The Upmost Fear

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Jack Carson was enraged. He glared at Duela with nothing but pure hatred. She didn't. She didn't just- but she did. She had revealed Ace's identity. To everyone. His eyes fell upon his partner who was lost in her own mind. Jack was ready to step forward but was stopped by Ginger who put a hand upon his shoulder nodding towards Ace. He turned his gaze back to Ace to see her come out of her reverie and step forward, her breath heaving. Duela held the locket victoriously over her head as though she were a champion in Ancient Greece. "Give me that!" Rick Flagg snapped marching over to snatch the locket from Duela's hands. Jack watched as the colonel turned the locket over in his hands, the breath leaving his body as he stared at the inscription.

   Property Of Joker:
Brianna Marionette Quinzel
Desire Becomes Surrender...

Rick Flagg looked up at Ace slowly, his eyes saucers. "Oh my god..." he murmured. "Your Harley's little girl..." Ace growled and removed her mask. "So you figured it out. Huh, took you long enough." Grayson Flagg's eyes sparked with interest, "You knew the whole time?" He asked. Ace turned to lock her gaze upon him, "No. I didn't. Not until recently. I've known longer than you- yes. But that's not the point." Rick glanced up from the locket, "Then what is?" He asked, Ace sneered, "Your the soldier! You tell me! You are probably the reason most of us are here! You kept in contact with my mother didn't you?!" Rick was silent for a few moments, unresponsive. "Didn't you?!" Ace screamed, "Yes." Rick choked. "I did. I kept in contact with each of the original members." Dark Bullet tensed, it wasn't just him- Snowflake Frost, Captainette Boomerang, Lavender Glow, even Duela to an extent. Flagg continued with his confession, "I kept in contact with everyone. Not for Waller- but for them. I wanted to have the chance to shed warning if something were to happen. I knew- I knew almost each member had... reproduced... they had families. And I had mine. I didn't want them to go through the pain of losing a child. I knew one specific member had a history of it," he glanced at Ace, "But I had no choice. When I married June Moon- a woman who once possessed incredible abilities, abilities that no one knew were humanly possible. However- when my son was born... my boss... Amanda Waller, she wanted to run tests- make sure he was safe. That he wasn't possessed by the dame thing that did his mother. Amanda has promised it was just a few simple tests- but it wasn't. When she returned him to me- she admitted to putting a special nanite inside his brain. Unlike the regular nanites that would explode- this one would cause pain. She said, that if I ever turned my back on her- I would pay dearly. I didn't believe her. I left- but not before calling her a cruel bitch. Several years later, my son was two when Amanda reached out to me, wanting me to go undercover. I refused, and after her fourth attempt- my son would be playing before he would start screaming and crying that his head hurt. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with him." Flagg heaved a sigh, "I- I remembered what Waller had told me. About the nanite. That I would pay dearly. I didn't know then- but I knew now. She was going to use my own son against me. I agreed to work for her. I was assigned to find and locate the best of the best. She wanted none of the original members this time- she wanted to start fresh. New. 'A new generation', she called it. She tasked me to find a new team. She gave me a number of profiles- but she gave me one that stood out from the rest..."

"I want this one on the team, Flagg." Amanda Waller said in a cool monotone voice. Rick Flagg looked at the file with fired eyes. He couldn't recall the last time he's slept. He reached over to take a sip from his coffee mug on the desk before opening the file. Brianna Marionette Quinzel. His eyes widened and he looked up at Waller. "You must be crazy." He deadpanned, "There's no way your going to get past their defenses." Waller smirked at him, Flagg resisted the involuntary shudder that wished to plague his body under the dark skinned woman's watch. "I'm already working on it Flagg. Just get me my team, and make sure she is on it." Her heels clicked along the floor as she left him to himself. Flagg sighed and turned his desk chair around to face the window overlooking the capital city of Washington D.C.. Flagg began going through several files on the desktop computer before him. It was nearly three In the morning. Rick bit his lip, June was not going to be happy. He considered himself lucky if he even got to sleep on the couch. He had promised to be home well over four hours ago, and yet here he was- still typing away on his computer. Rick sighed, June was going to kill him when he got home.


"...and that's what happened." Rick Flagg said, his eyes scanning the squad. "That's why your all here." Ace stood frozen, much like the rest of the squad who were all in similar states. Grayson Flagg was frozen in place, his eyes wide with horror as he stared at his father. He had known the source of his headaches and migraines for so long. Yet he had done nothing. Grayson's eyes fell to the ground, his pupils following the path of a skittering ant on the cement. His father- his own father had lied to him. He had told him the migraines were nothing. And that they would soon go away with age. They never did. Grayson was silent not noticing his father walk over to him, "Grayson, I-" Grayson pushed him away. "No. Just save it." Rick Flagg sighed, "Grayson, I'm so sorry-" Grayson held up a hand. "Forget it. I'll see you later, Colonel."

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