Fighting Fire With Fire

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Delgado Santana walked into a Las Palmas hotel, a gray hoodie covering his face. He walked up to the front desk and handed the concierge a credit card that he had stolen off of a passerby. "One room with two beds, please." He murmured. The concierge frowned but took the card and swiped it, handing it back to him after a few moments. "Room 234, take the elevator to floor two, take a right and it's the end of the hallway on the left." Delgado nodded. "Thank you." He walked up to the elevator, keeping his head down as it rose to the second floor. As the doors opened he crept quietly down the hallway and eventually found the door, swiftly, he unlocked it, opening it and slipping inside silently and walking to the balcony, opening the door and scanning the area below for his sister. As he spotted her, he gave a couple short whistles, attracting her attention. Cierra Santana walked over and began climbing up the side of the wall before she made it to the balcony. As they entered the room, they closed the door, slipping into their beds. That should have been the end of it. "Cierra?" Delgado broke the silence suddenly, Cierra rolled over in her bed to face him, "Yes?" Delgado looked her in the eye. "Do you... ever get tired of running?" He asked. Cierra nodded, "I've been tired of it, Delgado. But I don't want to end up a lab rat for the rest of my life. So what other choice do we have?" Delgado frowned. "What if... we go home? Find Dad's old gang? Would they help us?" Cierra frowned, "Its been over sixteen years, Delgado. I doubt any of them are still running. Even if they are- they'll be retiring pretty soon." Delgado nodded slowly, "Where so we go now?" He asked, Cierra shrugged, "I don't know. I guess we could find a cruise ship and sneak on. But we'd probably get caught." Delgado nodded, "still- isn't it worth trying?" Cierra sighed, "I suppose. I just don't want to run the risk of being seen by any cops." Delgado nodded, "We can sneak into a convenience store tomorrow and pick up some hair dye and colored contacts. That'll help for a little while at least." Cierra sighed, "Alright. Say this does work. Then what? Once we leave the country where do we go? We'll have to do this crusade all over again just to feed ourselves." Delgado sighed, "When the time comes, Cierra. When the time comes we will have this discussion. For now- let's just focus on here and now. We haven't even gotten on this cruise ship. Now come on, let's get to sleep. It's going to be our only decent sleep." Cierra nodded, "Okay. But how long do you think we threw them off for?" Delgado shrugged, "Dunno. At least for a night. I used that fire demon possession thing to take over the one girl so she hit the cat girl with that ice. So that's pushed them back. But for how long I don't know." Cierra nodded, "Alright, goodnight, Delgado." Delgado nodded,
"Goodnight, Cierra."

Jack sat at the bar, Flagg had given permission for the Squad to get a drink- why, Jack didn't know. He instead calmly sipped his whiskey, feeling the liquid burn the back of his throat. "Hey..." he turned to see Ace, she wore a short flowing purple dress- much similar to the one Brianna had often worn- and held a glass of cherry vodka in her right hand. Jack nodded, "Hey." Ace smiled, "This seat taken?" She asked nodded to the empty place beside him. Jack shook his head, "Feel free." Ace smiled and sat down, "Thanks." Jack slowly stopped his whiskey, "So, I saw you talking to Ginger earlier today. What'd she tell you?" Ace shrugged, "Not much. Just have me a full blown interrogation. Kept asking me these questions- like who or what I remembered. She... she mentioned some sort of coronation though." Jack nodded, taking a long drink from his whiskey. "Ah. Yes- I remember that. Ginger, Brianna and I were at the bar getting drunk as all hell." He chuckled, "But Brianna- she got so fucking drunk, she dropped the cherry vodka." He glanced at Ace's drink and gave it a small nod, "Cherry vodka," he cleared his throat before continuing, "It shattered on the bar and the smallest fractal of glass imbedded itself inside her left wrist, just beside the vein. It left the smallest scar," Jack suddenly reached over with reflexes faster than lighting and grabbed Ace's left wrist and turning it over, a small smirk growing on his face as he rested his thumb beside the scar. "Just like that one."

Ace held her breath. No. This was impossible. She couldn't be an heiress- she couldn't be his partner. She was Ace- not Brianna, right? Jack laughed beside her, taking a sip of his whiskey, her hand still in his grasp. "I knew it." He said. "I fucking knew it. There were just too many similarities." Ace sat in silence, "I didn't know..." she murmured. Jack sighed setting his whiskey down, and cupping her face with his hand. "Oh I know you don't know. If your brother believed you were dead- that just means there's much more to the story." Ace looked down at the drink of cherry vodka, she was frozen. She didn't know what to do. Jack leaned over, "Look- I cant help you unless you tell me exactly what you remember." Ace stood, wrenching her hand from his grasp. "There's nothing left here to say." She murmured starting to stalk off. Jack stood immediately and grabbed her by the wrist, Ace narrowed her eyes, "Let go." Jack didn't move. "No. I'm not letting you go again." Ace glared at him, emerald eyes piercing his soul, "Even if you did know me- the person you knew is dead. I'm a completely different person now. With different abilities." Jack pulled her back to him, her body resting against his, Jack smirked, "Your far from different. You haven't changed much, Brianna. On the contrary- your only difference is your appearance and lack of memories." Ace snarled, "Don't call me that! I'm not her! Even if I was at some point- I'm not anymore! Why can't you understand that?!" Jack watched as she wrenched her arm from his grip and stormed away. She would be back. He was sure of it.

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