Hunter Becomes The Hunted

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Ethan sat beside his father in a royal purple suit shifting uncomfortably, "Is this really a good idea, Father?" He asked cautiously, The Joker grinned at his son. "It is. Now you- are going to pretend to be the heir. Your sister- will make an entrance and introduce herself as the heiress." Ethan sighed catching his reflection in the gold and glass table before him. His emerald eyes shone with worry. "I really don't see the point of this Father." Ethan choked suddenly as his father grabbed the upper part of his tie, jerking his son forward, Ethan gulped his father's breath on his face. "Just play your fucking part, boy. And don't you ever- ever question me again! Got that?!" Joker snarled, Ethan flinched as spit flew at his face. "Yes Father. I understand. I'm sorry." Ethan gasped as he was thrown back into his seat, quickly fixing his tie while his father continued to scold him. "One day my boy sorry- isn't going to cut it."

Brianna strutted onstage, her eyes catching her brother and father's before she began.

"I've been giving second chances waiting for you to take advantage, breaking falls and taking damage, sorry for my broken bones

Let you into darker places show my weak spots on ya faces- blame myself I should have known..."

Ethan glanced at his twin as she began her show. He tensed as he noticed the heirs filing in. Penguin and his heir and guard, Ashton and Sarah Cobblepot. Sarah had stark white hair. (Ethan suspected it was dyed that from the brown her brother had) Ashton had scruffy brown hair, with piercing green eyes, his sister having a deep blue. Two Face was next with Poison Ivy shortly behind him, they both exchanged a glare at one another before pulling their heiress's to them. Nikki Dent was a charming girl. She reminded Ethan of Brianna. Sort of. Nikki had short brown hair with one half coated black, she wore silver eyeshadow and a short golden dress. Poison Ivy's heiress, Ginger- was the opposite of her suspected sister. Ginger had curly ginger hair, and brown eyes, donning a dark emerald colored dress. Much sweeter and calm than Nikki. Toddler entered with his son, Mark who was the very definition of a nerd. He had big glasses, slicked back hair- and were those suspenders? Ethan bit back laughter at the sight and watched the rest file in, Mad Hatter and Alice, followed soon by The Scarecrow and his two 'menaces' as he liked to call them. Harrison and Tabitha. Ethan scoffed at the mention of the Crane family. Jonathan Crane, The Scarecrow- has yet to choose an heir and said only that his territory would be split evenly between them. Tabitha- despite being younger than her brother Harrison, took charge in most situations while Harrison was the metaphorical baby. Ethan watched as they all were seated then nodded to his father who began the meeting. Ethan growled lowly at Ashton as his eyes drifted towards Brianna onstage hungrily.

"I'm the hunter your the prey..."

Ethan gently nudged his father under the booth table, his father getting the message and picking up the pace. "Today- is a great day. We- the most feared of the Gotham Villains Rogues Gallery introduce ourselves and our heirs and heiress's. Now- who would like to go first?" Silence plagued them. Ivy narrowed her eyes. "Your letting someone else go first? Why? What do you have planned?" Joker chuckled, "Oh nothing Pammy, my dear partner in crime wanted to be present when our heir was introduced." Anger flickered in Ivy's eyes at the mention of her old name and alias. "And where is Harley?" Joker chuckled, "You know the Queen- needing to look her best for every occasion. She'll be along shortly. Probably looking for something that fits." He muttered the last part under his breath in slight annoyance.

"You will pay for what you've done..."

Ashton grinned, "Mr. Joker- May I say you have some of the most loveliest singers and dancers I have ever seen. Might I ask how much for the one onstage?" Ethan's emerald eyes flashed with anger and he bit back a snarl, only to release a low growl. Joker laughed, "Oh she- you like her? How's about we call her over then hmm? She's nearly done." Joker whistled as Brianna ended her song and made her way over, a wicked grin on her face. She flashed a smirk at her twin as she walked over. "You called?" She said sitting on the edge of the couch as her mother often did. Joker grinned, "This," he nodded to Ashton who looked like he was about to burst with excitement, "boy would like to see you after the meeting." Brianna grinned her eyes flashing up. Slowly, Ethan watched as Ashton's sister had a look of horror in her eyes. Joker grinned at Ashton, "Still want her boy?" Ashton nodded, "Definitely." Penguin growled, "How much, Joker?" Sarah grabbed her brother's arm, "Ashton no." Ashton shook her off, "Ashton yes." Brianna giggled sauntering over, "You do realize we have rules here sweetheart," Ashton chuckled, "They start with strippers listening to the guy buying 'em." Ethan snarled, "You don't realize who she is?" Brianna scoffed holding up a hand. "Shame on you Cobblepot. You know it's against the rules. No intercourse between heirs unless there's a deal worked out." The faces paled and Ethan stood walking over to his twin, realization plaguing everyone. Ethan smiled, "Thank you for the opportunity father- but I have business elsewhere to attend to." His eyes fell on the crowd and the bar where a ginger haired girl sat alone. Brianna grinned at her brother leaning over to whisper in his ear as he passed, "Have fun. Don't get too drunk." Ethan cast his sister a smile as he left. Brianna took her brother's seat and kicked her feet up on the table. "Since introductions haven't been made- I'll start." She held out a hand mockingly, "Brianna Quinzel- alias The Masked Marionette, heiress to The Joker's Empire and the Gotham Throne."

Joker was growing impatient. Harley was taking far too long. He was about to send a text to Frost when his partner came bursting into the booth. "I am so sorry!" She gasped taking a seat beside her husband. The bump under her dress caused a few jaws to drop. "I hate being pregnant! All I do is get sick all the time! And I can't drink!" Joker rolled his eyes, "It's best you never drink, Harley." Harley scoffed in annoyance before grinning widely at Poison Ivy, "Hi Red!" She chirped. Ivy grinned, "Harley! You didn't tell me you were pregnant!" Harley giggled, "Well with everything going on I just didn't have the time." Two Face nodded, "Yes- I heard about the incident. You got Gordon good- killing his granddaughter and maiming his daughter again. He's a broken man." Brianna snickered, "I planned it. My father was... shall we say, unable to participate in any action. Or receive any." Joker growled, "That's not how I wanted you to phrase it my dear." Brianna shrugged, "What was I supposed to say? You died and miraculously were revived?" Harley sighed, "The chemicals Brianna. The chemicals revived him. When he fell into the chemical vat it altered him." Jaws had dropped and the heirs and heiress's- having been the only ones to have not dropped their jaws in shock, merely stole sips from their parents beverages. Harley looked around and her face fell, "We're missing someone." She announced. Ivy nodded, "I know. Selina's not usually late to these things." At that moment- the door burst open and a young black haired girl entered the room, supporting none other than Catwoman on her shoulder. "Sorry we're late! My mother was playing with the cats when she got exposed to the new catnip serum I was making!" Harley and Ivy instantly stood to help Catwoman sit down. Brianna chuckled, "You poisoned your own mother? Oh my god." The girl blushed looking down shamefully. Harley snapped her fingers summoning a waiter, "Alfonso- would you please get a hangover cure from Pearl and Jewel?" The waiter nodded, "Of course Ms. Quinn."

Ethan shook his head at the sight, Cinder giggled in his arms. "Ethan she can handle herself." Ethan smiled nodding to his lover. Cinder was right, Brianna would be fine. But she won't. A voice in his head warned. Ethan pushes the voice away, not knowing in time just how right the voice would be.

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