Breaking Point

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Brianna growled under her breath. She had been here for nearly a day and a half- and was beginning to lose faith that her father would come for her. Chupa was in the other room yelling alongside his goons in Spanish. From what she could make out- her time was coming to an end. Unless she could break free. Having already broken her bonds about a day or so ago- she prepared herself to release them, only to grip them back in place as the door slammed open and Chupa marched in a wicked grin on his face. "Well little corazón-" he chuckled darkly, "Looks like your family doesn't care enough to rescue you." Brianna smirked, "Pity. I was hoping to see my guards shoot you in the face. Seems that I'll just have to do so myself." Chupa's face paled as she released the ropes that had bound her to the chair and attacked. Brianna snatched his gun out of his holster, tuck and rolling between his legs, and kicking her leg out in the process to watch Chupa fall to the ground with a groan. The goons whipped out their weapons in a matter of moments, but those few moments were all Brianna needed- she fired several shots, knocking two of the goons off their feet. Two down- four to go. Brianna fired another few shots blindly as she ducked behind an old table, flipping it over to use as a barricade. Bullets rained down above her, and she glanced around while the goons were reloading, spotting her escape. She grinned as she caught sight of her dagger by the exit alongside what looked to be a decent sized bag of cash. Perfect. She thought, Brianna slipped over and grabbed the bag- and then reached for her dagger. Bullets rained down, just missing her fingers by a hair. Brianna recoiled quickly and hissed in annoyance. She fired a few shots, grinning as she heard the men hissing in pain. She took the chance, and used the window of opportunity, grabbing her dagger and making a mad dash for the exit. Time to make an escape.

"His real name's Edwardo Marcine," Cinder Gordon said into the com unit transmitting to Ethan's earpiece. Ethan nodded as he and Jason Frost drove through the shady streets of Mexico City. Jason Frost, who was at the wheel, drive cautiously, his eyes watching every corner. He didn't like this, not one bit. He cast a nervous glance at Ethan, "Your sure this isn't some wild goose chase?" He asked. Ethan scoffed, "I don't know. We'll find out soon enough." Cinder coughed, "Yeah- um, still here." Ethan sat up eyes averting the road to the file before him, "Sorry Cin, please- continue." Cinder smirked on the other end of the line, "It's fine. Now anyways- Edwardo Marcine is a hang leader near the Queso promenade in Mexico City. Goes by the alias, El Chupa DaCabra." Ethan nodded going through the files on the small laptop before him. "Looks like an ass," he commented flatly. Cinder giggled, "well he most definitely is, he's been charged with several crimes, the most common being kidnapping and money laundering." Ethan nodded, "So in betting he needs the cash." Cinder nodded on the other end, "Precisely. If it is indeed Brianna he's holding captive, I'm sure we can have her back here no problem. She'll be home within a week." Ethan grinned, finally. Finally he would see his sister again. No more waiting, no more grieving. She would take her rightful place as heiress and future queen of Gotham.

Jack and Ginger stalked to the building, the rest of the Suicide Squad behind them. Jack put his hand out, stopping Ginger and the squad. "What?" The redhead asked curiously. Jack shot her a dark look and put his index finger to his lips as a silent sign for her to be quiet. Ginger's eyes sparked with curiosity as he slowly advanced forward a couple of steps. He stopped suddenly as the sound of banging on the other side made its way towards them. Everyone instinctively gripped their weapons, guns trained on the door, knives and katanas at hand, and boomerangs at the ready. The door was kicked open and out walked Brianna, her bag slung over her shoulder, hair and makeup amiss, and a bloody knife gripped tightly in her right hand. The squad stared in slight horror (but more shock) as blood dropped down the knife that was once a bright silver. Brianna watched the squad's reaction and a small smirk spread across her face, "What? Come on let's go." She walked out of the doorway  and past the squad who wore looks of confusion. Jack chuckled turning to follow his partner in crime. "That's my girl."

Ethan and Jason Frost pulled up to a dark an desolate building that was the building Brianna was in. Ethan was quiet, staring at the building. Here he was, thousands of miles from home, but feet away from the sister he was so sure he had lost. Jason put the car into park and cast a steely gaze at the heir. "Ready?" He asked. Ethan gave him a curt nod before they simultaneously stepped out of the car, Jason holding the bag of cash. Ethan gripped a .24 caliber in his right hand, and walked towards the door. Upon their entry they froze. Blood. Blood was everywhere. Bodies too. Jason ducked down and began vomiting up his last meal which had been a bit so pleasant burger from Burger King. Ethan flinched at the smell of the partially digested food and cast his gaze to the chaos before him. He walked through the massacre, eventually finding the body of El Chupa. His heart sank. Where was Brianna? Where was his sister? He began hyperventilating and sweat began pooling at his brow. Jason, who had also been wandering around walked in. "She's not here, is she?" He asked softly. Ethan snarled, "She has to be! Brianna!" He yelled rubbing through the hideout, his pants becoming soaked with the blood of the bodies. Jason Frost stepped over the bodies, eyes averted from the heir. They'd been wrong, or too late. Brianna was dead either way. He looked up and saw Ethan still as a statue at an exit. He looked up quickly, "Sir?" He walked over slowly, "Ethan what is it? What do you-" he stopped as he saw it. His eyes widened and filled with tears threatening to spill. Ethan's reaction was much worse. Ethan was frozen still, albeit for the shaking of his hands. Tears streamed down his face, his emerald eyes became pools. Before both him and Frost was a body. The mangled body of a girl with raven colored hair.

A/N: Sorry this took so long! Had extreme writers block!

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