Love and Hate

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When Brianna opened the door to her room, Jack frowned. She was planning something. And he didn't like ti. He didn't like not knowing what went on her her head at all. Back in Gotham the amount of shit she had him help her pull was dangerous. Too dangerous for his liking. Jack was the stepson of a bank robber, his biological father dealing with magic in secret library in New York. All his life, Jack had been taught to steal. He was a natural thief, and robbing banks was no longer a challenge. When his stepfather heard of the princess of Gotham, he jumped at the chance. Jack had initially felt nothing for Brianna, and was completely on board with using her to eventually usurp the Gotham Throne or become the King of Gotham. But after months of knowing her, he began to fall for her. The feelings had gone a after her disappearance when he met Rachel. Rachel, the daughter of a mob boss in Los Santos. The same Rachel was his girlfriend. And he wasn't exactly loyal. Jack had grown to love Rachel as much as Brianna, and waited on his girl hand and foot. He remained on good terms with Gotham's royal family, taking deals with the prince, Ethan.  But, it had never been the same. He knew his thing with Brianna was brief, even if she didn't know it. The second they'd slept together he knew that it was a mistake and wouldn't last. But against his better judgement, he'd decided to stay with her until this whole mess was over. Once he found a way out, he'd go back to Los Santos and be with Rachel. And this whole Suicide Squad thing, would have never happened.

Evening fell and Josh Lawton sat on a rock near the hotel, looking out over the town below. Brianna walked over to him, her eyes cold. "Keeping watch?" She asked, Lawton nodded. "Yeah, I don't trust these guards." Brianna hummed nodding her head, "Understandable, I don't either." Brianna cast her gaze down towards the town, smirking as she saw faint movement. They were a bit early. She looked at Josh, "Come on- it's getting late. lets grab some food." Josh sighed and reluctantly followed, he'd seen that smirk, and he swore he saw movement. But if Brianna was up to something- he trusted her. They were after all, on the same side. They were both criminals. 

Brianna sat next to Josh and Grayson Flagg that night, and it infuriated Jack. He may not have loved her the same way he did before- but he was her partner god damn it- and he was going to play his part. He'd promised Joker and Harley that he would take care of her, considering Brianna was constantly finding trouble, Jack watched her as he ate. Brianna, was currently in a deep conversation with Grayson Flagg and Josh Lawton. He frowned noticing her lean towards Lawton, flashing her lashes seductively as she spoke causing the hit-man to blush profusely and then laugh with her as she pulled back from him and continuing the conversation. Jack tensed and he heard Ginger chuckle beside him, "Jealous much, Mr. Carsen?" She teased, her dark acidic yellow green eyes having a playful gleam to them. Jack growled under his breath, picking at his food. "Not jealous... Just annoyed." Ginger smiled, eating more of her salad, "Annoyed that your beloved partner won't bat an eye at you?" Jack scoffed, "Ginger- don't be ridiculous, you know that I don't-" He paused. Did he love her? He looked up watching his partner. Brianna was a different person now. Did he really know her? He may have been sleeping with her, but his feelings were still unclear. Some days he truly loved her. Other days, the faux romance was still a plot by his stepfather to make Jack the next King of Gotham. Ginger narrowed her eyes, "You don't need to lie to me, Jack. I know you don't love her. At least not like you used to." Jack choked slightly on his food, downing a glass of water to pass it down. "Used to?" He questioned, Ginger sighed, smiling as the memories of before Brianna's disappearance flooded over her. 

Gotham City A Year Ago

Brianna sat in the classroom at her school, glancing around the room. Ethan sat behind her, Jack a couple seats away, Ginger next to her, and Lou- a henchgirl- in front of Ginger. Despite being children of criminals, they were sent to school- (Three days of the week on average) the main reason for the arrangement was to relieve their parents from them. Gotham High was a private school located in Newtown, a block or two away from the Gotham Zoo. Today in particular, was one of the mandatory days designated by Brianna's parents. It wasn't for the other Rogue's heirs, as their attendance was left up to their own parents. Ginger and some of the crew- Nikki, Alice, Mark, and Sabrina had attended. Brianna glanced out the window at the zoo, or well part of it. Most of it was hidden from view, but the school was made of five stories and the current class, located on the fourth floor, was able to see the zoo. Conveniently, from where the twins sat, they had a perfect view of the hyena enclosure. Brianna squinted out the window and saw the small shapes of Bud and Lou napping on what looked to be a rock. She smirked, today just got interesting.

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