After Many Triumphs...

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Ace stood on the beach, her bare feet in the hot sand. The water lapped at her feet, she wore jean shorts and a black t shirt, her mask tucked away in her pocket. She relished the feeling of being free from the leather mask that covered her face. Her emerald eyes were set on the horizon, watching as the sun began its ascent to the sky. "Hey," Ace hurriedly put her mask back on, and glanced over to see Jack walking over. Ace scoffed, "What do you want?" Jack sighed moving to stand next to her, "I wanted to apologize. I was being an ass yesterday." Ace's eyes widened in surprise, "What made you apologize?" She asked suspiciously, Jack smiled, "You remind me of someone. Someone I lost. Someone I'm not ready to let go." Ace snorted, "Trust me- you don't know me." Jack smiled, "I may not- but I'd like to." Ace opened to her mouth to reply, but stopped, closing her mouth and processing what he'd said. She turned to give him an answer only to find him gone. She was alone on the beach.

Much later in the day, the squad moved out- going through all of Jalisco only to find nothing, not a trace of El Muerte and El Loco. The group made their way towards Guadalajara, hoping for even the slightest lead. Blackjack entered a small seemingly abandoned house, looking around he slowly walked around, eventually making his way upstairs. He stopped at the top of the stairs, a small fire was lit- but it had long been abandoned. He knelt down beside the fire and put a hand over it, testing the heat. Faintly warm. Whoever was here had left within the hour or two. He walked to the stairs and called down, "I found something!" Flagg and the others came up moments later, Flagg nodding to the other soldiers to examine the camp. "Good work, Blackjack." He said turning to the rest of the criminals, "Alright, let's move out." The criminals left until on Jack and Ace remained. Ace narrowed her eyes at the soldier, Jack walked over, "What's wrong?" He asked. Ace tensed, "Nothing. Nothing at all." Jack frowned walking past her, not before seeing a familiar glint in her eyes that made him stop dead in his tracks. He turned around, "Can I ask you something?"
Ace's eyes widened with interest and she nodded, "Sure," Jack narrowed his eyes, deep in thought, "Do you... remember anything about who you were before? What happened before Belle Reve?" Ace's eyes flickered like a light switch before she answered him, "I- actually I don't know. I woke up in Belle Reve with no memory of who I was, where I was from... nothing." Jack frowned, "Then I hope you find out who you were." He said before starting down the stairs.

Jack sat in the hotel bar that night, a bottle of whiskey in his hand. There were so many similarities... Ace and Brianna were so similar- was it a coincidence? He knew his partner was dead, but was she really? He nursed the bottle slowly as he pondered. "Hey," he turned to see Ginger, slipping into the seat next to him. He smiled sadly, "Hey." Ginger smirked, "What's wrong, Mr. Carson? You don't usually drink this much." Jack chuckled, "Believe me Ginger- I drink much more than this usually. I drink so much, I'll find myself in a whores bed come morning." Ginger chuckled, "I'm betting that's only since we lost the heiress." Jack nodded, "True," They laughed until Jack's laughter halted and his jaw dropped as he saw a familiar figure. Ginger frowned following his gaze with a gasp. Ace walked to the bar in a short green dress, she had for once removed her mask revealing her stark white skin. Ginger breathed heavily, it was like seeing a ghost. Ace was nearly an exact replica of Brianna. They watched as she flirted with the bartender, who then leaned over murmuring something in her ear before slipping her a drink and a napkin. She grinned at him, taking the drink and walking towards the stage in the bar. Jack and Ginger watched, Jack leaning over, "Fifty bucks she sounds just like her." Ginger scoffed, "Your on. Impossible she can look and sound like Brianna!" Jack turned his gaze to the stage to see Ace slip the mic on over her ear. His blood ran cold, exactly like the way Brianna used to put her mic on. Jack looked over to see Rick and Grayson Flagg seated in a booth. He grinned, "Hold this, Gin Gin." Ginger's eyes widened as he practically threw the bottle at her.
Jack ignored her as he walked towards the father and son, chuckling a greeting, "Gentlemen! Wonderful night isn't it?" Rick looked up, his eyes narrowed, "What do you want?" He asked coldly. Jack grinned, "I just wanted to find out why little Miss Amnesia up there sounds and looks exactly like my late partner." Grayson Flagg's eyes sparked with recognition that went unnoticed by Jack, Grayson whipped his head around to look at Quinn, damn. She looked exactly like... His heart began to break as he realized who she was and what had happened. That's why Waller wanted her to wear that mask. He thought. He stood suddenly diverting both criminal and his father's attention, "Uh- excuse me." He said before rushing off to his room. Grayson didn't bother to take the elevator but shot up the thirteen flights of stairs until he reached the thirteenth floor and burst into his room going straight to his military issued laptop, popping it open and pulling up two files, Ace Quinn and Brianna Quinzel. His breath hitched as he saw both profiles.

Ace Quinn.                       Brianna Quinzel

Height: 5"2                          Height: 5"2
Weight: 120 lbs                  Weight: 121 lbs
Looks: black hair, green eyes                                        (Brianna)Looks: black hair, green eyes
Age: 16                              Age: 16
(Ace) Description:  captured. Taken from a chemical vat at The ACE Chemical Plant locates in Gotham City.                 (Brianna)Description: The Joker's Daughter, Heiress to his Empire. We can use her to our advantage.

Grayson stared in shock and slight horror. Waller didn't want Quinn to find out who she was. Why? He was sure it had to do with the fact she could be used to their advantage. Grayson's fingers were shivering upon the keyboard. This was wrong on so many levels. They couldn't just- force Qui- or Brianna, to be someone else. Grayson felt sick. She didn't deserve this. She'd been in an accident, much like her father and lost her memory. The chemicals had altered her. Changed her. She knew nothing of this. Grayson shot to his feet and ran toward the door, his hand had just touched the handle when his phone rang. He paused, pulling it out of his pocket. Kara Waller, swipe to answer. Grayson answered and slowly put the phone to his ear.
"Ms. Waller."

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