Bloody Nightmares

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Ace found herself lost in her own mind that night, she looked around her surroundings, a nightclub lay before her, empty and barren. "How dare you!" Ace jumped whipping around to see a raven haired boy with piercing green eyes glaring at her. Ace narrowed her eyes, "Who are you?" She demanded. The boy marched towards her and Ace flinched gasping as he walked right through her. Surprised, she turned around to see Jack Carson standing there, dressed in formal business attire, he to was glaring at the boy. "Ethan, listen to me!" Jack snarled, "She wouldn't want this! This is madness! You have doomed us all!" The boy, Ethan scoffed and waved him off. "Pity," he said, paying no mind to Jack's raging anger. "I'm the heir now. I can do whatever the hell I want." Jack hissed, "You know she wouldn't want this! Brianna wouldn't want this!" Ethan roared, "Silence!" He slammed his fist upon a nearby table, "Brianna is dead! She has been so for nearly four months! Now I ask you to leave, Mr. Carson- before I summon my guards." Ace watched the scene change to a time before, "Brianna?" A voice squeaked, Ace turned to see two small children in a large bedroom playing. The little dark haired girl in the room looked up at him, "Yes, Ethan?" She asked. Ethan walked over and sat in front of her. "You'll never leave me right?" Brianna blinked, "No- never." The boy squeaked, "Promise? Promise me you'll never leave me alone? You'll never go away?" Brianna giggled and hugged him tightly, "Ethan- where would I go?"

The scene shifted once more, this time Ace could tell it was more recent. A man stood looking over a raven haired girl, a wickedly sick grin on his face. "Griggs!" The girl screamed looking up at him, "For once in your life- do the right thing! Help me!" The man, Griggs snarled and raised his foot above her fingers. "Say goodnight, Princess."'Ace watched in horror as he slammed his foot down, crushing the girl's fingers. It was at this moment, Ace's heart dropped into her stomach, her eyes fell upon the girl's face. Oh my god, she thought. It was like she was her twin. Ace felt the tears begin to trickle down her face as she realized what this was. This was her past. Ace began to hyperventilate and she clutched her hands to her head, she watched herself falling in slow motion and memories and voices screamed in her head,

"You'll never leave me right?"
"...Heiress of The Joker..."
"Who says we're in a relationship?"
"Jack Carson, Heir to the Los Santos Trinity."
"I don't trust him, Ethan! He's going to kill me!"
"Your the Queen of the city and I'm your loyal servant..."
"Haha! Coward!"
"Help me!"
"I failed!"

The voices faded and one stood out.
"Who are you?"
Ace heard her voice,

"Brianna Quinzel- Heiress to the Gotham Throne."

It was then Ace woke up in her bed, screaming.

"Ace?" Ace was breathing heavily as she felt the mattress sink down a bit as Jack sat down beside her. She curled up in a ball and rested her head on his shoulder before breaking down into sobs. "The voices keep coming back!" Jack cast her a sympathetic look and wrapped his arms around her in a gentle embrace. "That's all they are. Voices. You're having a nightmare." Jack hushed her gently before she pulled back, tears streaking down her porcelain face. "Stay with me, Jack. I'm scared." She whispered. Jack smiled and pulled her close rocking her gently. "Is that better?" He asked. Ace looked at him, her emerald eyes serious, but still afraid, "Who do you think I am, Jack?"
Jack chuckled, If I were the Joker and Harley Quinn, I would want you to be Brianna.
Ace watched him with wide curious eyes, "You would?"
Jack smirked leaning back against the headboard, Ace moving to lay her head upon his shoulder, "I would want her to be a beautiful, strong, and intelligent young woman."
Ace smirked,  "Is that what you think I am?"
Jack cast her a sweet and charming smile. "I do."
Ace was silent for a moment before responding, "Thank you." The pair were silent before realizing their position and quickly separated, sitting on separate sides of the bed.
Jack spoke first, in an awkward voice, "You're welcome."
Ace chuckled, "I began to wonder if you were ever going to pay me a compliment. Do you really think-I might be her?"
Jack smirked sadly, "I want to believe you're the little girl I saw once, many years ago."
(Start song now.)
Ace cocked her head to the side curiously, "I don't understand." Jack stood and made his way to the balcony, leaving her alone on the bed.

It was June
I was ten
I still think of that day
Now and then
A parade
And a girl
And a crowd of thousands
She sat straight
As a queen
Only eight
But so proud and serene
How they cheered
How I stared
In that crowd of thousands

Jack closed his eyes, remembering that one day- the day he first met the Heiress of Gotham City.

Then I started to run
And to call out her name
As the crowd on the road went wild
I reached out with my hand
And looked up
And then she smiled
The parade
Traveled on
With the sun in my eyes
She was gone
But if I were still ten
In that crowd of thousands
I'd find her again

Ace laughed moving to stand beside him on the balcony,
You're making me feel I was there too.
Jack smiled, Maybe you were. Make it part of your story." Jack walked back inside and leaned against the bedpost watching her with peaked interest.

A parade
A parade
Passing by
Passing by
It was hot
Not a cloud in the sky
Then a boy
Caught my eye

Ace snickered as Jack sat beside her with a playful nudge.

In a crowd of thousands
He was thin
Not too clean
There were guards
But he dodged in between
Yes he made himself seen
In that crowd of thousands

Ace stood from the bed, a strange glint in her emerald eyes.

Then he called out my name
And he started to run
Through the sun and the heat
In the crowd
I tried not to smile
But I smiled

Ace gave a soft gasp as a memory flickered back to her, a young boy standing before her- "Your highness."

And then he bowed

Jack stood up immediately in shock, "I didn't tell you that." Ace spoke slowly, "You didn't have to. I remember!"
Silence plagued them for a moment before she suddenly jumped into his arms and holding him tightly.

The parade
Traveled on
With the sun in my eyes
You were gone
But I knew
Even then
In a crowd of thousands
I'd find you again
Jack leaned forward to kiss her before stepping back and kissing her hand with a short bow, "Your highness."

(I seriously wanted to put this song in- so I figured why the hell not? It's just so cute and it gives more insight on Ace knowing who she truly is.)

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