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Josh Lawton stirred in his bed, sunlight filtering through the blinds of the hotel room. Sitting up, he saw that Ginger was still sound asleep in her bed, small snores emitting from her mouth, and Duela- was nowhere to be seen. Josh slipped out of the bed lazily, his feet dragging him along as he entered the en suite bathroom to jump in the shower. He turned on the nozzle and waited patiently for the water to warm. He soon stripped himself of the boxers and t shirt he'd fallen asleep in and slipped into the shower feeling the water hit his skin, and running down his muscles. Josh flinched as he felt the water hit the wounds from the most recent fight with El Loco and El Muerte. It had been some time since the fight, but his wounds were still healing- and hurting. He stood alone in the shower, staring at the floor, watching as the water circled around the drain in a tiny whirlpool. Things were only going to get worse from here on out, that was something he was sure of. Soon there would be no going back. Soon things would fall apart, there was so much distrust between the members of the squad that it would surely destroy them in due time. Josh stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and proceeding to leave the bathroom and grab his clothes. He pulled on his shirt with ease and threw on his jeans. Today would be a travel day. They'd be leaving soon to move to another hotel closer to El Loco and El Muerte. Josh strapped on some of his holsters- for his own safety if no one else's- and stepped out of the room leaving with a small bag over his shoulder. He entered the lobby where Flagg and his son stood alongside the rest of the soldiers, gathering their things and preparing to leave. Josh approached Rick Flagg and nodded a greeting, "Flagg." Rick Flagg glanced over at him, but turned away as he gave him his orders. "Go get the squad. Wheels up in ten." Josh nodded, dropping the bag at Flagg's feet and obeying with an annoyed roll of his eyes. He walked back to the room he'd just left and opened it seeing Ginger and Duela strapping on the last of their armor. Ginger struggled with the last clasp on her toxin belt causing Josh to walk over and offer his assistance. "Thanks," Ginger huffed, not particularly thrilled about allowing the hitman to help her. "No problem," Josh replied, averting her gaze. He looked back at Duela who was gathering her things. "I didn't see you this morning when I woke up," he said, "where were you?" Duela snarled, immediately hostile. "I don't see how that's any of your concern!" Josh narrowed his eyes. "It is my business- I've seen what your capable of, Dent. And some of it I'd rather not remember. I know the quarrel you have with Quinn and Carson isn't my business- but I'm making it my business. If we have all this distrust milling about- how can we learn to work together?" Duela snarled, "We don't need to work together!" Josh stopped his actions on Ginger's clasp.
"We do if we want to get out of this mess."

Most of the squad was in the lobby now, save for Jack and Ace. Josh and Ginger made their way towards their room when they bumped into Winter. Winter snapped, "What the hell? Watch where your going!" Ginger scoffed, "Sorry, Ice Queen." Winter opened her mouth to retort when the door to Jack and Ace's room opened and Jack stood there, fully dressed but looking up and down the hall. A concerned look was spread across his face. "Jack?" Ginger asked, concern flickering in her eyes, "What's wrong? Where's Brianna?" Jack held his breath as he looked at the three. "That's just it-" he said, "I don't know."

Suicide Squad 2: Heirs And ConcequencesWhere stories live. Discover now