Task Force X- Reinitiated

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The older blonde man stepped forward, "Colonel Rick Flagg, The young man who escorted you in here is my son, Sergeant Grayson Flagg." The younger woman walked over to a podium, tapping a button on the laptop seated upon it. A screen came upon the wall, showing each of their mugshots.

"Each of you has a talent

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"Each of you has a talent." The younger woman said, "Each of you use that talent to your advantage. And because of that talent, you have been hand chosen by the Red Eagle Government to be inducted in our newest and oldest program." She nodded to Amanda who continued, "I believe some of you may be familiar with the incident that occurred in Midway City late 2016 from your parents. I know at least one of you has a parent who was involved in that incident." She nodded to Josh, "Task Force X, often referred to by your parents as, The Suicide Squad." Jack tensed, he'd heard often of the events that transpired. "My mother said it was awful!" He remembered Brianna saying. Jack resisted a shudder. The younger woman walked out of the room with Grayson Flagg, leaving Rick and Amanda to continue. Flagg nodded, "Listen up, in a few minutes you're all gonna be getting an injection in your necks. It's a nanite explosive, it's the size of a rice grain but as powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me, and guess what? You die." Duela snickered, "I'm known to be-" Jack snarled launching himself at her, "Shut up you fucking bitch! Your not Joker or Harley's daughter for the last time!" Duela stuck her tongue out, "Yes I am! I'm an heiress!" Ginger stood hissing angrily, "Liar!" Flagg nodded to the military men guarding the room and at once the men separated Jack from Duela. Jack had tears in his eyes as he continued to yell at the deranged girl, "Your not an heiress! Your not her! You'll never be worthy of the title! Brianna was fucking perfect! She was the heiress! Not you! And even after she died you'll never be her!" Tears threatened to spill from Jack's eyes and Duela spit out a tooth scowling at it. "Alright, move 'em." Flagg said.

Ace- as she had come to realize was her name, sat in the birdcage cell in silence. The voices in her head screamed loudly. How could you be caught?! How stupid are you?! You can't even remember your own name! Ace flinched, you little bitch! Stop being a fucking coward! Kill someone! Ace hissed angrily, "Stop it!"
"Hey hotness- gotta visitor for you." Ace growled turning around. "I'm not seeing anyone, Griggs." Griggs- or Alpha 01, laughed. "Oh your just adorable." He walked over with two people- a bit older than herself and opened the door, "Careful," he warned as the military blonde walked over towards Ace, "She bites." As if on cue, Ace snarled and snapped at the blonde man who was reaching out towards her. He sighed and knelt down, "Look- only way you're ever leaving here is if you come with us. I promise you won't be harmed. We just want to help you." Ace snarled, catching on, "No! I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying here!" She wasn't stupid, leaving here would come with a price. A price she wasn't sure she wanted to pay. The young man sighed, "Please. Come with us. Nothing bad will-" "Happen?" Ace scoffed, "Yeah right! You are a fool to think I'm stupid enough to fall for that good cop act! Now leave me!" The man but his lip as his associate stormed over, pulling a taser from her pocket and slamming it into Ace's neck. Ace snarled writhing in pain on the floor, it was now that the dark skinned woman noticed her eyes. No. They weren't really glowing were they? The woman stared as Ace's movement slowed until she went completely limp. She sighed and looked at her associate. "Grab her, take her to the injection center and make sure she starts getting ready before everyone else. I don't want Carson or Isley to see her face and start getting ideas."  Grayson Flagg nodded, picking up Ace's limp body. "Of course, Kara."

Jack rubbed his now sore neck, damn that injection hurt. Ginger whined, her neck at an odd angle. Jack flashed her a look of sympathy, Ginger spent most her days in a lab. She wasn't usually combat training. So her pain tolerance was rather low for an heiress. Jack looked around at the rest of the criminals, all rubbing the backs of their necks and giving low groans of pain. Jack narrowed his eyes as he saw Rick Flagg walking over with a team of soldiers, more coming as he called. "Alpha, Bravo Team on me." Grayson came running up beside his father, his eyes wandering as he saw the criminals being given their gear. "What the hell, dad?" His father looked at him, "Relax. They won't do anything. Yet. With a bunch a guns on them, and just meeting each other for the first time- no ones gonna trust each other." Grayson nodded slowly, "Makes... sense I guess." His father nodded, "Did you and Kara get her?" Grayson nodded, she's getting her gear and nanite right now." Flagg frowned, "Why not let her change with the rest of them?" Grayson shook his head, "I dunno. Don't want anyone to recognize her I guess." Flagg sighed, "No matter- come on. Let's get started."

Jack looked up with the other criminals as another girl was dragged over

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Jack looked up with the other criminals as another girl was dragged over. "Get off me!" The girl snarled, Jack eyed her. Something was very familiar about her. She was fully dressed and ready for a fight. Her raven black hair and emerald eyes were the only thing seen from the confines of her mask. Ginger leaned over, "She looks familiar, doesn't she?" She murmured. Jack nodded, "Yeah... just can't put my finger on where I've seen her." They watched as she was pushed forward. She hissed, folding her arms across her chest as she joined the other criminals. Jack and Josh both unable to avert their eyes from her cleavage. Ginger coughed and elbowed Jack who quickly snapped out of it, he cleared his throat and walked over. "Who might you be?" He asked, the girl snarled, "Is it really any of your business?!" Jack was taken aback by her tone before he narrowed his eyes in anger, "Actually it is! As I am the most qualified person here!" The girl sneered, "Qualified in what exactly?" Jack growled extending a hand, "Jack Carson- Heir to the Los Santos Trinity."

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