. There's little to no time for grieving in our line of work." Ginger nodded, "Most unfortunately." They watched as other characters entered the clearing. Jack hissed angrily as he saw her. The wretched little brat that was always upstaging his late partner. Duela Dent. Duela donned dark green hair and a knockoff Joker Harley Quinn mashup. Jack would have laughed had she not been so awful to Brianna. Ginger watched alongside Jack seeing several other characters- there were few she really recognized. She could tell the dark skinned boy armed to the teeth with guns was Dark Bullet, the son of Deadshot. Jack growled a the rest of the criminals grouped with him and Ginger. He really wasn't in the mood to associate with common criminals. A dark haired girl with a short tail stalked over, fur covering her body and catlike ears atop her head (Jack forced himself not to laugh at the sight), a girl with short hair donning a blue trench coat with the word- Captainette, on the back was walking over a boomerang in each hand. She was soon followed by a pale bleach blonde haired girl, and Dark Bullet, otherwise known as Josh Lawton. "Hey." Josh walked over his eyes serious, "Do you know what's going on here?" Duela giggled, "Nope! Nor do I care!" Jack growled, annoyed.
"I believe I may be able to provide you with an answer."
The criminals turned to see a young dark blonde haired boy before them, a goatee on the young man's face. He smiled kindly, "On behalf of me and my associates I'd like to welcome all of you to Belle Reve. A black site. Now if you would all follow me to the next stage." The criminals shared a cautious look and began to follow him, only to be stopped by Ginger and Jack. "Wait." Ginger said, "How do we know we won't be killed?" The young man smiled, "You have my word that you won't be killed on the premises. Now please, follow me." Jack growled, "I don't trust you. You want something." The boy laughed, "Well- you agreed to a contract of sorts. You technically work for me and my associates." Jack snarled, "And who would your 'associates' exactly be?!" The young man ignored his comment leading the group into a building where several chairs were set up. An older blonde man stood beside two dark skinned women, both who looked ready to give a speech. The young blonde who had escorted them stopped, nodding for them to sit. "Have a seat." The criminals obeyed, Jack being the last one to comply. Heels clicking on the floor made them all look up at the dark skinned woman. "Good afternoon." The older one said, her eyes cold. "My name is Amanda Waller. And you work for me now."

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