Where Are They- Who Are They

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Gravity Harkness sat in her room, bored. It was a dull day in Brisbane, Austraila. She looked out the window, the large apartment that she called home lay above Edward Street, the Brisbane Botanical Gardens in sight. Gravity groaned turning her back on the outside world, Brisbane had become rather boring in the past few years. Gravity had done practically everything there was to do, but it got boring rather fast. Had her father not been in prison things would be much more interesting. Gravity walked out of her room and into the white kitchen for a snack. The auburn haired girl opened the fridge, scanning its contents, apples, beer, cheese sticks, and meatloaf leftover from the night before. Gravity flinched at the sight, taking a bright red apple. Her brother couldn't cook for shit. She was wiping the apple on her sleeve when a voice spoke. "A little late for a snack Gravity." Gravity cursed under her breath. "Hey! No cussing! Y'know how mom feels about that shit." Gravity snickered, "Yet you curse yourself." Owen Mercer, her brother laughed. "Oh please, I don't do it as much as you. You defy me in cursing." Gravity rolled her eyes, "I don't see why ma cares! She's just some random stripper dad hooked up with!" Owen laughed hysterically. "You may be right Grav, but she's still our mom." Gravity growled. "Just wish she'd let us see dad." Owen frowned, his laughter ceasing. "Dad's in prison Gravity. We can't see him." Gravity hissed, "I'll go then!" She stalked off and Owen sighed shaking his head, eyes locking on an old photo of him with his dad, ironically playing with a boomerang. Owen sighed walking to the window looking out over Brisbane. When was the last time he had seen his father?

Two figures ran through the dark streets of Mexico, both with a determined fire in their blazing brown amber eyes. The girl hissed, "Faster!" The boy running alongside her hissed back, "I'm trying!" Sirens wailed behind them. The girl ran to a fence and jumped, just making it over the metal, the fence clinked chaotically, the girl passed over and turned to her brother. "Delgado! Come on!" She hissed. Her brother nodded scrambling up the fence that was the last fence away from the border fence. Now all they had to do was run, find that fence, climb it, run, and never look back.

Brianna scoffed at the tailor, "This is your best work? I have a hard time believing that." The tailor nodded, "I can alter it if you like Princess." Brianna snarled, "I wanted red! Red with gold accents! And a black trim! You've given me burgundy with orange accents and black trim!" The tailor gulped, "I can assure you your highness- it won't happen again!" Brianna snarled, "I promise you, it won't. Ethan!" She snapped to her twin. Ethan stepped forward from the sidelines, "Yes sister?" She held out her hand expectantly, "My gun. Now." The tailor's eyes widened in fear before she shot him between the eyes. She snorted and tossed thee gun to her twin who scrambled to catch it. "He was pathetic. Be a dear and text Frosty Boy, I want Francois, not some second rate tailor." Ethan chuckled, "Of course Brianna." He pulsed our his phone obeying his twin's request.

Ginger Isley sat in the lab, her big glasses over her eyes as she carefully mixed plant toxins. "Doing well my Little Flower?" She smiled glancing upwards at her mother, Poison Ivy. "Of course mother. I've decided to incorporate Mark's little prank into my act. I find Lavender Glow sounds better than just Lavender." Her mother sighed, "Whatever you want little one. But whatever you do- don't let a man define who you are, understand?" Ginger nodded. "Yes, mother."

Josh Lawton grinned as he sat in the strip club, surrounded by girls his age and older. "Josh." Josh looked up to see his father, Floyd Lawton AKA Deadshot frowning at him. "Come on Pops- lighten up." Josh teased. Deadshot shook his head, "Josh. Come on. Let's go." Deadshot sighed, why couldn't he be more like Zoe?

Winter sat in her room, playing with her powers and forming small fragments of ice before watching them melt. Life was so boring. Her mother came around every once in a while- Killer Frost knew her daughter could take care of herself as it had been the main argument the last thousand of so times. Winter turned on the tv, hissing angrily as ice formed on the remote, freezing the circuits. Winter snarled and chucked the remote at the wall sending it shattering to the ground after it hit. Life sucked.

Sasha Minerva scales a building, licking her lips at the sight of her victim. She was to kidnap and turn a wealthy business man and use him for her own personal gain. Which really meant stealing all his money and credit cards. Sasha crept after him, grinning as he walked into an alleyway. The second he was alone- she pounced, landing on his back and sinking her fangs into his neck, a hand remained over her victims mouth as he tried to scream for help. She chuckled jumping off and watching as he turned. "Good job, Little Cat." Sasha smiled turning to see her mother, Cheetah walking over and examining her prey. "Wonderful my dear."

Lucas Luthor sat in his room, a controller in hand as he played on his Xbox. He cared not for the rivalry that ensued between the criminals of the cities- he had much more class than them. "Son." Lucas sighed turning around plastering a smile on his face, "Yes, Father?" Lex Luthor stood before him (in all his greatness), his eyes narrowed at his son. "Within the next few weeks we will be making a trip to Gotham City. The Joker is holding a gala at his club." Lucas scoffed, "Whatever for? He already had the last one for the heir." Lex frowned, "It's purely Injustice League. Now I expect you to be on your best behavior. Is that clear?" Lucas nodded, "Of course, Father."

Jack Carson smiled at his step father as he got back to the hotel. "Well?" Jack grinned closing the door behind him, "I've got her wrapped around my fingers." Michael DeSanta nodded, "Good. She will be of good use to us and our organization." Jack nodded, "Most definitely."

Duela Dent grinned at her tribe. She wore an imitation of The Joker's face and made false claims that she was his daughter. After a while most turned the other way when she was brought up in conversation, but Duela was still a very real threat. Duela narrowed her eyes at the newspaper clippings that rested on her wall, Heiress to Gotham's Criminal Underworld Makes Her Mark, Who is The Masked Marionette?, The Inside Scoop On The Joker's Heiress. Duela growled angrily, she would destroy the heiress. And Duela would take her place, becoming the true Heiress to the Gotham Throne.

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