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Dark Bullet walked alongside Ace, his eyes were full of rage, "we need to get the fuck outta here." He murmured. Ace scoffed, "How the hell do you expect we do that? We got this shit in our necks- they'll blow us from here to Timbuktu if we try anything. Besides- you saw what they did to Sasha." Dark Bullet frowned, "I'm gonna drop the Flaggs and 5 or 7 of those soldiers- after that I'm gonna need some help, you down?" Ace grinned wickedly, "Always. What about the shit in our necks?" Dark Bullet stopped, "We'll figure it out when the time comes." Ace smirked, "I like the way you think." Dark Bullet smirked, "Stay evil, doll face. Spread the word."

Ace slipped into step beside Captainette Boomerang a wicked look on her face as she leaned over, "So I'm thinking we move together we kill all these fuckers off one by one and go our separate ways- yeah?" Captainette looked slightly surprised that the masked girl had approached her but slowly nodded, "Sounds good to me." Ace snickered, "Spread the word."

Captainette walked over to Snowflake Frost, "So Ice Queen- we need ya help. When the time is right, you hit the Flaggs with an ice spike, they'll be too busy choking on ice to have a go at us with their final doom." Snowflake snorted, "What if I say no?" Captainette grinned, "Simple. You spend the rest of your life with us." Snowflake huffed, "Doesn't leave me with much of a choice, does it?" Captainette Boomerang giggled, "Nope." She started walking towards Duela with a grin, Snowflake narrowed her eyes, "Hey- be careful. She's so crazy she's insane." Captainette stopped turning back, "Solemn mother superia, what?" Snowflake glared, "She's unpredictable. She won't hesitate to kill you and wear your blood like a trophy."

Ace walked alongside Blackjack and Lavender Glow, having just told them the plan when they saw Captainette Boomerang shriek in pain and fly backwards. Ace's eyes shot up and she growled seeing Duela grinning deviously at her, whilst blood dropped from the knife in her hand. Ace stalked over to Captainette and pulled her to her feet roughly, her emerald eyes full of fury, striking fear into the girl before her. "What did you say to her?" Ace snarled, Captainette chuckled nervously, "Nothing. Just a few laughs-" Ace cut her off throwing Captainette to the ground and pulling her gun. The rest of the squad had now halted and Rick Flagg watched, his finger ready to press the icon on the tablet resting on his wrist. Grayson stood, all breath from his body gone. Captainette stared at the gun in silence. Ace glared, "Are you daft? That's the most foolish thing you could have done. If anything- leave Duela out of this. Duela isn't involved." Captainette stared in horror, "Jesus Christ lady! Okay I got the picture! Now can ya let me up?!" Ace snarled, and Captainette's eyes widened in fear as Ace's eyes seemed to have a faint glow to them. But as quickly as she had pulled the gun, Ace holstered it, turning away from Captainette and walking away calmly as though nothing had happened. Captainette was frozen in place, what the hell was that?

Blackjack stood with narrowed eyes as he watched Ace walk away from the Captainette. Something was wrong. He walked over to Captainette and helped her to her feet, "Come on." He growled. "Thanks," Captainette huffed as he slung her arm over his shoulders. Jack nodded, "Now mind telling me what happened?" Captainette groaned in pain as she limped alongside him, "Ace mentioned some plan of sorts she and Dark Bullet were making. She told me to spread the word- so I decided I fill Duela in, and maybe get a few laughs..." Jack narrowed his eyes, "What did you do?" Captainette huffed, "I asked if she was really The Joker's Daughter. And when she said she just worshipped him so much, I said- 'so your a creepy cultist?' And she stabbed me." Jack halted, "Duela did what?!" He snarled. He whipped around to face Lavender Glow, "Do me a favor and get Grayson Flagg. Tell him Duela needs to get her head blown off for attacking someone." Lavender Glow nodded and rushed off, Jack looked over at Duela who stood grinning at him, Jack snarled at her angrily and gently let go of Captainette Boomerang, stalking over towards Duela passing by Ace who cast him a confused look. Duela snickered, "What's wring Mr. Carson?" Jack roared lunging at her, turning her around and pinning her against a nearby wall, his forearm braced against her throat whilst his hands gripped her wrists in a way that was sure to cause bruises. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He snarled, Duela smirked, "Nothing. What's wrong with you?" She leaned forward her lips inches from his ear, "I'd be careful if I were you Carson. Cause if your not- you'll never live to see your precious partner." Jack's blood ran cold. "Jack?" Her looked out of the corner of his eye to see Ace walking over, in a sudden flash she was gone, Brianna in her place. "Jack?" She asked, cocking her head to the side in curiosity. "What's wrong?" Jack was frozen, until the breath was taken from his body by Duela kicking him off her and straddling him, knife above his head. "Enough!" Rick Flagg yelled, marching over, his hand hovering over the icon that held both Jack and Duela's mugshots. "Duela stand down! Blackjack- get up and on your feet!" Duela sneered, "I'll stand down Ricky- boy! Once I end this pathetic excuse for a criminal!" Jack braced himself for the pain, at least he would see Brianna again. Suddenly, the weight was thrown off him and he coughed, gasping for air. He rolled over onto his side and looked up to see Ace grappling with Duela, Ace clearly had the upper hand. "Jack!" He turned to see Lavender Glow racing to his side, "Are you okay?" She asked. Jack nodded slowly, turning his gaze towards Ace, who had restrained Duela and had her pinned successfully under her foot. Jack held his breath. No. That was the same way Brianna had pinned Duela last time they'd met.

Gotham- 1 And A Half Years Prior.

"Brianna, are you sure about this?" Jack asked his partner curiously. Brianna scoffed climbing into the purple Lamborghini's drivers seat and turning the key in the ignition as Jack climbed into the passenger side, "I'm the future Queen of Gotham, I can do whatever the hell I want." Jack gasped as she stepped on the gas, sending the car jolting forward and out of the hidden garage onto the street. Brianna laughed as she sped down the street, swerving in between cars as to avoid any damage. (Should she damage her Father's most prized possession she would be dead in a matter of seconds.) Jack gripped to side of the door for dear life, the seatbelt not exactly reassuring him of his safety. Jack frowned as the car drove into unfamiliar territory. "Umm Brianna? What are we doing here?" He asked worriedly, his eyes falling onto his partner in crime. Brianna had a wicked grin growing on her face, "Paying a visit to a certain someone." Jack, not knowing who this 'certain someone' was sat in silence, trying to remember the names of each street they passed should he need to be the one making the getaway. The car came to a sudden halt, and Jack was jolted forward, slamming his nose into the dashboard. "Fuck!" He cursed gripping his now bleeding nose. Brianna chuckled, leaning over, "Aww sorry, Jacky- I'm still getting the hang of driving." She kissed his cheek before pulling away and getting out of the car. Jack scoffed climbing out on his own side, "Don't ever call me Jacky..." Brianna giggled, "Sorry- Jacky." Jack rolled his eyes in annoyance, but couldn't help a small smile at the nickname, following his partner into the depths of this new unfamiliar territory.

Jack grimaced as he felt something squish underneath his foot. He slowly lifted his foot and almost threw up at the sight of a rotten human head. "Holy fucking shit!" He cried in disgust, pulling his hands to his mouth to stop himself from regurgitating. He was really starting to wish he hadn't eaten before he tagged along with his partner and 'lover'. Despite the fact that this was all part of a scam orchestrated by his stepfather, he would be lying if he said he had no feelings for Brianna Quinzel. Brianna chuckled, drawing him from his reverie.
"Coming, partner?"

Jack stared in disgust at the cult leader. She wore what was a disgusting mashup of The Joker and Harley Quinn's original attire. "Ahh! The Masked Marionette! And her... Partner. How- interesting..." Brianna didn't flinch as the cult leader came up to her, standing inches from her face. "So- what brings you to my humble abode- heiress?" Brianna narrowed her eyes. "Cut the crap, Duela. I'm here to command that you and your cult disband- it's disrespectful to my father." Duela laughed, looking to her cult who had gathered around. "Do you hear that?!" She yelled, "The pretty little heiress wants me! The Joker's Daughter- To step down!" There were loud boos from the cultists, and Jack found himself readying his gun. This wouldn't end well. Brianna stood tall, unnerved. "Very well." She said calmly. "Then I challenge you." Jack gaped, she was insane! "Brianna! No!" He said stepping forward, Brianna whipped her head around, "Stand down, Jack." She turned back to Duela. "You and me. Right here, right now." Duela growled, "What happens if you win?" Brianna smirked, "Simple- I take over your cult, and you leave Gotham forever." Duela grinned, "What if I win?" Brianna licked her lips and cracked her knuckles, "That won't happen." Duela snarled, "If I win- You leave me and my cult in peace!" Brianna grinned, "Your on." Jack stepped back, resting his hand upon his gun, watching as Duela and Brianna got into fighting position. Brianna glanced over at Jack, "Would you do the honors, dear partner?" Jack smiled nodding, "Of course." He pulled our his gun and raised it to the sky, "When I fire this gun, both Duela Dent and Brianna Quinzel will begin their duel. The duel will end when someone repents, or lays dead of the ground. Ready?" Brianna nodded, "Ready." Duela nodded in agreement, "Ready." Jack sighed and fired the gun. "Let the fighting begin."

In the end, Brianna stood victorious, her foot resting upon Duela's now bloody and battered body. She had won.

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